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- electronic band structure (2)
- photoelectron spectroscopy (2)
- transition-metal oxides (2)
- 900 GeV (1)
- ALICE (1)
- LHC (1)
- Magnetic properties and materials (1)
- PYTHIA (1)
- SrNi2P2 (1)
- Transverse momentum (1)
The inclusive charged particle transverse momentum distribution is measured in proton–proton collisions at s=900 GeV at the LHC using the ALICE detector. The measurement is performed in the central pseudorapidity region (|η|<0.8) over the transverse momentum range 0.15<pT<10 GeV/c. The correlation between transverse momentum and particle multiplicity is also studied. Results are presented for inelastic (INEL) and non-single-diffractive (NSD) events. The average transverse momentum for |η|<0.8 is 〈pT〉INEL=0.483±0.001 (stat.)±0.007 (syst.) GeV/c and 〈pT〉NSD=0.489±0.001 (stat.)±0.007 (syst.) GeV/c, respectively. The data exhibit a slightly larger 〈pT〉 than measurements in wider pseudorapidity intervals. The results are compared to simulations with the Monte Carlo event generators PYTHIA and PHOJET.
Understanding the physics of strongly correlated electronic systems has been a central issue in condensed matter physics for decades. In transition metal oxides, strong correlations characteristic of narrow d bands are at the origin of remarkable properties such as the opening of Mott gap, enhanced effective mass, and anomalous vibronic coupling, to mention a few. SrVO3 with V4+ in a 3d1 electronic configuration is the simplest example of a 3D correlated metallic electronic system. Here, the authors' focus on the observation of a (roughly) quadratic temperature dependence of the inverse electron mobility of this seemingly simple system, which is an intriguing property shared by other metallic oxides. The systematic analysis of electronic transport in SrVO3 thin films discloses the limitations of the simplest picture of e–e correlations in a Fermi liquid (FL); instead, it is shown show that the quasi-2D topology of the Fermi surface (FS) and a strong electron–phonon coupling, contributing to dress carriers with a phonon cloud, play a pivotal role on the reported electron spectroscopic, optical, thermodynamic, and transport data. The picture that emerges is not restricted to SrVO3 but can be shared with other 3d and 4d metallic oxides.
Type-II multiferroic materials, in which ferroelectric polarization is induced by inversion non-symmetric magnetic order, promise new and highly efficient multifunctional applications based on mutual control of magnetic and electric properties. However, to date this phenomenon is limited to low temperatures. Here we report giant pressure-dependence of the multiferroic critical temperature in CuBr2: at 4.5 GPa it is enhanced from 73.5 to 162 K, to our knowledge the highest TC ever reported for non-oxide type-II multiferroics. This growth shows no sign of saturating and the dielectric loss remains small under these high pressures. We establish the structure under pressure and demonstrate a 60\% increase in the two-magnon Raman energy scale up to 3.6 GPa. First-principles structural and magnetic energy calculations provide a quantitative explanation in terms of dramatically pressure-enhanced interactions between CuBr2 chains. These large, pressure-tuned magnetic interactions motivate structural control in cuprous halides as a route to applied high-temperature multiferroicity.
The rich functionalities of transition-metal oxides and their interfaces bear an enormous technological potential. Its realization in practical devices requires, however, a significant improvement of yet relatively low electron mobility in oxide materials. Recently, a mobility boost of about 2 orders of magnitude has been demonstrated at the spinel–perovskite γ-Al2O3/SrTiO3 interface compared to the paradigm perovskite–perovskite LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface. We explore the fundamental physics behind this phenomenon from direct measurements of the momentum-resolved electronic structure of this interface using resonant soft-X-ray angle-resolved photoemission. We find an anomaly in orbital ordering of the mobile electrons in γ-Al2O3/SrTiO3 which depopulates electron states in the top SrTiO3 layer. This rearrangement of the mobile electron system pushes the electron density away from the interface, which reduces its overlap with the interfacial defects and weakens the electron–phonon interaction, both effects contributing to the mobility boost. A crystal-field analysis shows that the band order alters owing to the symmetry breaking between the spinel γ-Al2O3 and perovskite SrTiO3. Band-order engineering, exploiting the fundamental symmetry properties, emerges as another route to boost the performance of oxide devices.
Evolution of nematic fluctuations in CaK(Fe1−xNix)4As4 with spin-vortex crystal magnetic order
The CaK(Fe1−xNix)4As4 superconductors resemble the archetypal 122-type iron-based materials but have a crystal structure with distinctly lower symmetry. This family hosts one of the few examples of the so-called spin-vortex crystal magnetic order, a non-collinear magnetic configuration that preserves tetragonal symmetry, in contrast to the orthorhombic collinear stripe-type magnetic configuration common to the 122-type systems. Thus, nematic order is completely absent from its phase diagram. To investigate the evolution of nematic fluctuations in such a case, we present elastoresistance and elastic modulus measurements in CaK(Fe1−xNix)4As4 (x=0−0.05) combined with phenomenological modeling and density functional theory. We find clear experimental signatures of considerable nematic fluctuations, including softening of the Young's modulus Y[110] and a Curie-Weiss type divergence of the B2g elastoresistance coefficient in CaK(Fe0.951Ni0.049)4As4. Overall, nematic fluctuations within this series bear strong similarities to the hole-doped Ba1−xKxFe2As2 series, including a substitution-induced sign change. Our theoretical analysis addresses the effect of the specific crystal symmetry of the 1144-type structure in determining its magnetic ground state and on the nematic fluctuations.
The discovery of the 1144-phase, e.g. CaKFe4As4, creates opportunities to build novel intermetallics with alternative stacking of two parent compounds. Here we formalize the idea by defining a class of bulk crystalline solids with A-B stacking (including 1144-phases and beyond), which is a generalization of hetero-structures from few-layer or thin-film semi-conductors to bulk intermetallics. Theoretically, four families of phosphides \textit{AB}(TM)4P4 (TM=Fe, Ru, Co, Ni) are investigated by first-principles calculations, wherein configurational, vibrational and electronic degrees of freedom are considered. It predicts a variety of stable 1144-phases (especially Ru- and Fe-phosphides). Stability rules are found and structural/electronic properties are discussed. Experimentally, we synthesize high-purity CaKRu4P4 as a proof of principle example. The synthetic method is simple and easily applied. Moreover, it alludes to a strategy to explore complex multi-component compounds, facilitated by a phase diagram coordinated by collective descriptors.
The discovery of the 1144-phase, e.g. CaKFe4As4, creates opportunities to build novel intermetallics with alternative stacking of two parent compounds. Here we formalize the idea and introduce a concept, namely hetero-crystals (HC), to describe a unique class of bulk crystalline solids with such A-B stacking (including 1144-phases and beyond). HC generalizes hetero-structures from few-layer or thin-film semi-conductors to bulk intermetallics. We illustrate the HC concept with the example of 1144-phases. Theoretically, four families of phosphides \textit{AB}(TM)4P4 (TM=Fe, Ru, Co, Ni) are investigated by first-principles calculations, wherein configurational, vibrational and electronic degrees of freedom are considered. It predicts a variety of stable 1144-phases (especially Ru- and Fe-phosphides). Stability rules are found and structural/electronic properties are discussed. Experimentally, we synthesize high-purity CaKRu4P4 as a proof of principle example of such a HC. The synthetic method is simple and can be applied to other HC. Moreover, HC alludes to a new strategy to explore complex multi-component compounds, facilitated by a new phase diagram coordinated by collective descriptors.
Rich functionalities of transition-metal oxides and their interfaces bear an enormous technological potential. Its realization in practical devices requires, however, a significant improvement of yet relatively low electron mobility in oxide materials. Recently, a mobility boost of about two orders of magnitude has been demonstrated at the spinel/perovskite {\gamma}-Al2O3/SrTiO3 interface compared to the paradigm perovskite/perovskite LaAlO3/SrTiO3. We explore the fundamental physics behind this phenomenon from direct measurements of the momentum-resolved electronic structure of this interface using resonant soft-X-ray angle-resolved photoemission. We find an anomaly in orbital ordering of the mobile electrons in {\gamma}-Al2O3/SrTiO3 which depopulates electron states in the top STO layer. This rearrangement of the mobile electron system pushes the electron density away from the interface that reduces its overlap with the interfacial defects and weakens the electron-phonon interaction, both effects contributing to the mobility boost. A crystal-field analysis shows that the band order alters owing to the symmetry breaking between the spinel {\gamma}-Al2O3 and perovskite SrTiO3. The band-order engineering exploiting the fundamental symmetry properties emerges as another route to boost the performance of oxide devices.
The maximum recoverable strain of most crystalline solids is less than 1% because plastic deformation or fracture usually occurs at a small strain. In this work, we show that a SrNi2P2 micropillar exhibits pseudoelasticity with a large maximum recoverable strain of ~14% under uniaxial compression via unique reversible structural transformation, double lattice collapse-expansion that is repeatable under cyclic loading. Its high yield strength (~3.8±0.5 GPa) and large maximum recoverable strain bring out the ultrahigh modulus of resilience (~146±19MJ/m3) a few orders of magnitude higher than that of most engineering materials. The double lattice collapse-expansion mechanism shows stress-strain behaviors similar with that of conventional shape memory alloys, such as hysteresis and thermo-mechanical actuation, even though the structural changes involved are completely different. Our work suggests that the discovery of a new class of high performance ThCr2Si2-structured materials will open new research opportunities in the field of pseudoelasticity
The discovery of the 1144-phase, e.g. CaKFe4As4, creates opportunities to build novel intermetallics with alternative stacking of two parent compounds. Here we formalize the idea by defining a class of bulk crystalline solids with A-B stacking (including 1144-phases and beyond), which is a generalization of hetero-structures from few-layer or thin-film semi-conductors to bulk intermetallics. Theoretically, four families of phosphides \textit{AB}(TM)4P4 (TM=Fe, Ru, Co, Ni) are investigated by first-principles calculations, wherein configurational, vibrational and electronic degrees of freedom are considered. It predicts a variety of stable 1144-phases (especially Ru- and Fe-phosphides). Stability rules are found and structural/electronic properties are discussed. Experimentally, we synthesize high-purity CaKRu4P4 as a proof of principle example. The synthetic method is simple and easily applied. Moreover, it alludes to a strategy to explore complex multi-component compounds, facilitated by a phase diagram coordinated by collective descriptors.