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The performance of marketplace lenders

  • We analyze the performance of marketplace lending using loan cash flow data from the largest platform, Lending Club. We find substantial risk-adjusted performance of about 40 basis points per month for the entire loan portfolio. Other loan portfolios grouped by risk category have similar risk-adjusted performance. We show that characteristics of the local bank sector for each loan, such as concentration of deposits and the presence of national banks, are related to the performance of loans. Thus, marketplace lending has the potential to finance a growing share of the consumer credit market in the absence of a competitive response from the traditional incumbents.

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Author:Roman KräusslORCiDGND, Zsofia KräusslORCiD, Joshua M. PolletGND, Kalle RinneORCiD
Series (Serial Number):CFS working paper series (No. 706)
Publisher:Center for Financial Studies
Place of publication:Frankfurt, M.
Document Type:Working Paper
Year of Completion:2023
Year of first Publication:2023
Publishing Institution:Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Release Date:2023/03/16
Tag:Marketplace lending; competition; financial innovation; financial intermediation; household finance
Volume:20 May 2022
Page Number:55
Institutes:Wirtschaftswissenschaften / Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Wissenschaftliche Zentren und koordinierte Programme / Center for Financial Studies (CFS)
Dewey Decimal Classification:3 Sozialwissenschaften / 33 Wirtschaft / 330 Wirtschaft
JEL-Classification:G Financial Economics / G1 General Financial Markets / G12 Asset Pricing; Trading volume; Bond Interest Rates
G Financial Economics / G2 Financial Institutions and Services / G21 Banks; Other Depository Institutions; Micro Finance Institutions; Mortgages
Licence (German):License LogoDeutsches Urheberrecht