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Document Type
- Article (14)
Has Fulltext
- yes (14)
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- no (14)
- Vormärz (2)
- Autoimmune encephalomyelitis (1)
- BI1361849 (1)
- CV9202 (1)
- Clinical trial (1)
- Diabetes (1)
- Drama (1)
- Everolimus (1)
- Grabbe, Christian Dietrich (1)
- Hypofractionated radiotherapy (1)
- Medizin (8)
- Psychologie und Sportwissenschaften (2)
- Pharmazie (1)
On the current psychotherapeutic situation for persons with pornography use disorder in Germany
Background and aims: For the first time, the ICD-11 provides the diagnosis compulsive sexual behavior disorder (CSBD) that can be assigned for pornography use disorder (PUD). This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of PUD and associated consequences in Germany, to identify the psychotherapy demand among likely PUD (lPUD) cases and the treatment supply in different psychotherapeutic settings, to survey psychotherapists' level of expertise regarding PUD, and to identify predictors for psychotherapy demand.
Methods: Four studies were conducted: 1. Online study in the general population (n = 2070; m = 48.9%, f = 50.8%, d = 0.2%), 2. Survey among practicing psychotherapists (n = 983), 3. Survey of psychotherapists in psychotherapeutic outpatient clinics (n = 185), 4. Interviews with psychotherapeutic inpatient clinics (n = 28).
Results: The estimated prevalence of lPUD in the online study was 4.7% and men were 6.3 times more often affected than women. Compared to individuals without PUD, individuals with lPUD more often indicated negative consequences in performance-related areas. Among lPUD cases, 51.2% of men and 64.3% of women were interested in a specialized PUD treatment. Psychotherapists reported 1.2%–2.9% of lPUD cases among their patients. 43.2%–61.5% of psychotherapists stated to be poorly informed about PUD. Only 7% of psychotherapeutic inpatient clinics provided specific treatments to patients with PUD. While, among other factors, negative consequences attributed to lPUD were predictive for psychotherapy demand, weekly pornography consumption, subjective well-being, and religious attachment were not.
Discussion and conclusions: Although PUD occurs quite often in Germany, availability of mental health care services for PUD is poor. Specific PUD treatments are urgently needed.
A recent in-vivo experiment has shown that force can be transmitted between the gastrocnemius and the hamstring muscles due to a direct tissue continuity. However, it remains unclear if this mechanical interaction is affected by the stiffness of the structural connection. This study therefore aimed to investigate the impact of the knee angle on myofascial force transmission across the dorsal knee. A randomized, cross-over study was performed, including n = 56 healthy participants (25.36 ± 3.9 years, 25 females). On two separate days, they adopted a prone position on an isokinetic dynamometer (knee extended or 60° flexed). In each condition, the device moved the ankle three times from maximal plantarflexion to maximal dorsal extension. Muscle inactivity was ensured using EMG. High-resolution ultrasound videos of the semimembranosus (SM) and the gastrocnemius medialis (GM) soft tissue were recorded. Maximal horizontal tissue displacement, obtained using cross-correlation, was examined as a surrogate of force transmission. SM tissue displacement was higher at extended (4.83 ± 2.04 mm) than at flexed knees (3.81 ± 2.36 mm). Linear regression demonstrated significant associations between (1) SM and GM soft tissue displacement (extended: R2 = 0.18, p = 0.001; flexed: R2 = 0.17, p = 0.002) as well as (2) SM soft tissue displacement and ankle range of motion (extended: R2 = 0.103, p = 0.017; flexed: R2 = 0.095, p = 0.022). Our results further strengthen the evidence that local stretching induces a force transmission to neighboring muscles. Resulting remote exercise effects such as increased range of motion, seem to depend on the stiffness of the continuity.
Trial registration: DRKS (Deutsches Register Klinischer Studien), registration number DRKS00024420, first registered 08/02/2021,
Low-to-moderate quality meta-analytic evidence shows that motor control stabilisation exercise (MCE) is an effective treatment of non-specific low back pain. A possible approach to overcome the weaknesses of traditional meta-analyses would be that of a prospective meta-analyses. The aim of the present analysis was to generate high-quality evidence to support the view that motor control stabilisation exercises (MCE) lead to a reduction in pain intensity and disability in non-specific low back pain patients when compared to a control group. In this prospective meta-analysis and sensitivity multilevel meta-regression within the MiSpEx-Network, 18 randomized controlled study arms were included. Participants with non-specific low back pain were allocated to an intervention (individualized MCE, 12 weeks) or a control group (no additive exercise intervention). From each study site/arm, outcomes at baseline, 3 weeks, 12 weeks, and 6 months were pooled. The outcomes were current pain (NRS or VAS, 11 points scale), characteristic pain intensity, and subjective disability. A random effects meta-analysis model for continuous outcomes to display standardized mean differences between intervention and control was performed, followed by sensitivity multilevel meta-regressions. Overall, 2391 patients were randomized; 1976 (3 weeks, short-term), 1740 (12 weeks, intermediate), and 1560 (6 months, sustainability) participants were included in the meta-analyses. In the short-term, intermediate and sustainability, moderate-to-high quality evidence indicated that MCE has a larger effect on current pain (SMD = −0.15, −0.15, −0.19), pain intensity (SMD = −0.19, −0.26, −0.26) and disability (SMD = −0.15, −0.27, −0.25) compared with no exercise intervention. Low-quality evidence suggested that those patients with comparably intermediate current pain and older patients may profit the most from MCE. Motor control stabilisation exercise is an effective treatment for non-specific low back pain. Sub-clinical intermediate pain and middle-aged patients may profit the most from this intervention.
Alterations in dendritic spine numbers are linked to deficits in learning and memory. While we previously revealed that postsynaptic plasticity-related gene 1 (PRG-1) controls lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) signaling at glutamatergic synapses via presynaptic LPA receptors, we now show that PRG-1 also affects spine density and synaptic plasticity in a cell-autonomous fashion via protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A)/β1-integrin activation. PRG-1 deficiency reduces spine numbers and β1-integrin activation, alters long-term potentiation (LTP), and impairs spatial memory. The intracellular PRG-1 C terminus interacts in an LPA-dependent fashion with PP2A, thus modulating its phosphatase activity at the postsynaptic density. This results in recruitment of adhesome components src, paxillin, and talin to lipid rafts and ultimately in activation of β1-integrins. Consistent with these findings, activation of PP2A with FTY720 rescues defects in spine density and LTP of PRG-1-deficient animals. These results disclose a mechanism by which bioactive lipid signaling via PRG-1 could affect synaptic plasticity and memory formation.
Background: Conversion from calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) therapy to a mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor following kidney transplantation may help to preserve graft function. Data are sparse, however, concerning the impact of conversion on posttransplant diabetes mellitus (PTDM) or the progression of pre-existing diabetes.
Methods: PTDM and other diabetes-related parameters were assessed post hoc in two large open-label multicenter trials. Kidney transplant recipients were randomized (i) at month 4.5 to switch to everolimus or remain on a standard cyclosporine (CsA)-based regimen (ZEUS, n = 300), or (ii) at month 3 to switch to everolimus, remain on standard CNI therapy or convert to everolimus with reduced-exposure CsA (HERAKLES, n = 497).
Results: There were no significant differences in the incidence of PTDM between treatment groups (log rank p = 0.97 [ZEUS], p = 0.90 [HERAKLES]). The mean change in random blood glucose from randomization to month 12 was also similar between treatment groups in both trials for patients with or without PTDM, and with or without pre-existing diabetes. The change in eGFR from randomization to month 12 showed a benefit for everolimus versus comparator groups in all subpopulations, but only reached significance in larger subgroups (no PTDM or no pre-existing diabetes).
Conclusions: Within the restrictions of this post hoc analysis, including non-standardized diagnostic criteria and limited glycemia laboratory parameters, these data do not indicate any difference in the incidence or severity of PTDM with early conversion from a CsA-based regimen to everolimus, or in the progression of pre-existing diabetes.
Trial registration:, NCT00154310 (registered September 2005) and NCT00514514 (registered August 2007); EudraCT (2006-007021-32 and 2004-004346-40).
Background: Preclinical studies demonstrate synergism between cancer immunotherapy and local radiation, enhancing anti-tumor effects and promoting immune responses. BI1361849 (CV9202) is an active cancer immunotherapeutic comprising protamine-formulated, sequence-optimized mRNA encoding six non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)-associated antigens (NY-ESO-1, MAGE-C1, MAGE-C2, survivin, 5T4, and MUC-1), intended to induce targeted immune responses.
Methods: We describe a phase Ib clinical trial evaluating treatment with BI1361849 combined with local radiation in 26 stage IV NSCLC patients with partial response (PR)/stable disease (SD) after standard first-line therapy. Patients were stratified into three strata (1: non-squamous NSCLC, no epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutation, PR/SD after ≥4 cycles of platinum- and pemetrexed-based treatment [n = 16]; 2: squamous NSCLC, PR/SD after ≥4 cycles of platinum-based and non-platinum compound treatment [n = 8]; 3: non-squamous NSCLC, EGFR mutation, PR/SD after ≥3 and ≤ 6 months EGFR-tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) treatment [n = 2]). Patients received intradermal BI1361849, local radiation (4 × 5 Gy), then BI1361849 until disease progression. Strata 1 and 3 also had maintenance pemetrexed or continued EGFR-TKI therapy, respectively. The primary endpoint was evaluation of safety; secondary objectives included assessment of clinical efficacy (every 6 weeks during treatment) and of immune response (on Days 1 [baseline], 19 and 61).
Results: Study treatment was well tolerated; injection site reactions and flu-like symptoms were the most common BI1361849-related adverse events. Three patients had grade 3 BI1361849-related adverse events (fatigue, pyrexia); there was one grade 3 radiation-related event (dysphagia). In comparison to baseline, immunomonitoring revealed increased BI1361849 antigen-specific immune responses in the majority of patients (84%), whereby antigen-specific antibody levels were increased in 80% and functional T cells in 40% of patients, and involvement of multiple antigen specificities was evident in 52% of patients. One patient had a partial response in combination with pemetrexed maintenance, and 46.2% achieved stable disease as best overall response. Best overall response was SD in 57.7% for target lesions.
Conclusion: The results support further investigation of mRNA-based immunotherapy in NSCLC including combinations with immune checkpoint inhibitors.
Trial registration: identifier: NCT01915524.
Der Prozess einer allmählichen, stellenweise auch plötzlichen Umorientierung literarischer Wertmaßtäbe um 1830 soll an einem Fallbeispiel konkretisiert werden, nämlich der zeitgenössischen publizistischen Rezeption von Grabbes Dramen. Gefragt wird nach den Details eines literaturkritischen Diskurses, in dessen Verlauf die sakrosankte Gattungsnorm der Tragödie 'hohen Stils' suspendiert wird zugunsten eines offeneren Dramenkonzepts, das vor allem zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts wieder aufgegriffen und fruchtbar gemacht wird. Die Reaktionen auf Grabbes Dramen bieten sich für eine solche Fallstudie zum einen deshalb an, weil seine Dramen bei ihrem Erscheinen äußerst kontrovers diskutiert werden, und zum anderen, weil die dazu nötigen mühseligen positivistischen Vorarbeiten, nämlich das Auffinden und Sammeln zeitgenössischer Rezensionen, in diesem Fall schon seit Jahrzehnten abgeschlossen und publiziert sind: Zwischen 1958 und 1966 veröffentlichte der Grabbe-Forscher Alfred Bergmann in einer sechsbändigen, bislang von der Forschung weitgehend unbeachtet gebliebenen Dokumentation Grabbes Werke in der zeitgenössischen Kritik sämtliche erreichbaren publizistischen Äußerungen zu den Dramen Grabbes.
Tätigkeitsbericht 2005/06