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Hermenêutica e anti-hermenêutica : Friedrich Schlegel e Schleiermacher

  • A fortuna crítica de Friedrich Schlegel é rica em alusões a sua relação com Schleiermacher. Ambos conviveram em Berlim por volta de 1800, época em que Schlegel editava a "Athenäum" e em que Schleiermacher ainda não escrevera seus principais textos sobre hermenêutica. É possível conceber Friedrich Schlegel como um predecessor de Schleiermacher? Na tentativa de responder a essa pergunta, vamos nos deter sobre três textos, todos eles publicados na "Athenäum": o ensaio sobre Lessing ("Über Lessing", 1797), o ensaio sobre o Wilhem Meister de Goethe ("Über Goethes Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre", 1798) e o ensaio da ininteligibilidade ("Über die Unverständlichkeit", 1800).
  • In Friedrich Schlegel’s criticism, one can find many references to his relationship to Schleiermacher. Both were closely related by the time they in Berlin around 1800, when Schlegel edited the "Athenäum" and Schleiermacher had not yet written his most important texts on Hermeneutics. But can we consider Schlegel an early influence on Schleiermacher’s thought by that time? In order to answer this question, we will focus on three of Schlegel’s essays of that time: "Über Lessing" (1797), "Über Wilhem Meisters Lehrjahre" (1798) and "Über die Unverständlichkeit" (1800).

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Author:Wilma Patricia Maas
Parent Title (Portuguese):Pandaemonium Germanicum : revista de estudos germanísticos
Publisher:Dep. de Letras Modernas, Fac. de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Univ. de São Paulo
Place of publication:São Paulo
Document Type:Article
Year of first Publication:2010
Publishing Institution:Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Release Date:2013/04/24
GND Keyword:Schlegel, Friedrich von; Schleiermacher, Friedrich; Hermeneutik
Page Number:19
First Page:18
Last Page:36
Dewey Decimal Classification:8 Literatur / 80 Literatur, Rhetorik, Literaturwissenschaft / 800 Literatur und Rhetorik
Sammlungen:Germanistik / GiNDok
CompaRe | Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft
BDSL-Klassifikation:03.00.00 Literaturwissenschaft / BDSL-Klassifikation: 03.00.00 Literaturwissenschaft > 03.12.00 Interpretation. Hermeneutik
14.00.00 Romantik / BDSL-Klassifikation: 14.00.00 Romantik > 14.12.00 Zu einzelnen Autoren
01.00.00 Allgemeine deutsche Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft / BDSL-Klassifikation: 01.00.00 Allgemeine deutsche Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft > 01.08.00 Zu einzelnen Germanisten, Literaturtheoretikern und Essayisten
Zeitschriften / Jahresberichte:Pandaemonium Germanicum / Pandaemonium Germanicum Nr. 15
Licence (German):License LogoCreative Commons - Namensnennung-Nicht kommerziell 3.0