Pandaemonium Germanicum Nr. 9
Year of publication
- 2005 (19)
Document Type
- Article (19)
- German (10)
- Portuguese (8)
- Spanish (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (19)
- Fremdsprachenlernen (3)
- Übersetzung (3)
- Bildungsroman (2)
- Brasilien (2)
- Deutsch (2)
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von / Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (2)
- Kunst (2)
- Novalis / Heinrich von Ofterdingen (2)
- Angewandte Linguistik (1)
- Berlin (1)
The purpose of this article is to report on the work carried out during the research project "O trabalho de tradutor como fonte para a constituição de base de dados" (The translator´s work as a source for the constitution of a database). Through the restoration, organization and digitalization of the personal glossary and part of the books containing the translations made by the deceased public translator Gustavo Lohnefink, this research project intends to construct a digital database of German – Portuguese technical terms (for the language pair), which could then be used by other translators. In order to achieve this purpose, a specific methodology had to be developed, which could be used as a starting-point for the treatment and recovery of other similarly organized data-collections.
A tradução para a criança e para o jovem: a prática como base da reflexão e da relação profissional
This article deals with the attempt of systematizing my experience as translator of literature written for children and young people. On the basis of some considerations about aspects shared by both, the production and the translation of this kind of literature, this article presents a number of examples taken from translations of German texts into Brazilian Portuguese. Consequences concerning the importance of concepts like interaction and creativeness in translation are then briefly discussed. A claim for a more systematic consideration of the question by Translation Studies and for a special position to be occupied by this genre of texts in the professional field is the background of the article.
The following essay discusses the possibilities of integrating linguistic and semantic aspects of teaching German as a Foreign Language in secondary schools in Santa Catarina using an interculturally orientated approach. Drawing on the insight that 'otherness' is a relational notion, so that the image we create of 'the other' depends essentially on the understanding of one's own culture and the histories, values and social reality inscribed in it, the article proposes a didactic approach that uses the teaching of morpho-syntactic structures to instigate intercultural reflections. Moreover, to be able to fully exploit the potential of divergent notions of 'self' and 'otherness' in the language classroom, teaching activities are proposed that allow learners to respond individually to the material presented. The article proposes and discusses various didactic activities that allow the teacher to use the course book in order to create and explore interculturally significant material.
In the theoretical context of Critical Applied Linguistics, this paper examines two aspects that are important for a consideration of the possible imaginaries that permeate the contact between a Brazilian student and German as a foreign language. I analyze the possible consequences of the argument that German is a very "cultivated" and difficult language, as well as the lack of incentive, in didactic material, for reflections on the peculiarities of a possible contact between a Brazilian student and the German language or a native speaker of that language. Finally, this paper intends to discuss whether if there is any didactic material used for teaching of German in Brazil which stimulates the pupils to criticize the peculiarities and the imaginaries that permeate their contact with the German culture and language.
At the same time that language is fundamental for establishing and maintaining social-cultural groups, it is also influenced by them to the extent that a number of social-cultural conventions are unconsciously mirrored in their members’ linguistic manifestations. Different expectations regarding conversational style in interactions between speakers from different cultural groups can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts or even to the creation and perpetuation of stereotypes. This paper will present some examples and considerations of conversational style and interculturality in general and about conversational style in German and Brazil in particular.
The article presents an analysis of different speech styles used by participants of the German speech community in contrast to the Brazilian one, based on examples of interviews made in both cultures. After the illustration of the different language uses, the article’s focus will be on the communicative functions the styles in each community. So, we find the phatic, poetic and expressive function more dominant in the Brazilian speech, whereas the use of the referential and the metalinguistic function seem to be more common in the speech of the German respondents. It is therefore possible to establish the dichotomy between the actor and the spectator in a metaphorical sense to summarize these contrasting functions. Finally, the fact in which these results can in part be explicated by their embedding in different cultural and historical backgrounds, emphasizing the Brazilian speech community as a more heterogenous and baroque, compared with the German one which tends to be more homogenous and (self)-observing will be shown.
Diese Miszelle beabsichtigt, durch die Auslegung des Kapitel 62 von Robert Musils "Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften" den Begriff des 'Essayismus' zu erläutern. Sie erhebt nicht den Anspruch, die nahezu unabsehbare Forschungsliteratur zum Roman zu diskutieren, sondern beschränkt sich bewusst auf die von Musil angedeutete Konzeption.
Ende der 90er Jahre diskutiert die germanistische Literaturwissenschaft über eine "neue deutsche Popliteratur". Der Autor Christian Kracht wird als ein Begründer dieser literarischen Strömung gesehen. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit Krachts Romanen "Faserland" (1995) und "1979" (2001). Während "Faserland" oft als Prototyp der Popliteratur angesehen wird, scheint "1979" eher einen Ausstieg aus diesem noch schwer zu definierenden Genre anzudeuten. Beide Romane werden in diesem Beitrag interpretiert und hinsichtlich ihrer popliterarischen Elemente diskutiert.
This essay aims at making a survey of Kafka’s reception in Brazil. After justifying the importance of this study, I show how intermittently Kafka’s work was translated into Brazilian Portuguese in the very beginning of his reception, that is to say, 1956. The first text published in Brazil was "Die Verwandlung", which was written in German in 1915. However this text was not translated from the German, but from the English. Other texts were translated from the French. Translations from the German only appeared in 1983, among them the one with the 'short stories' "Kleine Fabel", "Der Geier", "Gibs auf!" and "Vor dem Gesetz". It is interesting to notice that essays and other articles in newspapers on Kafka and his work preceded the translations. For example, the first essay on the author was written by Otto Maria Carpeaux in August 1941 in the newspaper "Correio da Manhã". Nowadays Kafka’s work is object of considerable research in Brazil.