Pandaemonium Germanicum Nr. 1
Year of publication
- 1997 (17)
- Portuguese (17)
Has Fulltext
- yes (17)
- Expressionismus (4)
- Übersetzung (3)
- Cunha, Euclides da / Os Sertões (2)
- Montage <Künste> (2)
- Syntax (2)
- Avantgardeliteratur (1)
- Benn, Gottfried / Morgue (1)
- Bewegungsverb (1)
- Celan, Paul / Todesfuge (1)
- Deutsch (1)
This paper focusses On the discussion of the preservation of expressive aspects in translation., Considerations are grounded on the HJELMSLEVian concepts of the isomorphy between the planes of content and expression, which are both constituted by-substance and form. The present study intends to show that the connotative equivalence of a text can only be achieved in the target language when attention is paid to both the formal-stylistic and the textual-normative dimensions. This involves the appropriation of the stylistic values of the linguistic expression in the source language and, mainly, the understanding of the tropes and the relationships between them. Thus, the present study draws on discourse analysis, comprehending "enunciation" theories and the rhetorical and pragmatic considerations on the level of expression. Considering that the literary text is privileged in providing stylistically marked choices, it is important to highlight the phonetic and semantic correspondences, that is, the close relationship between sound and meaning, which harbours one of the major difficulties in translation. The theory is applied to "Os Sertões" (English translation: "Rebellion on the Backlands") by Euclides da Cunha.
A tradução de Samuel Putnam de "Os Sertões" : "Rebellion in the Backlands" de Euclides da Cunha
The present paper looks at certain aspects of Samuel Putnam's translation of Euclides da Cunha's "Os Sertões", "Rebellion in the Backlands". Of great importance is the fact that "Os Sertões", usually seen as a work of literature in Brazil, is seen more as a factual narrative in English, and placed by its publisher, the University of Chicago Press, in the Literature/History section. Putnam also adds a large number of footnotes to those of Euclides de Cunha. Also of interest is the fact that Putnam, translating just when the US was entering the Second World War, goes to great lengths in his preface to emphasize how close "Os Sertões" is to the American experience of division in both the Civil War and the entrance of the US into the Second World War.
German particles usually bring great difficulties to German students. One of these particles, doch, is very often used, especially in conversation. In this paper its various uses are discussed, as well as eases where it can be replaced by other particles, adverbs or conjunctions, without changing the illocution (that is, the intention of the speaker). This study is based on the work of HELBIG, who differentiates eight varieties of doch. Each of them is discussed here according to syntactic, semantic and pragmatic criteria and made explicit through examples.
An important role in the coherence of texts is played by the distribution of information in the sentence. The present paper especially examines the beginning of sentences (topics). Which syntactic elements are most adequate to initiate a sentence, and which of their characteristics can be considered responsible for this? After a short review of the pertinent literature, we shall present grammatical, semantic and pragmatic factors that organize topicalization. The point of departure are the patterns of basic serialization as defined by the grammar. Deviations of these patterns can particularly be a result of the principle of known information. In addition to this constitutive principle, we can distinguish five regulative principles that lead to non-marked topicalizations (situation, empathy, iconicity, lengthening terms, text connection). In the closing sections, the positioning of phrasal accents and some special types of topics will be discussed. All the examples given are from modem German.
This paper aims to investigate the dynamics of text-image interplay as exemplified by various text types applied to second language teaching and translation didactics. Based on examples of texts from the fields of Science, Technology, Literature and Language Teaching, the authors attempt to assess both successful and unsuccessful instances of the application of iconical resources in text production. Some didactic consequences are discussed.
In this article, we try to identify characteristics of German Expressionism in contemporary literature and its possible variations. The focus will be on the generation conflict and the text "Suchbild über meinen Vater" by Christoph Meckel (1980).
The title "Paul Celan: Expression of the unspeakable" explains Celan's technique of showing the crude reality of the Third Reich with simple linguistic means, using traditional topoi of the lyric. Celan also questions the German language after Auschwitz in his poem Todesfuge.