Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS)
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- Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) (2033)
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The centrality determination and the estimated fluctuations of number of participant nucleons Npart in Au-Au collisions at 1.23 AGeV beam kinetic energy suffers from severe model dependencies. Comparing the Glauber Monte Carlo (MC) and UrQMD transport models, it is shown that Npart is a strongly model dependant quantity. In addition, for any given centrality class, Glauber MC and UrQMD predicts drastically different Npart distributions. The impact parameter b and the number of charged particles Nch on the other hand are much more correlated and give an almost model independent centrality estimator. It is suggested that the total baryon number balance, from integrated rapidity distributions, can be used instead of Npart in experiments. Preliminary HADES data show significant differences to both, UrQMD simulations and STAR data in this respect.
Cosmological solutions are studied in the context of the modified measure formulation of string theory , then the string tension is a dynamical variable and the string the tension is an additional dynamical degree of freedom and its value is dynamically generated. These tensions are then not universal, rather each string generates its own tension which can have a different value for each of the string world sheets and in an ensemble of strings. The values of the tensions can have a certain dispersion in the ensemble. We consider a new background field that can couple to these strings, the “tension scalar” which is capable of changing locally along the world sheet and then the value of the tension of the string changes accordingly. When many types of strings probing the same region of space are considered this tension scalar is constrained by the requirement of quantum conformal invariance. For the case of two types of strings probing the same region of space with different dynamically generated tensions, there are two different metrics, associated to the different strings. Each of these metrics have to satisfy vacuum Einstein’s equations and the consistency of these two Einstein’s equations determine the tension scalar. The universal metric, common to both strings generically does not satisfy Einstein’s equation . The two string dependent metrics considered here are flat space in Minkowski space and Minkowski space after a special conformal transformation. The limit where the two string tensions are the same is studied, it leads to a well defined solution. If the string tension difference between the two types of strings is very small but finite, the approximately homogeneous and isotropic cosmological solution lasts for a long time, inversely proportional to the string tension difference and then the homogeneity and and isotropy of the cosmological disappears and the solution turns into an expanding braneworld where the strings are confined between two expanding bubbles separated by a very small distance at large times. The same principle is applied to the static end of the universe wall solution that lasts a time inversely proportional to the dispersion of string tensions. This suggest a scenario where quantum fluctuations of the cosmological or static solutions induce the evolution towards braneworld scenarios and decoherence between the different string tension states.
There is great interest in the construction of brane worlds, where matter and gravity are forced to be effective only in a lower dimensional surface, the brane . How these could appear as a consequence of string theory is a crucial question and this has been widely discussed. Here we will examine a distinct scenario that appears in dynamical string tension theories and where string tension is positive between two surfaces separated by a short distance and at the two surfaces themselves the string tensions become infinite, therefore producing an effective confinement of the strings and therefore of all matter and gravity to the space between these to surfaces, which is in fact a new type of stringy brane world scenario. The specific model studied is in the context of the modified measure formulation the string where tension appear as an additional dynamical degree of freedom and these tensions are not universal, but rather each string generates its own tension, which can have a different value for each string. We consider a new background field that can couple to these strings, the tension scalar is capable then of changing locally along the world sheet and then the value of the tension of the extended object changes accordingly. When many types of strings probing the same region of space are considered this tension scalar is constrained by the requirement of quantum conformal invariance. For the case of two types of strings probing the same region of space with different dynamically generated tensions, there are two different metrics, associated to the different strings, that have to satisfy vacuum Einsteins equations and the consistency of these two Einsteins equations determine the tension scalar. The universal metric, common to both strings generically does not satisfy Einsteins equation . The two metrics considered here are flat space in Minkowshi space and flat space after a special conformal transformation and the tension field behaves in such a way that strings are confined inside a light like Segment or alternatively as expanding Braneworlds where the strings are confined between two expanding bubbles separated by a very small distance at large times.
Braneworld scenarios appear in dynamical string tension theories, where string tension is positive between two surfaces separated by a short distance and at the two surfaces themselves the string tensions become infinite, therefore producing an effective confinement of the strings and therefore of all matter and gravity to the space between these to surfaces. The specific model studied is in the context of the modified measure formulation the string where tension appear as an additional dynamical degree of freedom and these tensions are not universal, but rather each string generates its own tension, which can have a different value for each string. We consider a new background field that can couple to these strings, the tension scalar is capable then of changing locally along the world sheet and then the value of the tension of the string object changes accordingly along the world sheet. Sting tension appears dynamically and each string tension has a characteristic constant of integration that appears as a consequence of the dynamical tension generation . When many types of strings probing the same region of space are considered this tension scalar is constrained by the requirement of quantum conformal invariance. For the case of two types of strings probing the same region of space with different dynamically generated tensions (characterized by different constants of integration) , there are two different metrics, associated to the different strings, that have to satisfy vacuum Einsteins equations and the consistency of these two Einsteins equations determine that the tension field behaves. The two metrics are flat space in Minkowshi space and flat space after a special conformal transformation, then the strings are confined inside a light like Segment or alternatively as expanding Braneworlds where the strings are confined between two expanding bubbles.
Braneworld scenarios appear in dynamical string tension theories, where string tension is positive between two surfaces separated by a short distance and at the two surfaces themselves the string tensions become infinite, therefore producing an effective confinement of the strings and therefore of all matter and gravity to the space between these to surfaces. The specific model studied is in the context of the modified measure formulation the string where tension appear as an additional dynamical degree of freedom and these tensions are not universal, but rather each string generates its own tension, which can have a different value for each string. We consider a new background field that can couple to these strings, the tension scalar is capable then of changing locally along the world sheet and then the value of the tension of the string object changes accordingly along the world sheet. Sting tension appears dynamically and each string tension has a characteristic constant of integration that appears as a consequence of the dynamical tension generation . When many types of strings probing the same region of space are considered this tension scalar is constrained by the requirement of quantum conformal invariance. For the case of two types of strings probing the same region of space with different dynamically generated tensions (characterized by different constants of integration) , there are two different metrics, associated to the different strings, that have to satisfy vacuum Einsteins equations and the consistency of these two Einsteins equations determine that the tension field behaves. The two metrics are flat space in Minkowshi space and flat space after a special conformal transformation, then the strings are confined inside a light like Segment or alternatively as expanding Braneworlds where the strings are confined between two expanding bubbles.
There is great interest in the construction of brane worlds, where matter and gravity are forced to be effective only in a lower dimensional surface, the brane . How these could appear as a consequence of string theory is a crucial question and this has been widely discussed. Here we will examine a distinct scenario that appears in dynamical tension theories and where string tension is positive between two surfaces separated by a short distance and at the two surfaces themselves the string tensions become infinite, therefore producing an effective confinement of the strings and therefore of all matter and gravity to the space between these to surfaces, which is in fact a new type of stringy brane world scenario. The basic formulation for obtaining this scenario consist of assuming two types of strings characterized by a different constant of integration related to the spontaneous string tension generation. These string tension multiplied by the embedding metric define conformally related metrics that both satisfy Einsteins equation. The braneworlds appear very naturally when these two metrics are both flat spaces related by a special conformal transformation. The two types of string tensions are determined and they blow up at two close expanding surfaces. A puzzling aspect appears then: the construction is based on flat spaces, but then there are also strings with very large tension near the boundaries of the braneworld,so can the back reaction from the infinite tension strings destroy the flat space background? Fortunatelly that can be resolved using the mechanism Universe creation from almost flat (or empty) spaces, which incorporates a gas of very large string tensions in a membrane, studied before in 1+1 membranes in a 2+1 embedding space and now is generalized for a 1+(D-2) membrane moving in a 1+(D-1) space.
There is great interest in the construction of brane worlds, where matter and gravity are forced to be effective only in a lower dimensional surface , the brane . How these could appear as a consequence of string theory is a crucial question and this has been widely discussed. Here we will examine a distinct scenario that appears in dynamical tension theories and where string tension is positive between two surfaces separated by a short distance and at the two surfaces themselves the string tensions become infinite, therefore producing an effective confinement of the strings and therefore of all matter and gravity to the space between these to surfaces, which is in fact a new type of stringy brane world scenario. The basic formulation for obtaining this scenario consist of assuming two types of strings characterized by a different constant of integration related to the spontaneous string tension generation. These string tension multiplied by the embedding metric define conformally related metrics that both satisfy Einsteins equation. The braneworlds appear very naturally when these two metrics are both flat spaces related by a special conformal transformation. The two types of string tensions are determined and they blow up at two close expanding surfaces. A puzzling aspect appears then: the construction is based on flat spaces, but then there are also strings with very large tension near the boundaries of the braneworld,so can the back reaction from the infinite tension strings destroy the flat space background?. Fortunatelly that can be resolved using the mechanism Universe creation from almost flat (or empty) spaces, which incorporates a gas of very large string tensions in a membrane, studied before in 1+1 membranes in a 2+1 embedding space and now is generalized for a 1+(D-2) membrane moving in a 1+(D-1) space.
We compare the microscopic transport models UrQMD, PHSD, PHQMD, and SMASH to make predictions for the upcoming Ag + Ag data at Elab = 1.58A GeV (√sNN = 2.55 GeV) by the HADES collaboration.We study multiplicities, spectra and effective source temperatures of protons, π±,0, K±, the η, Λ+Σ0 and the Ξ− within these models. Despite variations in the detailed
implementation of the dynamics in the different models, the employed transport approaches all show consistent multiplicities of the bulk of investigated hadrons. The main differences are in the Ξ− production, which is treated differently between UrQMD/SMASH on one side employing high mass resonance states with explicit decays to Resonance → Ξ + K + K in contrast to PHSD/PHQMD which account only non-resonant Ξ production channels. A comparison of the spectra, summarized by effective source temperatures, shows that all models provide similar source temperatures around Tsource = 80–95 MeV, and show substantial radial flow on the order of vT = 0.18c − 0.24c even for such a small system.
There is great interest in the construction of brane worlds, where matter and gravity are forced to be effective only in a lower dimensional surface , the brane . How these could appear as a consequence of string theory is a crucial question and this has been widely discussed. Here we will examine a distinct scenario that appears in dynamical tension theories and where string tension is positive between two surfaces separated by a short distance and at the two surfaces themselves the string tensions become infinite, therefore producing an effective confinement of the strings and therefore of all matter and gravity to the space between these to surfaces, which is in fact a new type of stringy brane world scenario. The basic formulation for obtaining this scenario consist of assuming two types of strings characterized by a different constant of integration related to the spontaneous string tension generation. These string tension multiplied by the embedding metric define conformally related metrics that both satisfy Einsteins equation. The braneworlds appear very naturally when these two metrics are both flat spaces related by a special conformal transformation. The two types of string tensions are determined and they blow up at two close expanding surfaces. A puzzling aspect appears then: the construction is based on flat spaces, but then there are also strings with very large tension near the boundaries of the braneworld,so can the back reaction from the infinite tension strings destroy the flat space background?. Fortunatelly that can be resolved using the mechanism Universe creation from almost flat (or empty) spaces, which incorporates a gas of very large string tensions in a membrane, studied before in 1+1 membranes in a 2+1 embedding space and now is generalized for a 1+(D-2) membrane moving in a 1+(D-1) space.
We propose a new approach to investigate inflation in a model-independent way, and in particular to elaborate the involved observables, through the introduction of the “scale factor potential”. Through its use one can immediately determine the inflation end, which corresponds to its first (and global) minimum. Additionally, we express the inflationary observables in terms of its logarithm, using as independent variable the e-folding number. As an example, we construct a new class of scalar potentials that can lead to the desired spectral index and tensor-to-scalar ratio, namely ns≈0.965 and r∼10−4 for 60 e-folds, in agreement with observations.