Document Type
- Article (32)
Has Fulltext
- yes (32)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (32)
- Autopsy (5)
- Biological profile (3)
- Forensic osteology (3)
- Identification (3)
- Postmortem interval (3)
- Age estimation (2)
- Biologisches Profil (2)
- Blow flies (2)
- Bony injuries (2)
- COVID-19 (2)
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) in adolescents and young adults may be the first manifestation of an inherited arrhythmic syndrome. Thus identification of a genetic origin in sudden death cases deemed inconclusive after a comprehensive autopsy and may help to reduce the risk of lethal episodes in the remaining family. Using next-generation sequencing (NGS), a large number of variants of unknown significance (VUS) are detected. In the majority of cases, there is insufficient evidence of pathogenicity, representing a huge dilemma in current genetic investigations. Misinterpretation of such variants may lead to inaccurate genetic diagnoses and/or the adoption of unnecessary and/or inappropriate therapeutic approaches. In our study, we applied current (ACMG) recommendations for variant classification in post-mortem genetic screening of a cohort of 56 SCD victims. We identified a total 53 rare protein-altering variants (MAF < 0.2%) classified as VUS or worse. Twelve percent of the cases exhibited a clinically actionable variant (pathogenic, likely pathogenic or VUS – potentially pathogenic) that would warrant cascade genetic screening in relatives. Most of the variants detected by means of the post-mortem genetic investigations were VUS. Thus, genetic testing by itself might be fairly meaningless without supporting background data. This data reinforces the need for an experienced multidisciplinary team for obtaining reliable and accountable interpretations of variant significance for elucidating potential causes for SCDs in the young. This enables the early identification of relatives at risk or excludes family members as genetic carriers. Also, development of adequate forensic guidelines to enable appropriate interpretation of rare genetic variants is fundamental.
Background and purpose: The astroglial protein GFAP is a blood biomarker indicative of intracerebral hemorrhage in patients with acute stroke. Due to its brain specificity and the necessity of brain damage for its detectability in blood, we hypothesized that GFAP could be an interesting marker in cases with primary cerebral cause of death, e.g., traumatic brain injury.
Methods: All corpses scheduled for an autopsy in the Frankfurt Department of Forensic medicine within a 15-month period were included in the study. Cases with a known history of brain disease in the 3 months before death were excluded. During autopsy, blood was collected and GFAP serum levels were determined using a commercially available ELISA. The autopsy protocols were reviewed for the presence of a primary cerebral or a primary non-cerebral cause of death. Agony time was also determined.
Results: A total of 129 autopsy cases were included. GFAP concentrations did not differ between cerebral (median 0.96 μg/l, IQR 5.03) and non-cerebral causes of death (1.21 μg/l, 3.58). GFAP levels were found to be unaffected by hemolysis or post-mortem interval. GFAP levels were found to be increased in cases with prolonged agony times (median 1.76 μg/l [IQR 4.70]) compared to short (0.58 μg/l [0.58]; p<0.001) and ultra-short agony times (0.21 μg/l [0.12]; p = 0.002).
Conclusion: Post-mortem GFAP serum concentrations correlate with agony time and might therefore be useful for the evaluation of the severity of brain damage in prolonged death. Elevated GFAP serum levels do not indicate a primary cerebral cause of death.
Introduction: The estimation of age-at-death of unidentified cadavers is a central aspect of the identification process. With increasing age, the incidence of glomerulosclerosis and the thickness of the carotid wall have been observed to also increase. This correlation has been demonstrated in various international histological studies. The aim of our study was to assess whether these correlations also apply to a Western European population.
Methodology: In this retrospective observational study, kidney and common carotid artery samples from 216 cases autopsied at the Institute of Legal Medicine at the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, Germany, were examined. Only cases with available tissue samples from both body sides were included. Exclusion criteria were poor sample quality and an age younger than 21 years. After histological processing, the tissue samples were assessed and digitally evaluated. Regression and classification analyses were used to investigate the correlation between age-at-death and intima-media thickness and age-at-death and the incidence of renal glomerular sclerosis.
Results: Of the 216 autopsy cases, 183 were included for evaluation. Analysis of the carotid artery segments showed a strong correlation (Pearson correlation coefficient r = 0.887) between the intima-media-complex thickness and chronological age. Classification of the glomerulosclerotic incidence showed a correlation of 37.7–43.1% with the predicted age group.
Discussion: Both the intima-media thickness and the proportion of sclerotic glomeruli can be used to estimate age in Western European cadavers. On the basis of these results, both methods are suited to supplement other already established methods for age-at-death estimation in the identification of an unknown cadaver.
Ein 7 Monate alter weiblicher Säugling wurde mit Kontaktverbrennungen 2. Grades an beiden Beinen von seinen Eltern in der Notaufnahme eines Krankenhauses vorgestellt. Die Eltern berichteten, das Kind sei unbeaufsichtigt und nur mit einem Body bekleidet gegen den Nachtspeicherofen im Kinderzimmer gekrabbelt. Bei der 10 Tage später durchgeführten klinisch-rechtsmedizinischen Untersuchung zeigten sich streifige, teils parallel zueinander gestellte und gelenkübergreifende Verbrennungen an der rechten Oberschenkelaußen- und Unterschenkelrückaußenseite, an beiden Fußrücken und den Zehen sowie ein flächenhaftes Verbrennungsareal an der linken Unterschenkelaußenseite mit abgrenzbaren streifigen Anteilen.
Im Rahmen einer Ortsbegehung der elterlichen Wohnung mit Vermessung und Begutachtung der in der Wohnung befindlichen 3 Nachtspeicheröfen konnte zunächst festgestellt werden, dass sich die Verbrennungsmuster an den Beinen des Kindes mit dem Luftauslassgitter der beiden Nachtspeicheröfen im Wohn- und im Elternschlafzimmer (jeweils identisches Modell), hingegen nicht mit dem des Nachtspeicherofens im Kinderzimmer in Deckung bringen ließen. Für die Begutachtung konnte durch ergänzende Informationen eines technischen Sachverständigen zu den entsprechenden Nachtspeicheröfen und durch eine Literaturrecherche ein möglicher Geschehensablauf rekonstruiert werden.
Dieser Fall verdeutlicht zum einen, welche Gefahr für Säuglinge und Kleinkinder von Nachtspeicheröfen ausgehen kann, wenn diese nicht regelrecht gesichert und die Kinder unbeaufsichtigt sind. Zum anderen wird die Bedeutung einer detaillierten und – wenn nötig – interdisziplinären Rekonstruktion, inklusive einer Ortsbegehung, zur Abgrenzung eines möglichen Unfallhergangs von einer Kindesmisshandlung unterstrichen.
Within the scope of this technical report, the feasibility of indocyanine green (ICG) as a fluorescent agent for postmortem angiography of the heart is tested. The study included 4 deceased persons with no respective medical history of heart diseases. The basic patterns of findings in ICG fluorescence angiography associated with healthy hearts are presented. The method can easily be integrated into a workflow without restricting the macroscopic or histologic diagnostics. This paper represents the fundamental technical and analytical basis for upcoming studies concerning the possibilities and limitations of fluorescence angiography in the diagnosis of heart pathology.
Hintergrund: In Frankfurt am Main (~750.000 Einwohner) wird die erste Leichenschau im Auftrag der Polizei tagsüber durch einen dafür eingerichteten rechtsmedizinischen Dienst vorgenommen. Nachts und am Wochenende führen diese Tätigkeit Ärzte des ärztlichen Bereitschaftsdienstes (ÄBD) der kassenärztlichen Vereinigung durch. Material und Methoden: Für das Jahr 2019 wurden die im Rahmen dieser ersten Leichenschauen ausgestellten Leichenschauscheine hinsichtlich der attestierten Todesart ausgewertet und die Ergebnisse mit denen einer ggf. im Nachgang durchgeführten Sektion, inklusive Zusatzuntersuchungen, verglichen. Von den Ärzten des ÄBD konnten 461 Leichenschauen in die Auswertung eingeschlossen werden, davon erfolgte in 76 Fällen eine Obduktion. Im Nachgang der 364 rechtsmedizinischen Leichenschauen wurden 78 Obduktionen durchgeführt. Ergebnisse: Veränderungen in der Todesart nach Sektion ergaben sich für die Leichenschauen des ÄBD in 57, bei den rechtsmedizinischen Leichenschauen in 49 Fällen, wobei insbesondere eine bei Leichenschau attestierte ungeklärte Todesart in einen natürlichen Tod spezifiziert werden konnte. Nach der Obduktion fanden sich bei den rechtsmedizinischen Leichenschauen 8 Fälle, bei denen des ÄBD 19 Fälle eines nichtnatürlichen (statt weiterhin ungeklärten) Todes. Bei den rechtsmedizinisch beschauten Fällen änderte sich zudem nach der Sektion in einem Fall die Todesart von natürlich zu nichtnatürlich, bei denen des ÄBD kam es in einem Fall zu einer Änderung von nichtnatürlich zu natürlich. Diskussion: Die Veränderung bzw. Spezifizierung der Todesart nach der Sektion beider Kollektive verdeutlicht, wie wichtig eine Steigerung der Sektionsrate wäre, und dass auch bei professioneller Durchführung der Leichenschau das Erkennen der Todesart Probleme bereitet.
'Skelettfund' im Keller
Bei der Identifizierung einer unbekannten, stark verwesten Leiche oder eines Skelettes ohne Hinweise auf die Identität durch die Auffindesituation spielt die Erstellung des sog. biologischen Profils eine entscheidende Rolle. Vorgestellt wird ein Leichenfund in einem mehr oder weniger frei zugänglichen Kellerabteil eines Mehrfamilienhauses. Der Leichnam war weitgehend skelettiert, das Skelett jedoch durch mumifizierte Weichteilreste noch nahezu vollständig zusammengehalten. Bei den Hinweisen auf die Identität ergaben sich insbesondere in der Altersschätzung scheinbare Widersprüche, die jedoch zufällig eine relativ genau zutreffende Schätzung lieferten. Die Überreste konnten mittels forensischer DNA-Analyse einer seit 4 Jahren vermissten 49-Jährigen zugeordnet werden. Als Todesursache wurde ein Kältetod diskutiert.
Der Fall wies eine außergewöhnliche Auffindesituation auf, die an Bilder von „Skelettfunden“ in Kriminalverfilmungen erinnerte. Derartige Befunde dürften jedoch in der Realität wohl nur sehr selten vorkommen. Darüber hinaus werden die Wichtigkeit und die Probleme der forensisch-osteologischen Untersuchungen bei der Identifizierung eines stark verwesten, unbekannten Leichnams demonstriert.
The duration of infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) in living patients has been demarcated. In contrast, a possible SARS-CoV-2 infectivity of corpses and subsequently its duration under post mortem circumstances remain to be elucidated. The aim of this study was to investigate the infectivity and its duration of deceased COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) patients. Four SARS-CoV-2 infected deceased patients were subjected to medicolegal autopsy. Post mortem intervals (PMI) of 1, 4, 9 and 17 days, respectively, were documented. During autopsy, swabs and organ samples were taken and examined by RT-qPCR (real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction) for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 ribonucleic acid (RNA). Determination of infectivity was performed by means of virus isolation in cell culture. In two cases, virus isolation was successful for swabs and tissue samples of the respiratory tract (PMI 4 and 17 days). The two infectious cases showed a shorter duration of COVID-19 until death than the two non-infectious cases (2 and 11 days, respectively, compared to > 19 days), which correlates with studies of living patients, in which infectivity could be narrowed to about 6 days before to 12 days after symptom onset. Most notably, infectivity was still present in one of the COVID-19 corpses after a post-mortem interval of 17 days and despite already visible signs of decomposition. To prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections in all professional groups involved in the handling and examination of COVID-19 corpses, adequate personal safety standards (reducing or avoiding aerosol formation and wearing FFP3 [filtering face piece class 3] masks) have to be enforced for routine procedures.
In murine models, the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in myocardial infarction (MI) has been reported to be the result of tissue injury and inflammation. In the present study, mRNA expression of iNOS, hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was investigated in postmortem human infarction hearts. Since HIF-1α is the inducible subunit of the transcription factor HIF-1, which regulates transcription of iNOS and VEGF, the interrelation between the three genes was observed, to examine the molecular processes during the emergence of MI. iNOS and VEGF mRNAs were found to be significantly upregulated in the affected regions of MI hearts in comparison to healthy controls. Upregulation of HIF-1α was also present but not significant. Correlation analysis of the three genes indicated a stronger and significant correlation between HIF-1α and iNOS mRNAs than between HIF-1α and VEGF. The results of the study revealed differences in the expression patterns of HIF-1 downstream targets. The stronger transcription of iNOS by HIF-1 in the affected regions of MI hearts may represent a pathological process, since no correlation of iNOS and HIF-1α mRNA was found in non-affected areas of MI hearts. Oxidative stress is considered to cause molecular changes in MI, leading to increased iNOS expression. Therefore, it may also represent a forensic marker for detection of early changes in heart tissue.
Justification: In Mexico, the number of unidentified bodies has been steadily rising for years. By now, more than 50,000 bodies are considered unidentified. Forensic laboratories that could perform comparative molecular genetic investigation are often overburdened and examinations can take months. Therefore, pragmatic approaches that can help to identify more unknown bodies must be sought. The increased use of distinctive physical features might be one, and the high rate of tattooed people in Mexico points towards a great potential of tattoos as a tool for identification. The prerequisite for a comparison of antemortem (missing persons) and postmortem (unknown bodies) data is an objective description of the particularities, e.g., of the tattoos. The aim of this study was to establish an objective classification for tattoo motives, taking into consideration local preferences.
Methods: In the database of the medicolegal services of the Instituto Jaliscience de Ciencias Forenses (IJCF) in Guadalajara, postmortem data of 1000 tattooed bodies from 2019 were evaluated. According to sex and age, the tattooed body localization and the tattoo motives were categorized.
Results: The 1000 tattooed deceased showed tattoos on 2342 body localizations. The motives were grouped and linked to the following 11 keywords (with decreasing frequency): letters/numbers, human, symbol (other), plant, symbol (religious), animal, object, fantasy/demon/comic, tribal/ornament/geometry, other, unrecognizable.
Conclusion: Using the proposed classification, tattoo motives can be described objectively and classified in a practical way. If used for antemortem (missing persons) and postmortem (unknown bodies) documentation, motives can be searched and compared efficiently—helping to identify unknown bodies.