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Document Type
- Article (37)
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- yes (37)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (37)
- MLL (6)
- Cell biology (4)
- acute leukemia (3)
- AF4 (2)
- Cancer (2)
- IKZF1 (2)
- MLL-r leukemia (2)
- machine learning (2)
- 11q23/MLL rearrangements (1)
- 5-lipoxygenase (1)
Blut steht für Leben - und für den Tod. Das ist in der Medizin nicht anders als in der Mythologie. Vor wenigen Jahrzehnten war die Diagnose Blutkrebs noch ein sicheres Todesurteil. Heute werden viele Leukämiekranke geheilt. An der Goethe-Universität setzt ein Schwerpunkt für Lymphom- und Leukämieforschung deutschlandweit Akzente bei Forschung und Diagnostik.
MLL-r Leukemia
Chromosomal translocations - leading to the expression of fusion genes - are well-studied genetic abberrations associated with the development of leukemias. Most of them represent altered transcription factors that affect transcription or epigenetics, while others - like BCR-ABL - are enhancing signaling. BCR-ABL has become the prototype for rational drug design, and drugs like Imatinib and subsequently improved drugs have a great impact on cancer treatments. By contrast, MLL-translocations in acute leukemia patients are hard to treat, display a high relapse rate and the overall survival rate is still very poor. Therefore, new treatment modalities are urgently needed. Based on the molecular insights of the most frequent MLL rearrangements, BET-, DOT1L-, SET- and MEN1/LEDGF-inhibitors have been developed and first clinical studies were initiated. Not all results of these studies have are yet available, however, a first paper reports a failure in the DOT1L-inhibitor study although it was the most promising drug based on literature data. One possible explanation is that all of the above mentioned drugs also target the cognate wildtype proteins. Here, we want to strengthen the fact that efforts should be made to develop drugs or strategies to selectively inhibit only the fusion proteins. Some examples will be given that follow exactly this guideline, and proof-of-concept experiments have already demonstrated their feasibility and effectiveness. Some of the mentioned approaches were using drugs that are already on the market, indicating that there are existing opportunities for the future which should be implemented in future therapy strategies.
Our focus is the identification, characterisation and functional analysis of different MLL fusions. In general, MLL fusion proteins are encoded by large cDNA cassettes that are difficult to transduce into haematopoietic stem cells. This is due to the size limitations of the packaging process of those vector-encoded RNAs into retro- or lentiviral particles. Here, we present our efforts in establishing a universal vector system to analyse different MLL fusions. The universal cloning system was embedded into the backbone of the Sleeping Beauty transposable element. This transposon has no size limitation and displays no integration preference, thereby avoiding the integration into active genes or their promoter regions. We utilised this novel system to test different MLL fusion alleles (MLL-NEBL, NEBL-MLL, MLL-LASP1, LASP1-MLL, MLL-MAML2, MAML2-MLL, MLL-SMAP1 and SMAP1-MLL) in appropriate cell lines. Stable cell lines were analysed for their growth behaviour, focus formation and colony formation capacity and ectopic Hoxa gene transcription. Our results show that only 1/4 tested direct MLL fusions, but 3/4 tested reciprocal MLL fusions exhibit oncogenic functions. From these pilot experiments, we conclude that a systematic analysis of more MLL fusions will result in a more differentiated picture about the oncogenic capacity of distinct MLL fusions.
Background: Abnormalities of 11q23 involving the MLL gene are found in approximately 10% of human leukemias. To date, nearly 100 different chromosome bands have been described in rearrangements involving 11q23 and 64 fusion genes have been cloned and characterized at the molecular level. In this work we present the identification of a novel MLL fusion partner in a pediatric patient with de novo biphenotypic acute leukemia. Methods: Cytogenetics, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), molecular studies (RT-PCR and LDI-PCR), and bioinformatic sequence analysis were used to characterize the CT45A2 gene as novel MLL fusion partner in pediatric acute leukemia. Results: Fluorescence in situ hybridization of the patient G-banded metaphases demonstrated a cryptic insertion of 11q23 in Xq26.3 involving the MLL gene. Breakpoint fusion analysis revealed that a DNA fragment of 653 kb from 11q23, containing MLL exons 1-9 in addition to 16 other 11q23 genes, was inserted into the upstream region of the CT45A2 gene located at Xq26.3. In addition, a deletion at Xq26.3 encompassing the 3' region of the DDX26B gene (exons 9-16) and the entire CT45A1 gene was identified. RNA analysis revealed the presence of a novel MLL-CT45A2 fusion transcript in which the first 9 exons of the MLL gene were fused in-frame to exon 2 of the CT45A2 gene, resulting in a spliced MLL fusion transcript with an intact open reading frame. The resulting chimeric transcript predicts a fusion protein where the N-terminus of MLL is fused to the entire open reading frame of CT45A2. Finally, we demonstrate that all breakpoint regions are rich in long repetitive motifs, namely LINE/L1 and SINE/Alu sequences, but all breakpoints were exclusively identified outside these repetitive DNA sequences. Conclusion: We have identified CT45A2 as a novel spliced MLL fusion partner in a pediatric patient with de novo biphenotypic acute leukemia, as a result of a cryptic insertion of 11q23 in Xq26.3. Since CT45A2 is the first Cancer/Testis antigen family gene found fused with MLL in acute leukemia, future studies addressing its biologic relevance for leukemogenesis are warranted.
Цель: Оценить влияние локализации точки разрыва в геномной ДНК гена MLL на прогноз острых лейкозов (ОЛ) у детей первого года жизни.
Методы: В исследование было включено 68 детей первого года жизни (29 мальчиков и 39 девочек с медианой возраста 4,8 мес.) с MLL-позитивными острым лимфобластным лейкозом (ОЛЛ) (n = 46), острым миелоидным лейкозом (ОМЛ) (n = 20) и ОЛ смешанной линейности (n = 2).
Результаты: 5-летняя бессобытийная выживаемость (БСВ) детей первого года жизни с ОЛЛ, включенных в исследование MLL-Baby, с точкой разрыва в интроне 11 ДНК гена MLL (n = 29) была статистически значимо ниже, чем у пациентов c локализацией точек разрыва, начиная с интрона 7 по экзон 11 (n = 17; 0,16 ± 0,07 и 0,38 ± 0,14; p = 0,039), а кумулятивная вероятность развития рецидива была значительно выше в группе с точкой разрыва в интроне 11 (0,74 ± 0,09 и 0,52 ± 0,17; p = 0,045). В то же время многофакторный анализ показал, что единственным значимым фактором, связанным с неблагоприятным прогнозом, остается сохранение минимальной остаточной болезни (МОБ) в точке наблюдения 4 протокола MLL-Baby (отношение опасности 5,994; 95%-й доверительный интервал 2,209–16,263; p < 0,001). У 22 пациентов с ОМЛ связи между прогнозом и локализацией точки разрыва в ДНК гена MLL не выявлено.
Заключение: Наличие точки разрыва в интроне 11 гена MLL у детей первого года жизни с ОЛЛ, получавших лечение по протоколу MLL-Baby, вело к статистически значимо более низким показателям БСВ и более высокой кумулятивной вероятности развития рецидива. Однако в многофакторной модели риска это нивелировалось сохранением МОБ в точке наблюдения 4. У детей первого года жизни с ОМЛ взаимосвязи между локализацией точки разрыва в ДНК гена MLL и прогнозом не выявлено.
TO THE EDITOR: We read an interesting paper by Palta et al. in a recent issue of the Korean Journal of Hematology titled, "ZBTB16-RARA variant of acute promyelocytic leukemia with tuberculosis: a case report and review of literature" [1]. We would like to add some comments to their article and suggest additional molecular methods to confirm variant translocations in acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL)....
This report describes the clinical courses of two acute myeloid leukemia patients. Both had MLL translocations, the first a t(10;11)(p11.2;q23) with MLL-AF10 and the second a t(11;19)(q23;p13.1) with MLL-ELL fusion. They achieved a clinical remission under conventional chemotherapy but relapsed shortly after end of therapy. Both had a history of invasive mycoses (one had possible pulmonary mycosis, one systemic candidiasis). Because no HLA-identical donor was available, a haploidentical transplantation was performed in both cases. Using a specially designed PCR method for the assessment of minimal residual disease (MRD), based on the quantitative detection of the individual chromosomal breakpoint in the MLL gene, all patients achieved complete and persistent molecular remission after transplantation. The immune reconstitution after transplantation is described in terms of total CD3+/CD4+, CD3+/CD8+, CD19+, and CD16+/CD56+ cell numbers over time. The KIR and HLA genotypes of donors and recipients are reported and the possibility of a KIR-mediated alloreactivity is discussed. This report illustrates that haploidentical transplantation may offer a chance of cure without chronic graft-versus-host disease in situations where no suitable HLA-identical donor is available even in a high-risk setting and shows the value of MRD monitoring in the pre- and posttransplant setting.
Background: Acute leukemia in early age (EAL) is characterized by acquired genetic alterations such as MLL rearrangements (MLL-r). The aim of this case-controlled study was to investigate whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of IKZF1, ARID5B, and CEBPE could be related to the onset of EAL cases (<24 months-old at diagnosis).
Methods: The SNPs (IKZF1 rs11978267, ARID5B rs10821936 and rs10994982, CEBPE rs2239633) were genotyped in 265 cases [169 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and 96 acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)] and 505 controls by Taqman allelic discrimination assay. Logistic regression was used to evaluate the association between SNPs of cases and controls, adjusted on skin color and/or age. The risk was determined by calculating odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence interval (CI).
Results: Children with the IKZF1 SNP had an increased risk of developing MLL-germline ALL in white children. The heterozygous/mutant genotype in ARID5B rs10994982 significantly increased the risk for MLL-germline leukemia in white and non-white children (OR 2.60, 95% CI: 1.09-6.18 and OR 3.55, 95% CI: 1.57-8.68, respectively). The heterozygous genotype in ARID5B rs10821936 increased the risk for MLL-r leukemia in both white and non-white (OR 2.06, 95% CI: 1.12-3.79 and OR 2.36, 95% CI: 1.09-5.10, respectively). Furthermore, ARID5B rs10821936 conferred increased risk for MLL-MLLT3 positive cases (OR 7.10, 95% CI:1.54-32.68). Our data do not show evidence that CEBPE rs2239633 confers increased genetic susceptibility to EAL.
Conclusions: IKZF1 and CEBPE variants seem to play a minor role in genetic susceptibility to EAL, while ARID5B rs10821936 increased the risk of MLL-MLLT3. This result shows that genetic susceptibility could be associated with the differences regarding MLL breakpoints and partner genes.