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Evaluation of transport and ozone loss in the Antarctic polar vortex by using tracer-based coordinates

  • The thesis is devoted to the study of the Antarctic polar vortex, mainly by analyzing data collected during APE-GAIA (1999) and ASHOE (1994) campaigns and recorded by the ADEOS satellite (1996-1997), and to improvement of the chromato-graphic processing schemes. A general introduction and overview of the campaigns and instruments relevant to the present work are given in Chapters 1 and 2. A relatively large part of the thesis (Chapters 3-5) is on improvement of the analysis of raw chromatographic data recorded during in-flight measurements of the trace gases. A Gaussian non-straight-base-line method, i.e. the Gaussian processing scheme (Chapter 3), is developed for better evaluation of the chromatographic peak size. Furthermore, a statistical cross-correlation method (Chapter 5) based on statistical behaviour of the whole chromatogram series fNchrg recorded, e.g., during a research flight or laboratory calibration, is developed and applied to measure the low-concentration trace gases. As demonstrated for HAGAR's chromatograms (HAGAR - High Altitude Gas Analyzer), the combination of the Gaussian fitting scheme for individual chromatograms and the statistical cross-correlation method for a series of subsequent chromatograms considerably improves and stabilizes quantitative analysis of in-flight chromatographic data. In this case, the detection accuracy of weak and noisy chromatographic signals can be improved by up to 40 %. A particular attention is paid to the in-flight two-standard calibration method. For this method, a special procedure, that allows to evaluate and effectively remove a weak background chromatographic signal associated with residual molecules in the carrier gas N2, is proposed and coded (Chapter 4). The developed approaches and methods are completely automized and, therefore, can be used for processing of in-flight chromatograms of recent and future field campaigns. The main part of the thesis (Chapters 6-8) deals with a two-dimensional quasi-Lagrangian coordinate system ... , based on a long-lived stratospheric trace gas i, and its systematic use for i = N2O in order to describe the structure of a well-developed Antarctic polar vortex, linearization and compactization of the tracer-tracer correlations in the polar vortex core (i.e. the stratospheric dynamics in this area), and the differential ozone losses in the Antarctic polar vortex area. In the coordinate system ... (...-method, Chapter 6), which refers to a well-developed polar vortex, the mixing ratio Âi is the vertical coordinate and ... = .... i is the reference profile in the vortex core) is the meridional coordinate. The quasi-Lagrangian coordinates ... are much more long-lived comparing with the standard quasi-isentropic coordinates, potential temperature ... and equivalent latitude ..e, do not require explicit reference to geographic space, and therefore well-suited for studying the dynamics of the Antarctic polar vortex and the relevant ozone loss processes. By using the introduced coordinate system ... to analyze the well-developed Antarctic vortex investigated in the APE-GAIA campaign, it is shown, in concurrence with the conclusion of A. M. Lee et al. (2001), that the Antarctic vortex area can be described in terms of the well-mixed and well-isolated vortex core, relatively wide vortex boundary region and adjoining surf zone. In this case, the reference profile ... i , which is compact in a well-developed and isolated polar vortex core [J. B. Greenblatt et al. (2002)], can be found by combining airborne (and/or balloon) data with high-altitude satellite measurements. A criterion, which uses the local in-situ measurements of Âi = Âi(£) and attributes the inner vortex edge to a rapid change (±-step) in the meridional pro¯le of the mixing ratio..., is developed in Chapter 6 to determine the (Antarctic) inner vortex edge. In turn, the outer vortex edge of a well-developed Antarctic vortex is proposed to attribute to the position of a local maximum of ...H2O in the polar vortex area. For a well-developed Antarctic vortex, the ...-parametrization of tracer-tracer correlations allows to distinguish the tracer-tracer inter-relationships in the vortex core, vortex boundary region and surf zone (Chapter 7). This is clearly illustrated by analyzing the tracer-tracer relationships Âi ¡ ÂN2O obtained from the in-situ data of the APE-GAIA campaign for i = CFCl3 (CFC-11), CF2Cl2 (CFC-12), CBrClF2 (H-1211) and SF6. The solitary anomalous points in the ...CFC11 ¡ ÂN2O correlation, observed in the Antarctic vortex core during the APE-GAIA and ASHOE campaigns, are interpreted in terms of small-scale localized differential descent. As detailed in Chapter 8, the quasi-Lagrangian coordinate system fÂN2O; ¢ÂN2Og is an effective tool for evaluation of the differential ozone losses in the polar vortex area. With this purpose, a two-parametric reference function ...O3 = F(...), which characterizes the unperturbed O3 distribution in the early winter polar vortex area, is introduced to separate and quantify in terms of the meridional coordinate ...2O the differential ozone losses in the vortex core and vortex boundary region. The method is applied to analyze the ozone depletion in the Antarctic stratosphere during the austral spring 1999 (APE-GAIA campaign). In Chapter 9, the main results of the thesis are summarized.

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Author:Ekaterina Ivanova
Place of publication:Frankfurt am Main
Referee:Ulrich Schmidt, Andreas EngelORCiD
Document Type:Doctoral Thesis
Date of Publication (online):2008/03/19
Year of first Publication:2007
Publishing Institution:Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Granting Institution:Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität
Date of final exam:2007/11/05
Release Date:2008/03/19
Page Number:187
Last Page:183
Diese Dissertation steht außerhalb der Universitätsbibliothek leider (aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen) nicht im Volltext zur Verfügung, die CD-ROM kann (auch über Fernleihe) bei der UB Frankfurt am Main ausgeliehen werden.
Institutes:Geowissenschaften / Geographie / Geowissenschaften
Dewey Decimal Classification:5 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik / 55 Geowissenschaften, Geologie / 550 Geowissenschaften
Licence (German):License LogoArchivex. zur Lesesaalplatznutzung § 52b UrhG