560 Paläontologie; Paläozoologie
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Capturing the mechanisms leading to the local extirpation of a species in deep-time is a challenge. Combining stable oxygen and carbon isotopic analyses on benthic and planktonic foraminifera and the otoliths of pelagic and benthic fish species, we reveal here the paleoceanographic regime shifts changes that took place in the Eastern Mediterranean from 7.2 to 6.5 Ma, in the precursor phase to the Messinian Salinity Crisis, and discuss the fishes’ response to these events. The step-wise restriction of the Mediterranean–Atlantic gateway impacted the Mediterranean fishes’ metabolisms, particularly20 those dwelling in the sea bottom. An important shift in the Mediterranean paleoceanographic conditions took place between 6.951 and 6.882 Ma, from predominantly temperature to salinity control, which was probably related to stratification of the water column. A regime shift at 6.814 Ma due to change in the influx amount, source and/or preservation of organic matter led a pelagic–benthic decoupling of the fish fauna. The oxygen isotopic composition of the benthic fish otoliths expresses higher salinity of the lower part of the water column at that time, and is accompanied by a rapid increase and then drop in the25 carbon isotopic compositions of the otoliths (which is metabolic rate proxy) of the benthic fish, ultimately leading to the local extirpation of the species. Overall, our results confirm that otolith stable oxygen and carbon isotopes are promising proxies for paleoceanographic studies and, when combined with those of foraminifera, can reveal changes in the life history and migration patterns of teleost fishes in deep time.
Capturing the mechanisms leading to the local extirpation of a species in deep time is a challenge. Here, by combining stable oxygen and carbon isotopic analyses on benthic and planktonic foraminifera and the otoliths of pelagic and benthic fish species, we reveal the paleoceanographic regime shifts that took place in the eastern Mediterranean from 7.2 to 6.5 Ma, in the precursor phase to the Messinian salinity crisis, and discuss the fish response to these events. The stepwise restriction of the Mediterranean–Atlantic gateway impacted the metabolism of fishes in the Mediterranean, particularly those dwelling in the lower, deeper part of the water column. An important shift in the Mediterranean paleoceanographic conditions took place between 6.951 and 6.882 Ma, from predominantly temperature to salinity control, which was probably related to stratification of the water column. A regime shift at 6.814 Ma, due to changes in the influx, source and/or preservation of organic matter, led to pelagic–benthic decoupling of the fish fauna. At that time, the oxygen isotopic composition of benthic fish otoliths reflects higher salinity in the lower part of the water column that is accompanied by a rapid fluctuation in the carbon isotopic composition (a proxy for the metabolic rate), ultimately leading to the local extirpation of the benthic species. Overall, our results confirm that otolith stable oxygen and carbon isotope ratios are reliable proxies for paleoceanographic studies and, when combined with those of foraminifera, can reveal life history changes and migration patterns of teleost fishes in deep time.
• Moisture availability has the strongest influence on tree cover.
• Fire severity is highest in tree-grassland mosaics and lowest when grassland or tree cover is dominant.
• Abundant and highly diverse domestic herbivore assemblages during the Neolithic.
• Shifts in herbivore feeding strategy and body size impact differently vegetation cover.
• Increased domestic herbivory was associated with greater apophyte abundance and diversity.
Southeastern Europe is home to remnants of highly diverse open ecosystems, including grasslands and forest-steppe. To understand the impacts of climate changes, fire disturbance, and herbivory on forest-grassland coexistence in this region, we integrated new and published paleoecological data from two sedimentary records in southeastern Romania with information on herbivore population dynamics and dietary habits. Our findings indicate that fluctuations in forest-grassland cover closely mirrored changes in regional growing season moisture availability in the Black Sea region. During periods with increased moisture availability (e.g. 6000–3800 cal yr BP), diverse broadleaved forest dominated by Quercus expanded. Conversely, more drought-tolerant herbaceous cover increased during drier intervals (7200-6800 and 3800-2000 cal yr BP). We identified a critical tree cover of 25–40% at Mangalia Herghelie and 25–55% at Lake Oltina where neither forest nor grassland dominated. Stable forest states emerged above 40% tree cover and 55% respectively, while grassland-dominated states had tree cover below 25%.
Disturbances by fire and herbivores fluctuated over time, and were further influenced by human activity, which along with deforestation, altered the composition and extent of steppe and forest-steppe vegetation. High fire severity occurred during intermediate moisture conditions and tree cover (6800–5500, 3800–2800 cal yr BP), while low fire severity was observed when herbaceous biomass dominated (7200–7000, 2800–2000 cal yr BP) or under greater tree cover (5500–3800 cal yr BP). Herbivore dynamics shifted from large-bodied grazers in the Neolithic and early Eneolithic (7650–6550 cal yr BP; Prehamangia and Hamangia cultures) to a more diverse array of feeding types involving smaller domestic and wild herbivores along with sedentary agriculture during the flourishing Eneolithic (6550-5850 cal yr BP; Gumelnita culture), before returning to larger domestic grazers as well as omnivores in the Bronze and Iron Ages (3500–2000 cal yr BP). Large-bodied herbivores with selective diets (primarily grazers) had a more substantial effect on grasses compared to mixed feeders with bulk diets, whereas domestic herbivory was associated with increased apophyte abundance and diversity. Our findings underscore the essential factors for sustainable management of forest-grassland mosaics under changing climate conditions with projected accelerating aridification. They also highlight the need for continued research to enhance our understanding of these biodiverse, sensitive open ecosystems to inform effective management strategies.
A model of digestive tooth corrosion in lizards: experimental tests and taphonomic implications
Corrosion patterns induced by gastric fluids on the skeleton of prey animals may depend on the nature of the corrosive agents (acid, enzymes) as well as on the composition of the hard parts and the soft tissues that surround them. We propose a framework for predicting and interpreting corrosion patterns on lizard teeth, our model system, drawing on the different digestive pathways of avian and non-avian vertebrate predators. We propose that high-acid, low-enzyme systems (embodied by mammalian carnivores) will lead to corrosion of the tooth crowns, whereas low-acid, high-enzyme systems (embodied by owls) will lead to corrosion of the tooth shafts. We test our model experimentally using artificial gastric fluids (with HCl and pepsin) and feeding experiments, and phenomenologically using wild-collected owl pellets with lizard remains. Finding an association between the predictions and the experimental results, we then examine corrosion patterns on nearly 900 fossil lizard jaws. Given an appropriate phylogenetic background, our focus on physiological rather than taxonomic classes of predators allows the extension of the approach into Deep Time.
Due to the fragility of the ophiuroid (brittle star) skeleton, the bulk of the group’s fossil record consists of dissociated ossicles preserved as microfossils. In spite of their great potential as basis for taxonomic and phylogenetic studies, however, ophiuroid ossicles from the Paleozoic have received very little attention so far. Here, we provide an exhaustive taxonomic assessment of such fossils retrieved from sieving residues from the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden. This material was used in a previous study to describe two key taxa that allowed constraining the origin of the extant ophiuroid clade. The remaining taxa belonging to that same lineage are described in the present paper. The evidence at hand suggests that the stem of the extant ophiuroid clade was formed by two genera, Ophiopetagno and Ophiolofsson gen. nov., including six and five species, respectively, and spanning at least the upper Llandovery through upper Ludlow. We conclude that Ophiopetagno and Ophiolofsson represent sister genera that coexisted through most of the Silurian in the shallow tropical seas of Gotland. They underwent repeated body size reductions in correlation with environmental perturbations, with Ophiopetagno paicei eventually giving rise to Muldaster haakei; the first member of the living Ophiuroidea. Herein, we also introduce two new clades, Ankhurida clade nov. and Ophiovalida clade nov., and the following eight new species: Ophiolofsson joelmciveri gen. et sp. nov., O. obituary gen. et sp. nov., O. immolation gen. et sp. nov., O. archspire gen. et sp. nov., O. hendersonorum gen. et sp. nov., Ophiopetagno bonzo sp. nov., O. kansas sp. nov., O. doro sp. nov.; and two probably new species in open nomenclature: Ophiopetagno sp. 1, and Ophiopetagno sp. 2.
We can see an increasing consumption of meat together with the corresponding behavioral adaptations in early hominins, such as Homo erectus. This new development was driven by one or more behavioral adaptations, such as a shift to a higher-quality diet, increased social interactions and/or changes in the life history strategies. The methods by which these hominins obtained meat—through scavenging the carcasses of large herbivores or hunting themselves—remain a topic of debate. They seem to have thrived in expanding grasslands, which offered few resources except for herds of large, gregarious mammals. In our study, we developed an agent-based model that simulates the behavior of a group of hunter-gatherers foraging in a reconstructed tropical grassland environment. The environmental parameters, including plant availability and prey population densities, are derived from the Serengeti National Park. In this model, agents gather or hunt various species either alone or as a group, using strategies early hominins may already have access to. The basic behavior and the implemented hunting strategies are based on data from recent hunter-gatherer societies living in tropical grasslands. Our model demonstrates how foragers may have thrived in tropical grasslands by either adopting fast hunting strategies, which often require access to sophisticated hunting tools, or by cooperating extensively, which would rely on an enhanced social structure to promote cooperative behavior. Our model can be used to study other scenarios by offering the option to change the environmental conditions and aspects of the agent behavior.
The fossil record of the diverse subfamily Passifloroideae (>750 species and 17 genera) is relatively poor. Despite the distinctiveness of its leaves (glandular and often emarginate), most of the fossils from this group have been described from seeds. Fossil seeds have been recovered from Europe, and North and South America. A lack of information on seed morphology for all the genera and tribes of this subfamily has prevented a tribe-level identification of the fossils and a better understanding of their biogeographic patterns. The Passifloroideae is divided into three tribes: Passifloreae with 10 genera, Paropsieae with six genera and the monotypic Jongkindieae. This study provides new descriptions for 15 species from 5 genera from the mostly Afrotropical tribe Paropsieae based on herbarium material, and introduces an online seed database and a key for 100 species of Passifloroideae compiled from literature and direct observations. Our study shows a low morphological diversity among the seeds of Paropsieae in comparison to a much larger diversity within Passifloreae. Some rare morphologies are only present in Passifloreae and can be used to assign seeds to this tribe. Within the Paropsieae, Androsiphonia has seed that are very distinct from those in the other genera in the tribe and also from the rest of the subfamily. The genus Paropsia exhibits two main morphotypes, while the genera Barteria, Paropsiopsis and Smeathmannia have very similar seeds with a highly conserved morphology. These results suggest that living or fossil Paropsieae cannot be identified confidently based solely on seed characters.
A collection of 1149 otoliths of the Ypresian and Ypresian–Lutetian transition (early Eocene) from 18 sites across five states in the eastern and southern regions of the USA was analyzed. In total, 33 otolith-based taxa are documented, of which 27 are identified at the species level. Nine of these are introduced as new species: “Conger” biaculeatus sp. nov., Bauzaia gibbosa sp. nov., Ampheristus brevicaudatus sp. nov., Symmetrosulcus virginicus sp. nov., Neobythites longesulcatus sp. nov., “Neobythites” pamunkeyensis sp. nov., “Neobythites” stringeri sp. nov., Waitakia dorsogibbosa sp. nov., and “Haemulon” ypresiensis sp. nov. The assemblages are distinct when compared to their younger Eocene counterparts in America. This distinction is primarily characterized by the high proportion of the newly introduced species or exclusive Ypresian species. Additionally, we highlight the presence of 10 amphi-Atlantic species originally described in European deposits. Significantly, the composition of the otolith collection supports the interpretation of a shallow-water environment for the sampled sites during the Ypresian. This ecological setting appears to persist into the subsequent middle and late Eocene within the same geographic region.
Taphonomy and palaeoecology of Laetoli as well as Makuyuni, Arusha region in northern Tanzania
This thesis is the result of the Hominid Corridor research Project in Tanzania since 1993 to 1995 that include Pliocene and Pleistocene localities. The localities under study include Laetoli and Manyara area in Arusha Region, northern Tanzania. The thesis has the following specific objectives: firstly, to identify taxa recovered from the studied assemblages; secondly, to underpin taphonomic history of the assemblages under study; thirdly, to elucidate further palaeoecological reconstruction of the assemblages; and finally, to examine surface fossil fauna modifications including agents of modifications either hominids or carnivores.
The Upper Laetolil Beds are dated at 3.5 million years ago (Ma) and the Ndolanya Beds are bracketed in age between 3.5 and 2.41 Ma. The Naibadad Beds, also from Laetoli area, are date to be between 2.2 to 2.1 Ma. The Naibadad Beds are correlated with the base of Bed I at Olduvai Gorge. There are so far no absolute dates for Manyara assemblages. Based on biostratigraphic correlation, the younger overlying unit, the Upper Manyara Beds are estimated to belong to Later Pleistocene and the Lower Manyara Beds are estimated to belong to Early Pleistocene. The Upper Manyara Beds are correlated to the age of Bed III at Olduvai Gorge, while the Lower Manyara Beds are interpreted to span the same contemporaneity with the upper part of Bed II at Olduvai Gorge.
At Laetoli localities, terrestrial mammals while localities from Manyara besides terrestrial mammals dominate fauna; they include aquatic species such as fish, crocodiles and hippopotamus. The main families recovered from Upper Laetolil Beds complement those already recovered from former research works by other workers. This is also true for the younger overlying stratigraphic horizon, the Upper Ndolanya Beds. Thus, mammalian families recovered from Upper Laetolil Beds include Bovidae, Carnivora, Elephantidae, Equidae, Lagomorpha, Suidae, Rodentia, Hominoidea and Rhenocerotidae. Remains of an invertebrate, Gastropoda were also recovered. For Upper Ndolanya Beds include almost the same families recovered from Upper Laetolil Beds, but based on former recovery of fossil fauna, these Beds outnumber greatly the Upper Laetolil Beds in bovid composition by 20 per cent. Such a change in species composition is noticed also from South African localities and East African localities such as the East Turkana. This is interpreted to be due to climatic change drier environments that included species adapted to such palaeoclimates.
For the first time, our team has been able to retrieve specimens identifiable to taxa, a pattern that not possible from previous workers who claimed to have recovered too sparse specimens to be identifiable to any taxon.
The Upper Manyara Beds as well as Lower Manyara taxonomic composition include aquatic species besides the large terrestrial mammalian fauna retrieved from there. In due regard, the former horizon is attributed to have affinity with Olduvai Bed III components and the latter, older horizon, is attributed to have affinity with upper parts of Bed II times at Olduvai Gorge. The Lower Manyara Beds can be said to have, in relative terms, affinity to species recovered from site RC 11 of the Chiwondo Beds, Malema region in northern Malawi, although the former site may be equable to the terminal age of the latter locality.
Fossil hominid remains; attributable to genus Homo and possibly species Homo erectus have been recovered from two localities, Mk 2 and Mk, along Lower Manyara Beds. On the other hand, stone tools, identified to belong to the Acheulian industrial technocomplex, were recovered from site Mk 4.
All of fossil fauna from Laetoli sites were mostly exfoliated and there shows to be little effect in terms of hydrodynamic sorting of the fossil bones. However, intense carnivore activity is witnessed due to the almost one to one ratio of proximal to distal ends. This is also true for the Lower Manyara Beds locality. Through examination of surface modifications of the fossil fauna, it has been established that there was carnivore consumption of ungulates. There is no evidence of hominid involvement that has to be testified by stone tools.