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Document Type
- Article (13)
- Book (2)
- Part of a Book (1)
- Conference Proceeding (1)
- Contribution to a Periodical (1)
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- yes (18)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (18)
- Ageing (2)
- Entscheidungsassistenz (2)
- Environmental support (2)
- Medical consultation (2)
- Patient needs (2)
- Patientenbedürfnisse (2)
- Person-Umwelt-Passung (2)
- Person-environment fit (2)
- Supported decision making (2)
- Unterstützung der Umwelt (2)
- Erziehungswissenschaften (12)
- Medizin (7)
- Präsidium (2)
- Biowissenschaften (1)
As some cognitive functions decline in old age, the ability to decide about important life events such as medical treatment is endangered. Environmental support to improve the comprehension of health-related information is therefore necessary. With a small-scale explorative approach, the present survey study aimed at investigating person-environment fit (PE-fit) of support provided during medical consultations. This fit was calculated by assessing the match between aids provided by five medical practitioners during medical consultations and aids most appreciated by the geriatric patients (N = 88). The results showed that the largest discrepancies of used and appreciated aids could be found concerning the opportunity to discuss decisions with relatives, the possibility to take notes, the use of objects, pictures and a keyword list. Female patients indicated a lower PE-fit. These findings highlight discrepancies between the use of specific aids and the wishes of patients and call for thoughtful use of aids during consultations with geriatric patients.
As some cognitive functions decline in old age, the ability to decide about important life events such as medical treatment is endangered. Environmental support to improve the comprehension of health-related information is therefore necessary. With a small-scale explorative approach, the present survey study aimed at investigating person-environment fit (PE-fit) of support provided during medical consultations. This fit was calculated by assessing the match between aids provided by five medical practitioners during medical consultations and aids most appreciated by the geriatric patients (N = 88). The results showed that the largest discrepancies of used and appreciated aids could be found concerning the opportunity to discuss decisions with relatives, the possibility to take notes, the use of objects, pictures and a keyword list. Female patients indicated a lower PE-fit. These findings highlight discrepancies between the use of specific aids and the wishes of patients and call for thoughtful use of aids during consultations with geriatric patients.
Due to the increasingly heterogeneous trajectories of aging, gerontology requires theoretical models and empirical methods that can meaningfully, reliably, and precisely describe, explain, and predict causes and effects within the aging process, considering particular contexts and situations. Human behavior occurs in contexts; nevertheless, situational changes are often neglected in context-based behavior research. This article follows the tradition of environmental gerontology research based on Lawton’s Person-Environment-Interaction model (P-E model) and the theoretical developments of recent years. The authors discuss that, despite an explicit time component, current P-E models could be strengthened by focusing on detecting P-E interactions in various everyday situations. Enhancing Lawton’s original formula via a situationally based component not only changes the theoretical perspectives on the interplay between person and environment but also demands new data collection approaches in empirical environmental research. Those approaches are discussed through the example of collecting mobile data with smartphones. Future research should include the situational dimension to investigate the complex nature of person environment interactions.
People with Parkinson’s disease (PD) experience a gradual loss of functional abilities that affects all facets of their daily life. There is a lack of longitudinal studies on coping styles in relation to the disease progression among people with PD. The aim of this study was to explore how coping styles in PD evolve over a 3-year period. Data from the longitudinal project “Home and Health in People Ageing with PD” was utilized (N = 158), including baseline and 3-year follow-up assessments. Coping was captured by ratings of 13 different coping styles. A factor analysis was conducted to analyse patterns of coping styles. Stability and change were analysed for each of the 13 styles with respect to the course of the disease. The factor analysis revealed four coping patterns: pessimistic, optimistic, persistent and support-seeking. The stability of each coping style over time ranged from 75.3% to 90.5%. Those who experienced a worsening of the disease were most inclined to change their coping style (p = 0.006). The results suggest that even when facing severe challenges due to PD in daily life, coping styles remain relatively stable over time. However, a worsening in PD severity appeared to trigger a certain re-evaluation of coping styles.
RITA, the RBP‐J interacting and tubulin‐associated protein, has been reported to be related to tumor development, but the underlying mechanisms are not understood. Since RITA interacts with tubulin and coats microtubules of the cytoskeleton, we hypothesized that it is involved in cell motility. We show here that depletion of RITA reduces cell migration and invasion of diverse cancer cell lines and mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Cells depleted of RITA display stable focal adhesions (FA) with elevated active integrin, phosphorylated focal adhesion kinase, and paxillin. This is accompanied by enlarged size and disturbed turnover of FA. These cells also demonstrate increased polymerized tubulin. Interestingly, RITA is precipitated with the lipoma‐preferred partner (LPP), which is critical in actin cytoskeleton remodeling and cell migration. Suppression of RITA results in reduced LPP and α‐actinin at FA leading to compromised focal adhesion turnover and actin dynamics. This study identifies RITA as a novel crucial player in cell migration and invasion by affecting the turnover of FA through its interference with the dynamics of actin filaments and microtubules. Its deregulation may contribute to malignant progression.
The widespread use of mobile technologies has penetrated the lives of people across all age groups with the usage of smartphones and wearables appearing “natural” and without alternatives. The digitalisation of everyday life means that communication and negotiation of social and societal meanings are co-constructed by users and mobile technologies thereby blurring the boundary between on- and off-line as well as social and private spheres. At the same time, the global-market logic that has driven the extent and speed of this social transformation raises questions as to how individuals retain influence and agency over the digital technologies that have come to define both social and private spheres and that surround them at all times. Against this backdrop, this theoretical paper discusses the role of Adorno's maxim of emancipation toward autonomy (Mündigkeit) for education (Erziehung) and critical learning about and living with digital technologies. The paper suggests a way forward through intergenerational learning as a didactical method of enhancing emancipation among younger and older generations of “users” in their joint efforts of becoming critical agents in an age of digitally enhanced data markets.
Das partizipative Forschungsprojekt "Allein aber vernetzt? Digitale (Un)gleichheiten und soziale Netzwerke bei alleinlebenden Menschen" beschäftigte sich von 2021-2024 mit Alleinlebenden im Alter, ihren Beziehungsnetzwerken und der Frage welche Rolle digitale Geräte und die Digitalisierung aller Lebensbereiche in diesem Zusammenhang spielen. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit einer Gruppe von Ko-Forschenden in Frankfurt und Egelsbach stand die Perspektive der Gruppe im Mittelpunkt.
Im vorliegenden White Paper wird das Projekt sowie zentrale Ergebnisse und die erarbeiteten Handlungsempfehlungen der deutschen Teilstudie vorgestellt. Diese wurde vom BMBF gefördert und ist Teil des europäischen Verbundprojektes "EQualCare - Alone but connected? Digital (in)equalities in care work and generational relationships among older people living alone" der Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) “More Years Better Lives”.
Purpose: While more advanced COVID-19 necessitates medical interventions and hospitalization, patients with mild COVID-19 do not require this. Identifying patients at risk of progressing to advanced COVID-19 might guide treatment decisions, particularly for better prioritizing patients in need for hospitalization.
Methods: We developed a machine learning-based predictor for deriving a clinical score identifying patients with asymptomatic/mild COVID-19 at risk of progressing to advanced COVID-19. Clinical data from SARS-CoV-2 positive patients from the multicenter Lean European Open Survey on SARS-CoV-2 Infected Patients (LEOSS) were used for discovery (2020-03-16 to 2020-07-14) and validation (data from 2020-07-15 to 2021-02-16).
Results: The LEOSS dataset contains 473 baseline patient parameters measured at the first patient contact. After training the predictor model on a training dataset comprising 1233 patients, 20 of the 473 parameters were selected for the predictor model. From the predictor model, we delineated a composite predictive score (SACOV-19, Score for the prediction of an Advanced stage of COVID-19) with eleven variables. In the validation cohort (n = 2264 patients), we observed good prediction performance with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.73 ± 0.01. Besides temperature, age, body mass index and smoking habit, variables indicating pulmonary involvement (respiration rate, oxygen saturation, dyspnea), inflammation (CRP, LDH, lymphocyte counts), and acute kidney injury at diagnosis were identified. For better interpretability, the predictor was translated into a web interface.
Conclusion: We present a machine learning-based predictor model and a clinical score for identifying patients at risk of developing advanced COVID-19.
This special issue focuses on aging in place in late life. Aging in place is about being able to continue living in one’s own home or neighborhood and to adapt to changing needs and conditions. It is of high concern due to the increasing number of old and very old people in all societies and challenges researchers, practitioners, and policy makers in many societal and scientific areas and disciplines. We invited authors to contribute original research papers as well as conceptually driven review papers that would stimulate the continuing efforts to understand the different aspects of aging in place in late life. The papers that were submitted came from very diverse disciplines, such as sociology, psychology, occupational therapy, nursing, architecture, public planning, and social work. Given the number and diversity of papers submitted, we can conclude that aging in place is an important concern throughout the world and that different kinds of measures are taken to come up with local, national, and international solutions that enhance aging in place. [...]
Background and Objectives: Valuation of life (VOL) represents a construct capturing individuals’ active attachment to their life. The majority of studies on VOL were conducted in North America and Europe where personal autonomy and independence are highly valued, leaving open the question about the relevance of this construct in interdependence-oriented cultures. Using a framework of cross-cultural and life-span theories, the present study compared levels and predictors of VOL between the young-old and old-old individuals from Germany and Japan.
Research Design and Methods: Two hundred fifty-seven Germans and 248 Japanese, matched by age, gender, education, and IADL, answered a 5-item VOL scale and shared information on sociodemographic, social, and health resources.
Results: Germans’ VOL levels were higher than in Japanese participants. Both culture- and age-moderated predictions of VOL: education was significant only in the young-old Japanese, and close social partners mattered in the old-old, not in the young-old. Health determined VOL irrespective of culture and age.
Discussion and Implications: The findings suggest that cultural values and aging processes should be considered to better understand how individuals value their life and to help older adults to feel that his/her life is meaningful and worth living.