Year of publication
- 2001 (6)
Document Type
- Article (6)
- cze (6)
Has Fulltext
- yes (6)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (6)
The contribution presents the results of the first investigation of phytoplankton in the district of Prostějov. During 1998-1999 seasonal changes of phytoplankton in two fishponds together with selected physical and chemical parameters (temperature, oxygen, pH, conductivity, nutrients and heavy metals) were investigated. Eutrophication of the investigated fishponds is not as high as in other regions in the Czech Republic.
This contribution deals with the comparison of several physical and chemical parameters and algae periphyton in the Ostravice River above and below the Šance Reservoir. The Šance Reservoir on the Ostravice River (North Moravia) is a typical deep reservoir with the hypolimnetic outflow during the period of stratification. The reservoir serving as drinking water supply was filled up in 1969. Temperature, pH, conductivity and concentrations of oxygen and nitrogen compounds, as well as the phyto-periphyton changes (focussed on diatoms and assessment of saprobity) were followed in the five profiles on the Ostravice River. Special attention was done on the morphological variability of the diatom species Fragilaria arcus (EHRENBERG) CLEVE. Two profiles studied were located on the reservoir inflows, three below the reservoir dam. The decrease of oxygen concentrations, pH, conductivity and saprobity was observed below the dam. Concerning water temperature, the decrease of summer water temperature values and increase of water temperature in winter were found below the reservoir. While the concentrations of NO2- and NH4+ and the morphological variability of the species Fragilaria arcus were not significantly different in the profiles studied, the NO3- concentrations were higher below the dam.
The seasonal changes of phytoplankton and selected ecological parameters (temperature, pH, oxygen, conductivity, nutrients) were studied in the years 1998 and 1999 at gravel-pit Chomoutov (Olomouc, the Czech Republic). Long-term changes in the species composition and proportions of the main algal groups during last three decades are discussed. Subsequent eutrophication was found with the come back of water blooms of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae.
The species composition of phytoplankton in several pools in the Litovelské Pomoraví Protected Landscape Area and the physical and chemical conditions of pools were studied from 1996 to 1997. Approximately 200 taxa of algae and blue-green algae were identified. Euglenophyta was diverse and dominant group; especially Euglena hemichromata, E. spirogyra, Trachelomonas volvocina, Phacus orbicularis a P. pleuronectes occurred in samples regularly. The mass occurrence of Hydrodictyon reticulatum were observed in one of these pools.
Diatoms were studied in 29 spring fens of the West Carpathians. A total of 70 diatom taxa were found. Caloneis tenuis, Eunotia paludosa, E. steineckii, Navicula cryptocephala, Nitzschia archibaldii, Rhopalodia gibba and R. rupestris were the most frequent species. The sites with low pH (3,6 – 6,5) can be characterized by the occurrence of genera Anomoeoneis, Eunotia, Frustulia. On the other hand, Rhopalodia and Diploneis were common at the sites with higher pH (6,4 – 7).