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- HTP (1)
- Laurasiatheria (1)
- SAH (1)
- SF-36 (1)
- Scrotifera (1)
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- anomaly zone (1)
- dopamine (1)
- exon coalescence (1)
- exon concatenation (1)
- Physik (11)
- Medizin (4)
- Biowissenschaften (2)
- Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft (1)
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is associated with systemic osteoporosis, which leads to severe disability and low quality of life. Current therapies target osteoclasts to reduce bone degradation, but more treatment options would be required to promote bone protection by acting directly on osteoblasts (OB). Recently, the local production of dopamine in inflamed joints of RA has been observed. Thus, in this project, we aimed to determine the implication of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the bone formation process in RA. Dopamine receptors (DR) in the human bone tissue of RA or osteoarthritis (OA) patients were examined by immunohistochemistry. DR in isolated human osteoblasts (OB) was analyzed by flow cytometry, and dopamine content was evaluated by ELISA. Osteoclasts (OC) were differentiated from the PBMCs of healthy controls (HC) and RA patients. Isolated cells were treated with specific dopamine agonists. The effect of dopamine on mineralization was evaluated by Alizarin red staining. Cytokine release in supernatants was measured by ELISA. Osteoclastogenesis was evaluated with TRAP staining. OC markers were analyzed via real-time PCR and bone resorption via staining of resorption pits with toluidine blue. All DR were observed in bone tissue, especially in the bone remodeling area. Isolated OB maintained DR expression, which allowed their study in vitro. Isolated OB expressed tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme for dopamine production, and contained dopamine. The activation of D2-like DR significantly increased bone mineralization in RA osteoblasts and increased osteoclastogenesis but did not alter the expression of OC markers nor bone resorption. DR were found in the bone remodeling area of human bone tissue and dopamine can be produced by osteoblasts themselves, thus suggesting a local autocrine/paracrine pathway of dopamine in the bone. D2-like DRs are responsible for bone mineralization in osteoblasts from RA patients without an increase in bone resorption, thus suggesting the D2-like DR pathway as a possible future therapeutic target to counteract bone resorption in arthritis
We present the measured correlation functions for pi+ pi-, pi- pi- and pi+ pi+ pairs in central S+Ag collisions at 200 GeV per nucleon. The Gamov function, which has been traditionally used to correct the correlation functions of charged pions for the Coulomb interaction, is found to be inconsistent with all measured correlation functions. Certain problems which have been dominating the systematic uncertainty of the correlation analysis are related to this inconsistency. It is demonstrated that a new Coulomb correction method, based exclusively on the measured correlation function for pi+ pi- pairs, may solve the problem.
The transverse momentum and rapidity distributions of negative hadrons and participant protons have been measured for central 32S+ 32S collisions at plab=200 GeV/c per nucleon. The proton mean rapidity shift < Delta y>~1.6 and mean transverse momentum <pT>~0.6 GeV/c are much higher than in pp or peripheral AA collisions and indicate an increase in the nuclear stopping power. All pT spectra exhibit similar source temperatures. Including previous results for K0s Lambda , and Lambda -bar, we account for all important contributions to particle production.
The NA35 experiment has collected a high statistics set of momentum analyzed negative hadrons near and forward of midrapidity for central collisions of 200A GeV/c 32S+S, Cu, Ag, and Au. Using momentum space correlations to study the size of the source of particle production, the transverse source radii are found to decrease by ~40% at midrapidity and ~20% at forward rapidity while the longitudinal radius RL is found to decrease by ~50% as pT increases over the interval 50<pT<600 MeV/c. Calculations using a microscopic phase space approach (relativistic quantum molecular dynamics) reproduce the observed trends of the data. PACS: 25.75.+r
Background The phylogenetic tree of Galliformes (gamebirds, including megapodes, currassows, guinea fowl, New and Old World quails, chicken, pheasants, grouse, and turkeys) has been considerably remodeled over the last decades as new data and analytical methods became available. Analyzing presence/absence patterns of retroposed elements avoids the problems of homoplastic characters inherent in other methodologies. In gamebirds, chicken repeats 1 (CR1) are the most prevalent retroposed elements, but little is known about the activity of their various subtypes over time. Ascertaining the fixation patterns of CR1 elements would help unravel the phylogeny of gamebirds and other poorly resolved avian clades. Results We analyzed 1,978 nested CR1 elements and developed a multidimensional approach taking advantage of their transposition in transposition character (TinT) to characterize the fixation patterns of all 22 known chicken CR1 subtypes. The presence/absence patterns of those elements that were active at different periods of gamebird evolution provided evidence for a clade (Cracidae + (Numididae + (Odontophoridae + Phasianidae))) not including Megapodiidae; and for Rollulus as the sister taxon of the other analyzed Phasianidae. Genomic trace sequences of the turkey genome further demonstrated that the endangered African Congo Peafowl (Afropavo congensis) is the sister taxon of the Asian Peafowl (Pavo), rejecting other predominantly morphology-based groupings, and that phasianids are monophyletic, including the sister taxa Tetraoninae and Meleagridinae. Conclusions The TinT information concerning relative fixation times of CR1 subtypes enabled us to efficiently investigate gamebird phylogeny and to reconstruct an unambiguous tree topology. This method should provide a useful tool for investigations in other taxonomic groups as well.
The recognition of the prosodic focus position in German-learning infants from 4 to 14 months
The aim of the present study was to elucidate in a study with 4-, 6-, 8-, and 14-month-old German-learning children, when and how they may acquire the regularities which underlie Focus-to-Stress Alignment (FSA) in the target language, that is, how prosody is associated with specific communicative functions. Our findings suggest, that 14-month-olds have already found out that German allows for variable focus positions, after having gone through a development which goes from a predominantly prosodically driven processing of the input to a processing where prosody interacts more and more with the growing lexical and syntactic knowledge of the child.
Short- and long-term effects of rehabilitation after perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage
n about 25% of patients with spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), a bleeding source cannot be identified during radiological diagnostics. Generally, the outcome of perimesencephalic or prepontine (PM) SAH is known to be significantly better than after non-PM SAH. Data about long-term follow-up concerning physical and mental health are scarce, so this study is reports on long-term results. We measured the influence of PM SAH on a quality-of-life modified Rankin (mRs) scale after six months. For long-term follow-up, a SF-36 questionnaire was used. Questionnaires were sent out between 18 and 168 months after ictus. In 37 patients, a long-term follow-up was available (up to 14 years after SAH). Data detected with the SF-36 questionnaire are compared to reference applicability to the standard population. In total, 37 patients were included for further analysis and divided in 2 subgroups; 13 patients (35%) received subsequent rehabilitation after clinical stay and 24 (65%) did not. In the short-term outcome, a significant improvement from discharge until follow-up was identified in patients with subsequent rehabilitation, but not in the matched pair group without rehabilitation. When PM SAH was compared to the standard population, a reduction in quality of life was identified in physical items (role limitations because of physical health problems, physical functioning) as well as in psychological items (role limitations because of emotional problems). Subsequent rehabilitation on PM SAH patients probably leads to an increase in independence and better mRs. While better mRs was shown at discharge in patients without subsequent rehabilitation, the mRs of rehabilitants was nearly identical after rehabilitation. Patients with good mRs also reached high levels of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) without rehabilitation. Thus, subsequent rehabilitation needs to be encouraged on an individual basis. Indication criteria for subsequent rehabilitation should be defined in further studies to improve patient treatment and efficiency in health care.
Two-particle correlation functions of negative hadrons over wide phase space, and transverse mass spectra of negative hadrons and deuterons near mid-rapidity have been measured in central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 GeV per nucleon by the NA49 experiment at the CERN SPS. A novel Coulomb correction procedure for the negative two-particle correlations is employed making use of the measured oppositely charged particle correlation. Within an expanding source scenario these results are used to extract the dynamic characteristics of the hadronic source, resolving the ambiguities between the temperature and transverse expansion velocity of the source, that are unavoidable when single and two particle spectra are analysed separately. The source shape, the total duration of the source expansion, the duration of particle emission, the freeze-out temperature and the longitudinal and transverse expansion velocities are deduced.
We report measurements of Xi and Xi-bar hyperon absolute yields as a function of rapidity in 158 GeV/c Pb+Pb collisions. At midrapidity, dN/dy = 2.29 +/- 0.12 for Xi, and 0.52 +/- 0.05 for Xi-bar, leading to the ratio of Xi-bar/Xi = 0.23 +/- 0.03. Inverse slope parameters fitted to the measured transverse mass spectra are of the order of 300 MeV near mid-rapidity. The estimated total yield of Xi particles in Pb+Pb central interactions amounts to 7.4 +/- 1.0 per collision. Comparison to Xi production in properly scaled p+p reactions at the same energy reveals a dramatic enhancement (about one order of magnitude) of Xi production in Pb+Pb central collisions over elementary hadron interactions.
The directed and elliptic flow of protons and charged pions has been observed from the semi-central collisions of a 158 GeV/nucleon Pb beam with a Pb target. The rapidity and transverse momentum dependence of the flow has been measured. The directed flow of the pions is opposite to that of the protons but both exhibit negative flow at low pt. The elliptic flow of both is fairly independent of rapidity but rises with pt. PACS numbers: 25.75.-q, 25.75.Ld