796 Sportarten, Sportspiele
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Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (21)
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Is part of the Bibliography
- no (47)
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sammlung Deutscher Drucke (3)
- Geschichte 1801-1870 (3)
- Sportunterricht (2)
- Adipositas (1)
- Akupunktur (1)
- Angeln (1)
- Ashi-waza (1)
- Bad (1)
- Balneologie (1)
- Basketball ; Jugendtraining (1)
- Sportwissenschaften (28)
- Extern (3)
- Medizin (2)
- Philosophie (2)
- E-Finance Lab e.V. (1)
- Geschichtswissenschaften (1)
- Gesellschaftswissenschaften (1)
- Präsidium (1)
- Psychologie und Sportwissenschaften (1)
Interview with imm Jäger, CEO EintrachtTech, Eintracht Frankfurt.
Eintracht Frankfurt is famous for having an internationally very successful football team, but your recent achievements in digital business are also setting standards. Why did Eintracht Frankfurt set up its own tech subsidiary EintrachtTech in 2019?
Elite sports have become increasingly professionalized and personalized, with soccer players facing a high number of games per season. This trend presents significant challenges in optimizing training for peak performance and requires rigorous monitoring of athletes to prevent overload and reduce injury risks. The emerging field of epigenetic clocks offers promising new pathways for developing useful biomarkers to enhance training management. This study investigates the effects of intense physical activity on epigenetic age markers in professional soccer players. We analyz DNA methylation data from saliva samples collected before and after physical acctivity. Vigorous physical activity was found to have a rejuvenating effect on epigenetic clocks with significant decreases in DNAmGrimAge2 and DNAmFitAge observed immediately after games. Among player subgroups, midfielders exhibited the most substantial epigenetic rejuvenation effect following games. In addition, the study suggests a potential link between DNA methylation patterns and injury occurrence. Overall, our study suggests that DNA methylation based biomarkers may have applications in monitoring athlete performance and managing physical stress.
Elite sports have become increasingly professionalized and personalized, with soccer players facing a high number of games per season. This trend presents significant challenges in optimizing training for peak performance and requires rigorous monitoring of athletes to prevent overload and reduce injury risks. The emerging field of epigenetic clocks offers promising new pathways for developing useful biomarkers that enhance training management. This study investigates the effects of intense physical activity on epigenetic age markers in professional soccer players. We analyzed DNA methylation data from saliva samples collected before and after physical activity. Vigorous physical activity was found to rejuvenate epigenetic clocks, with significant decreases in DNAmGrimAge2 and DNAmFitAge observed immediately after games. Among player subgroups, midfielders exhibited the most substantial epigenetic rejuvenation effect following games. Additionally, the study suggests a potential link between DNA methylation patterns and injury occurrence. Overall, our study suggests that DNA methylation based biomarkers may have applications in monitoring athlete performance and managing physical stress.
Agility, as the ability to react rapidly to unforeseen events, is an essential component of football performance. However, existing agility diagnostics often do not reflect the complex motor–cognitive interaction required on the field. Therefore, this study evaluates the criterion and ecological validity of a newly developed motor–cognitive dual-task agility approach in elite youth football players and compare it to a traditional reactive agility test. Twenty-one male youth elite football players (age:17.4 ±0 .6; BMI:23.2 ± 1.8) performed two agility tests (reactive agility, reactive agility with integrated multiple-object-tracking (Dual-Task Agility)) on the SKILLCOURT system. Performance was correlated to motor (sprint, jump), cognitive (executive functions, attention, reaction speed) and football specific tests (Loughborough soccer passing test (LSPT)) as well as indirect game metrics (coaches' rating, playing time). Reactive agility performance showed moderate correlations to attention and choice reaction times (r = 0.48−0.63), as well as to the LSPT (r = 0.51). The dual-task agility test revealed moderate relationships with attention and reaction speed (r = 0.47−0.58), executive functions (r = 0.45−0.63), as well as the game metrics (r = 0.51−0.61). Finally, the dual-task agility test significantly differentiated players based on their coaches' rating and playing time using a median split (p < 0.05; d = 0.8–1.28). Motor–cognitive agility performance in elite youth football players seems to be primarily determined by cognitive functions. The integration of multiple object tracking into reactive agility testing seems to be an ecologically valid approach for performance diagnostics in youth football.
* The study introduces a novel motor–cognitive dual-task agility approach (incorporation of multiple-object-tracking in agility testing), evaluating its criterion and ecological validity in elite youth football players compared to a standard agility test.
* The standard agility test was shown to have moderate correlations with attention and choice reaction times, while the dual-task agility approach additionally incorporates executive functions
* While the agility test correlates to football-specific test performance, the dual-task agility test significantly discriminates players based on their potential ratings and in-season playing time, highlighting its potential as a valuable tool for assessing performance in youth football.
* The findings suggest that agility performance in elite youth football is primarily determined by cognitive functions
* Incorporating more complex cognitive elements such as multiple-object-tracking in agility testing may improve ecological validity and therefore the predictive value of the testing procedure.
Buch des Monats April 2024
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Fischbuechlein oder die Kunst: Forellen, Hechte, Asche, Barben, Barsche, Birstlinge, Alten, Rothaugen, Weisslinge etc. zu fangen : mit 8 Abbildungen / auss practischer Erfahrung zusammengestellt von einem Fisch-Freund. - Zweite verbesserte Auflage. - Augsburg : In George Jaquets Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1852. - 16 Seiten, 1 ungezaehltes gefaltetes Blatt Tafel : Illustration.
Buch des Monats Juli 2023
Kurzvorstellung der folgenden Publikation:
Victor Edler von Menk Mekarski, Notizen über Gymnastik in vorzugsweiser Beziehung auf die zweckmäßige Anwendung der kalten Bäder in offenen Wässern und der Schwimmkunst : mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die öffentlichen Donau-Bade-Anstalten. Wien: gedruckt bey Ant. v. Haykul, 1831.
Effects of foam rolling duration on tissue stiffness and perfusion: a randomized cross-over trial
Despite its beneficial effects on flexibility and muscle soreness, there is still conflicting evidence regarding dose-response relationships and underlying mechanisms of foam rolling (FR). This study aimed to investigate the impact of different FR protocols on tissue perfusion and tissue stiffness. In a randomized crossover trial, two FR protocols (2x1 min, 2x3 min) were applied to the right anterior thigh of twenty healthy volunteers (11 females, 25 ± 4 years). Tissue perfusion (near infrared spectroscopy, NIRS) and stiffness (Tensiomyography, TMG and Myotonometry, MMT) were assessed before and after FR application. Variance analyses revealed a significant interaction of FR duration and tissue perfusion (F[1,19] = 7.098, p = 0.015). Local blood flow increased significantly from pre to post test (F[1,19] = 7.589, p = 0.013), being higher (Δ +9.7%) in the long-FR condition than in the short-FR condition (Δ +2.8%). Tissue stiffness (MMT) showed significant main effects for time (F[1,19] = 12.074, p = 0.003) and condition (F[1,19] = 7.165, p = 0.015) with decreases after short-FR (Δ -1.6%) and long-FR condition (Δ -1.9%). However, there was no time*dose-interaction (F[1,19] = 0.018, p = 0.895). No differences were found for TMG (p > 0.05). FR-induced changes failed to exceed the minimal detectable change threshold (MDC). Our data suggest that increased blood flow and altered tissue stiffness may mediate the effects of FR although statistical MDC thresholds were not achieved. Longer FR durations seem to be more beneficial for perfusion which is of interest for exercise professionals designing warm-up and cool-down regimes. Further research is needed to understand probable effects on parasympathetic outcomes representing systemic physiological responses to locally applied FR stimulations.
Die hier zu besprechende Publikation umfasst die Akten einer internationalen Tagung zum Gymnasion in der Kaiserzeit, die vom 23. bis 24. November 2007 an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt veranstaltet wurde. Sie ergänzt somit zeitlich und thematisch den bereits 2004 publizierte Band zum hellenistischen Gymnasion, der aus den Beiträgen einer gleichnamigen Tagung im Jahre 2001 hervorging und von Daniel Kah und Peter Scholz herausgegeben wurde. Ziel des Frankfurter Forschungsprogramms war die Untersuchung der antiken Wissenskultur, ihrer Rolle bei der Gestaltung der hellenistischen Kultur und deren Wirkung auf die römische Welt. Die Institution des Gymnasions war als repräsentative Fallstudie für beide Tagungen ausgewählt worden. Der vorliegende Band, der 2015 von Peter Scholz und Dirk Wiegandt herausgegeben wurde, umfasst eine Einleitung und elf Einzelstudien, neun davon von Verfassern mit einem althistorischen und/oder epigraphischen Hintergrund, und zwei von Archäologen. Folglich betrifft der größte Teil des Bandes Fragestellungen, die sich aus den Zeugnissen der schriftlichen Überlieferung ergeben. ...
My study examined MMA training, and thereby the ‘back region’ of MMA, where the ‘everyday life’ of MMA takes place. I enquired into how MMA training corresponds with MMA’s self-description, namely the somehow self-contradicting notion that MMA fights would be dangerous combative goings-on of approximately real fighting, but that MMA fighters would be able to approach these incalculable and uncontrolla-ble combative dangers as calculable and controllable risks.235 Conducting an ethnog-raphy in which I focused on the combination of participation and observation, I stud-ied how the specific interaction organisations of the three core training practices of MMA training provide the training students with specific combative experiences and how they thereby construct the social reality that is MMA training....