Pandaemonium Germanicum Nr. 4
Year of publication
- 2000 (20)
- Portuguese (13)
- German (6)
- English (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (20)
- Brecht, Bertolt (6)
- Brasilien (4)
- Episches Theater (3)
- Müller, Heiner (2)
- Rezeption (2)
- Romantik (2)
- Andrade, Mário de (1)
- Anthropologie (1)
- Autosegmentale Phonologie (1)
- Barock (1)
From the very beginning literary discourse plays a decisive role in the context of colonial discourse of power. Even Anna Seghers, a progressive socialist authoress with a fixation on the Enlightenment, the French Revolution and the Jewish-Christian tradition is unable to detach herself from the European claim on universality. In a tensely opposed relationship of projection and otherness, of "memoria" and intertextuality, Heiner Müller, however, understands literature in the sense of Emanuel Lévina's respect for the other being as a work on difference.
Two tableaux de la nature, two descriptions of the sunrise in the Amazon, from the travel journals of Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius (1819) and Mário de Andrade (1927), are discussed from the perspective of Goethe's 'Theory of colours' (1810). While Martius' text is obliged to the Naturalist and Romantic tradition, Mário de Andrade, one of the voices of the avant-garde in the 20th century, expresses a "new aesthesia", within a conjunction of aesthetic and anthropological materialism. In this paper I intend to find out the extent to which the Naturalist Martius, the Poet Mário de Andrade and the scientist-and-poet Goethe propose a vision, in which Nature, far from being dominated, is respected as the true Partner of Civilization.
Rezension zu Elke Hentschel, Negation und Interrogation. Studien zur Universalität ihrer Funktion. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag 1998 (Reihe Germanistische Linguistik 195, ix + 250 S., 112,00 DM, ISBN 3-484-31195-9)
Rezension zu Lorenz Hofer, Sprachwandel im städtischen Dialektrepertoire. Eine variationslinguistische Untersuchung am Beispiel des Baseldeutschen. Tübingen: A. Francke Verlag 1997 (Basler Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur 72, xiv + 306 S., 68,00 DM, ISBN 3-7720-2671-0)
Corno quase nenhuma outra disciplina lingüística, a fonologia passou por uma evolução turbulenta nas duas últimas décadas. Ao contrário da abordagem cöássica da Gramática Gerativa, que se concentrou na descrição de cadeias de segmentos fonológicos e de suas transformações em virtude de regras fonológicas, a Fonologia Não-linear colocou as relações prosódicas em enunciados em primeiro plano. A sílaba foi redescoberta como unidade prosódica; muitos trabalhos foram dedicados à análise de estruturas silábicas e de relações de sonoridade. Acima da sílaba, o pé a palavra fonológica foram utilizados como unidades prosódicas relevantes para a descrição das estruturas de acento e entonação. Abaixo da sílaba, reabilitou-se a mora já conhecida a partir da Filologia Clássica. No presente artigo, descrevem-se, a partir de exemplos do alemão e de outras línguas, as duas abordagens principais da Fonologia Não-linear, a Fonologia Autosegmental e a Fonologia Métrica. Procura-se mostrar que, com esses modelos, alguns fenômenos prosódico-fonológicos que antes só podiam ser descritos com grandes dificuldades ou eram até mesmo indescritíveis podem ser analisados de maneira adequada e elegante.
This paper gives a survey over the forms that can be used as prepositions in contemporary German. Apart from prototypical prepositions such as an [at, by], auf [on] or in [in], there are prepositions with the form of a content word or the form of a syntactical structure. Prepositions with the form of a content word look like adverbs (e.g. abseits [away], außerhalb [outside]), verbs (entsprechend [corresponding], betreffend [concerning]), adjectives (nahe [near], seitlich [at the side]) or nouns (trotz [despite], kraft [by virtue]); prepositions with the form of a syntactical structure look like prepositional phrases (im Gefolge [in the wake], am Rande [on the brink]). These "atypical" prepositions are of special interest for two reasons: (1) they raise the question of the delimitation of the grammatical category "preposition"; (2) unlike prototypical prepositions, they are often characterized by semantically irrelevant variations in position (preposing vs postposing) and in the choice of the governed case (dative vs genitive). These synchronic variations are documented by authentic examples from a large corpus of written German of the 90s, and are explained on the basis of a diachronic gramrnaticalization rnodel.
Este ensaio investiga a importância da violência na entrevista de Hubert Fichte com Hans Eppendorfer, o Homem de Couro – no plano conteudístico e no plano estrutural. Tenta-se demonstrar como Fichte manipula (violentamente) o entrevistado. A violência que é tema da entrevistae examinada dentro do horizonte da teoria fichtiana do ritual.
Aspectos românticos, naturalistas e simbolistas em "A mulher sem sombra" de Hugo von Hofmannsthal
'Die Frau ohne Schatten' ('The Woman without Shadow') by the Austrian author Hugo von Hofmannsthal, is a kind of fairy tale in which a large and complex web of symbols is woven around an abstract landscape and characters of an enigmatic nature. Despite its intangible atmosphere reminiscent of the Romantic era, a rather Naturalistic world is revealed as the narrator leads us through a huge city and follows the poor people in their lives of misery and suffering. This paper analyses this hybrid character of Hofmannsthal's text and identifies the various aesthetic traits present in it.