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Objectives: Patient-level factors that influence compliance with a recommendation for CBT in nursing home residents diagnosed with depression were identified.
Methods: Within a cluster-randomized trial on stepped care for depression in nursing homes (DAVOS-study, Trial registration: DRKS00015686), participants received an intake interview administered by a licensed psychotherapist. If psychotherapy was required, patients were offered a referral for CBT. Sociodemographic characteristics, severity of depression, loneliness, physical health, antidepressant medication, prior experience with psychotherapy, and attitudes towards own aging were assessed. A binary regression determined predictors of compliance with referral.
Results: Of 123 residents receiving an intake interview, 80 were recommended a CBT. Forty-seven patients (58.8 %) followed the recommendation. The binary logistic regression model on compliance with recommended CBT was significant, χ2(9) = 21.64, p = .010. Significant predictors were age (Odds Ratio (OR) = 0.9; 95 % Confidence Interval (CI) = 0.82, 0.99; p = .024) and depression (OR = 1.33; 95 % CI = 1.08, 1.65; p = .008).
Conclusion: Within the implemented setting compliance rate was comparable to other age groups. Future interventions should include detailed psychoeducation on the benefits of psychotherapy on mild depressive symptoms in older age and evidence-based interventions to address the stigma of depression. Interventions such as reminiscence-based methods or problem-solving could be useful to increase compliance with referral, especially in very old patients (80+). Language barriers and a culturally sensitive approach should be considered when screening residents.
Das erziehungswissenschaftliche Projekt »InterCare« will erforschen, wie junge Menschen die Doppelbelastung von Ausbildung/Studium und Pflege bewältigen. Offizieller Start des Projekts, das über vier Jahre hinweg mit 1,2 Millionen Euro von der VolkswagenStiftung gefördert wird, ist im Oktober 2024. Die Soziologin und Altersforscherin Dr. Anna Wanka koordiniert InterCare und erläutert das Design des Projekts.
Sleep and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have repeatedly been found to be associated with each other. However, the ecological validity of daily life studies to examine the effect of sleep on ADHD symptoms is rarely made use of. In an ambulatory assessment study with measurement burst design, consisting of three bursts (each 6 months apart) of 18 days each, 70 German schoolchildren aged 10–12 years reported on their sleep quality each morning and on their subjective ADHD symptom levels as well as their sleepiness three times a day. It was hypothesized that nightly sleep quality is negatively associated with ADHD symptoms on the inter- as well as the intraindividual level. Thus, we expected children who sleep better to report higher attention and self-regulation. Additionally, sleepiness during the day was hypothesized to be positively associated with ADHD symptoms on both levels, meaning that when children are sleepier, they experience more ADHD symptoms. No association of sleep quality and ADHD symptoms between or within participants was found in multilevel analyses; also, no connection was found between ADHD symptoms and daytime sleepiness on the interindividual level. Unexpectedly, a negative association was found on the intraindividual level for ADHD symptoms and daytime sleepiness, indicating that in moments when children are sleepier during the day, they experience less ADHD symptoms. Explorative analyses showed differential links of nightly sleep quality and daytime sleepiness, with the core symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity, respectively. Therefore, future analyses should take the factor structure of ADHD symptoms into account.
The paper reports on research that investigates older men's care practices and how their caring for others opens new ways of exploring the intersections of aging, gender, and care work. Using the concept caring masculinities as a sensitizing concept, the onus is on exploring patterns of power, interdependence, and relationality within men's care practices. Aging masculinities often remain constructed around paid-for occupational work (in opposition to unpaid care work) despite the transition into retirement. Little work exists on how caring is at work in later life potentially transforming gender relations and enacted masculinities. Moreover, much of the research on aging masculinities have not considered the expansiveness of retirement and the discourses as well as subjective expectations around the activity in later life that create an uncertain terrain of socioculturally structured mandates to be navigated. This paper draws on data from two qualitative interview studies conducted with retired men in England and Germany, in which the role of caregiving emerged as an inductive theme in their narratives. The paper makes a specific contribution to developing empirical and theoretical knowledge of caring masculinities and power relations by providing insights on men's trajectories into caring, and how they make sense of their caring for and about others.
MoSyD Jahresbericht 2022 : Drogentrends in Frankfurt am Main ; Monitoring-System Drogentrends
In der Dissertation werden mit Hilfe der Grounded Theory Methodologie Möglichkeiten und Bedingungen von Museumsangeboten für Menschen mit Demenz erforscht.Die Arbeit versteht sich als erziehungswissenschaftlich-gerontologisch und nimmt dabei die Perspektive einer kritischen Kunst- und Kulturvermittlung ein.