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Black shale sediments from the Barremian to Aptian South Atlantic document intense and widespread burial of marine organic carbon during the initial stages of seafloor spreading between Africa and South America. The enhanced sequestration of atmospheric CO2 makes these young ocean basins potential drivers of the Early Cretaceous carbon cycle and climate perturbations. The opening of marine gateways between initially restricted basins and related circulation and ventilation changes are a commonly invoked explanation for the transient formation and disappearance of these regional carbon sinks. However, large uncertainties in paleogeographic reconstructions limit the interpretation of available paleoceanographic data and prevent any robust model-based quantifications of the proposed circulation and carbon burial changes. Here, we present a new approach to assess the principal controls on the Early Cretaceous South Atlantic and Southern Ocean circulation changes under full consideration of the uncertainties in available boundary conditions. Specifically, we use a large ensemble of 36 climate model experiments to simulate the Barremian to Albian progressive opening of the Falkland Plateau and Georgia Basin gateways with different configurations of the proto-Drake Passage, the Walvis Ridge, and atmospheric CO2 concentrations. The experiments are designed to complement available geochemical data across the regions and to test circulation scenarios derived from them. All simulations show increased evaporation and intermediate water formation at subtropical latitudes that drive a meridional overturning circulation whose vertical extent is determined by the sill depth of the Falkland Plateau. Densest water masses formed in the southern Angola Basin and potentially reached the deep Cape Basin as Walvis Ridge Overflow Water. Paleogeographic uncertainties are as important as the lack of precise knowledge of atmospheric CO2 levels for the simulated temperature and salinity spread in large parts of the South Atlantic. Overall temperature uncertainties are up to 15 °C and increase significantly with water depth. The ensemble approach reveals temporal changes in the relative importance of geographic and radiative forcings for the simulated oceanographic conditions and, importantly, nonlinear interactions between them. Progressive northward opening of the highly restricted Angola Basin increased the sensitivity of local overturning and upper ocean stratification to atmospheric CO2 concentrations due to large-scale changes in the hydrological cycle, while the chosen proto-Drake Passage depth is critical for the ocean dynamics and CO2 response in the southern South Atlantic. Finally, the simulated processes are integrated into a recent carbon burial framework to document the principal control of the regional gateway evolution on the progressive shift from the prevailing saline and oxygen-depleted subtropical water masses to the dominance of ventilated high-latitude deep waters.
Black shale sediments from the Barremian to Aptian South Atlantic document the intense and widespread burial of marine organic carbon during the initial stages of seafloor spreading between Africa and South America. The enhanced sequestration of atmospheric CO2 makes these young ocean basins potential drivers of the Early Cretaceous carbon cycle and climate perturbations. The opening of marine gateways between initially restricted basins and related circulation and ventilation changes are a commonly invoked explanation for the transient formation and disappearance of these regional carbon sinks. However, large uncertainties in palaeogeographic reconstructions limit the interpretation of available palaeoceanographic data and prevent any robust model-based quantifications of the proposed circulation and carbon burial changes. Here, we present a new approach to assess the principal controls on the Early Cretaceous South Atlantic and Southern Ocean circulation changes under full consideration of the uncertainties in available boundary conditions. Specifically, we use a large ensemble of 36 climate model experiments to simulate the Barremian to Albian progressive opening of the Falkland Plateau and Georgia Basin gateways with different configurations of the proto-Drake Passage, the Walvis Ridge, and atmospheric CO2 concentrations. The experiments are designed to complement available geochemical data across the regions and to test circulation scenarios derived from them. All simulations show increased evaporation and intermediate water formation at subtropical latitudes that drive a meridional overturning circulation whose vertical extent is determined by the sill depth of the Falkland Plateau. The densest water masses formed in the southern Angola Basin and potentially reached the deep Cape Basin as Walvis Ridge Overflow Water. Palaeogeographic uncertainties are as important as the lack of precise knowledge of atmospheric CO2 levels for the simulated temperature and salinity spread in large parts of the South Atlantic. Overall temperature uncertainties reach up to 15 °C and increase significantly with water depth. The ensemble approach reveals temporal changes in the relative importance of geographic and radiative forcings for the simulated oceanographic conditions and, importantly, nonlinear interactions between them. The progressive northward opening of the highly restricted Angola Basin increased the sensitivity of local overturning and upper-ocean stratification to atmospheric CO2 concentrations due to large-scale changes in the hydrological cycle, while the chosen proto-Drake Passage depth is critical for the ocean dynamics and CO2 response in the southern South Atlantic. Finally, the simulated processes are integrated into a recent carbon burial framework to document the principal control of the regional gateway evolution on the progressive shift from the prevailing saline and oxygen-depleted subtropical water masses to the dominance of ventilated high-latitude deep waters.
Thermally driven local winds are ubiquitous in deep Alpine valleys during fair weather conditions resulting in a unique wind climatology for any given valley. The accurate forecasting of these local wind systems is challenging, as they are the result of complex and multi-scale interactions. Even more so, if the aim is an accurate forecast of the winds from the near-surface to the free atmosphere, which can be considered a prerequisite for the accurate prediction of mountain weather. This study combines the evaluation of the simulated surface winds in several Alpine valleys with a more detailed evaluation of the wind evolution for a particular location in the Swiss Rhone valley, at the town of Sion during the month of September 2016. Four numerical simulations using the COSMO model are evaluated, two using a grid spacing of 1.1 km and two with a grid spacing of 550 m. For each resolution, one simulation is initialised with the soil moisture from the COSMO analysis and one with an increased soil moisture (+30%). In a first part, a comparison with observations from the operational measurement network of MeteoSwiss is used to evaluate the model performance, while, in a second part, data from a wind profiler stationed at Sion airport is used for a more detailed evaluation of the valley atmosphere near the town of Sion. The analysis focuses on 18 valley wind days observed in the Sion region in September 2016. Only the combination of an increased soil moisture and a finer grid spacing resulted in a significant improvement of the simulated flow patterns in the Sion region. This includes a stronger and more homogeneous along-valley wind in the Wallis and a more realistic cross-valley wind and temperature profile near the town of Sion. It is shown that the remaining differences between the observed and simulated near-surface wind are likely due to very local topographic features. Small-scale hills, not resolved on even the finer model grid, result in a constriction of the valley cross section and an acceleration of the observed low-level up-valley wind in the region of Sion.
The study of biogenic structures (e.g., lebensspuren) produced by benthic fauna on the seafloor provides invaluable information about the behavior of their tracemakers. In the case of sea stars, most of the previous research has been focused on shallow-marine environments due to the extreme scarcity of data from deep-sea lebensspurens. Here, we examined sea star traces from six deep-sea stations (deeper than 4500 m) near the Aleutian Trench (North Pacific). A total of six families were identified from still images. The majority of them were not observed producing any lebensspuren or just pentameral impressions related to resting and feeding activities. Two members of the families Pterasteridae and Porcellanasteridae could be clearly characterized by a composite behavior resulting in contrasting lebensspuren morphotypes. A morphotype belonging to the genus Hymenaster undet. produced pentameral impressions (related to predation) and punctuated trails (related to podia locomotion). Members of the family Porcellanasteridae produced oval to circular impressions (that may be related to burrowing trails for the detection of organic matter), flat-shallow trails (related to podia locomotion), and irregular M-ridged trails (related to locomotion while feeding through the sediment interface). There is a severe scarcity of data related to the locomotion of past deep-sea Asteroidea (i.e., trace fossils) and their ichnotaxonomical classification. We discuss the implications of our results for the ichnofamily Biformitidae, as well as the importance of considering other features (e.g., podia impressions) rather than just hook-shaped traces related to arm locomotion.
In the deep-sea, the interaction between benthic fauna and substrate mainly occurs through bioturbational processes which can be preserved as traces (i.e., lebensspuren). Lebensspuren are common features of deep seafloor landscapes and usually more abundant than the organism that produce them (i.e., tracemakers), rendering them promising proxies to infer biodiversity. The density and diversity relationships between lebensspuren and benthic fauna are to the present day unclear and contradicting hypotheses have been proposed suggesting negative, positive, or even null correlations. To test these hypotheses, in this study lebensspuren, tracemakers (specific epibenthic fauna that produce these traces), degrading fauna (benthic fauna that can erase lebensspuren), and fauna in general were characterized taxonomically at eight deep-sea stations in the Kuril Kamchatka Trench area. No general correlation (over-all study area) could be observed between diversities of lebensspuren, tracemakers, degrading fauna and fauna. However, a diversity correlation was observed between specific stations, showing both negative and positive correlations depending on: 1) the number of unknown tracemakers (especially significant for dwelling lebensspuren); and 2) the lebensspuren with multiple origins; and 3) tracemakers that can produce different lebensspuren. Lebensspuren and faunal density were not correlated. However, lebensspuren density was either positively or negatively correlated with tracemaker densities, depending on the lebensspuren morphotypes. A positive correlation was observed for resting lebensspuren (e.g., ophiuroid impressions, Actinaria circular impressions), while negative correlations were observed for locomotion-feeding lebensspuren (e.g., echinoid trails). In conclusion, lebensspuren diversity may be a good proxy for tracemaker biodiversity when the lebensspuren-tracemaker tandem can be reliable characterized; and lebensspuren-density correlations vary depending the specific lebensspuren residence time, tracemaker density and associated behaviour (rate of movement), but on a global scale abiotic and other biotic factors may also play an important role.
Groundwater sustains human well-being and ecosystems functioning. Many regions in Europe have experienced declining groundwater levels caused by decreasing groundwater recharge (GWR) or increasing groundwater abstractions (GWAs). These changes can lead to groundwater-related stress, threatening ecosystems and water supplies. Existing groundwater stress indicators estimate stress during a given period but do not address how stress changes or show the uncertainty of future stress. We propose a novel indicator of future groundwater stress (GWSI) due to changes in GWR and GWA and, thus, the alteration of long-term mean annual groundwater discharge (GWD). Groundwater stress is defined as any alteration in GWD since ecosystems are adapted to an equilibrium state. Focusing on decreasing GWD, which is generally more harmful than increasing GWD, we quantified the future GWSI in Europe by integrating scenarios of GWR and GWA in 2070–2099. GWR was evaluated using an ISIMIP2b multi-model ensemble of eight global hydrological models driven by the output of four global climate models under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios. GWA scenarios for irrigation, domestic and manufacturing sectors were combined with the GWR projections to generate an ensemble of GWSIs, simplified into three groundwater stress scenarios (high, intermediate, low). Projected GWSIs vary significantly among the scenarios. For the high-stress scenario, 58% of Europe’s land area is projected to experience a GWD decrease of at least 25% under RCP8.5 compared to 38% under RCP2.6, while the respective values are 26 and 1% for the intermediate-stress scenario. Groundwater demand management alone might not prevent GWD declines under the high-stress and intermediate scenarios, particularly under RCP8.5. Therefore, climate change mitigation might imperative for reducing the decline of GWD, especially in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, where changes in GWR are projected to be the primary cause of declining GWD (in the high abstraction scenario under RCP8.5). Under RCP2.6, reductions in GWAs by 25–75% might balance a GWD decline in parts of Spain and Italy where GWAs are high, even in the high-stress scenario. In line with the precautionary principle, we recommend adapting to the high-stress scenario to minimize harm to the beneficiaries of groundwater.
Quantifying the impact of biochar on carbon persistence across soil textures is complex, owing to the variability in soil conditions. Using artificial soils with precise textural and mineral compositions, we can disentangle the effects of biochar from the effects of soil particle size. We can show that biochar application significantly reduces the early-stage carbon mineralization rates of plant residues in various soil textures (from 5 % to 41 % clay) but more significantly in sandy soils. Clay and silt particles alone also reduce C mineralization, but the magnitude of the changes is negligible compared to the impact of biochar. This finding suggests that biochar can compensate for the lack of clay in promoting C persistence in soil systems. This short report contributes substantially to understanding soil texture and biochar application interactions.
Quantifying the impact of biochar on carbon persistence across soil textures is complex, owing to the variability in soil conditions. Using artificial soils with precise textural and mineral composition, we could disentangle the effects of biochar from the effects of soil particle size. We can show that biochar application significantly reduces early-stage carbon mineralization rates of plant residues in various soil textures (from 5 to 41 % clay) but more significantly in sandy soils. This finding suggests that biochar can compensate for the lack of clay in promoting C persistence in soil systems. This short report significantly contributes to understanding soil texture and biochar application interactions.
Plate tectonics is a key driver of many natural phenomena occurring on Earth, such as mountain building, climate evolution and natural disasters. How plate tectonics has evolved through time is still one of the fundamental questions in Earth sciences. Natural microstructures observed in exhumed ultrahigh-pressure rocks formed during continental collision provide crucial insights into tectonic processes in the Earth’s interior. Here, we show that radial cracks around SiO2 inclusions in ultrahigh-pressure garnets are caused by ultrafast decompression. Decompression rates of at least 8 GPa/Myr are inferred independently of current petrochronological estimates by using thermo-mechanical numerical modeling. Our results question the traditional interpretation of fast and significant vertical displacement of ultrahigh-pressure tectonic units during exhumation. Instead, we propose that such substantial decompression rates are related to abrupt changes in the stress state of the lithosphere independently of the spatial displacement.
The emergence, geometry and activation of faults are intrinsically linked to frictional rheology. The latter is thus a central element in geodynamic simulations which aim at modeling the generation and evolution of fault zones and plate boundaries. However, resolving frictional strain localization in geodynamic models is problematic. In simulations, equilibrium cannot always be attained and results can depend on mesh resolution. Spatial and temporal regularization techniques have been developed to alleviate these issues. Herein, we investigate three popular regularization techniques, namely viscoplasticity, gradient plasticity and the use of a Cosserat continuum. These techniques have been implemented in a single framework based on an accelerated pseudo-transient solution strategy. The latter allows to explore the effects of regularization on shear banding using the same code and model configuration. We have used model configurations that involve three levels of complexity: from the emergence of a single isolated shear band to the visco-elasto-plastic stress buildup of a crust. All considered approaches allow to resolve shear banding, provide convergence upon mesh refinement and satisfaction of equilibrium. Viscoplastic regularization is straightforward to implement in geodynamic codes. Nevertheless, more stable shear banding patterns and strength estimates are achieved with computationally more expensive gradient and Cosserat-type regularizations. We discuss the relative benefits of these techniques and their combinations for geodynamic modeling. Emphasis is put on the potential of Cosserat-type media for geodynamic applications.
Key Points
* Regularization approaches for plastic strain localization are tested using a single code based on pseudo-transient method
* All considered schemes provide convergent result upon mesh refinement and satisfaction of equilibrium
* The use of Cosserat continuum is most robust regularization approach and is also is the most demanding