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From Christel to Christina, from Klaus to Nico : a diachronic study of German first names (1945-2010) and their shift towards the syllable language type

  • German underwent a typological change from a syllable language in Old High German towards a word language today (Szczepaniak 2007). Proper names followed this development until the last century (cf. Christel, Gertrud, Klaus, Wolfgang). Some of the most popular German first names from 2010, however, such as Mia, Lea, Leon, Noah, show completely different structures compared to common nouns. In sharp contrast to common nouns, first names dispose of CV-structures, full vowels in unstressed syllables and different accent positions. Thus, there must have been a deep-rooted onomastic change. The most frequent baby names of 1945 were still in harmony with the usual word structures. This article shows that the decrease of transgenerational transmission of first names led to a departure fom native phonological structures. The following factors are analyzed: the number of syllables; accent position; and the number of consonant clusters, hiatuses, schwa and unstressed full vowels. It will be demonstrated that the phonological distance between first names (particularly female names) and common nouns has increased over time and that there is an increasing tendency for names to contain syllable language structures. Thus, a typological difference developed between these two nominal classes. The reason behind this change can be found in the individualizing function of proper names and social individualization over time.

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Author:Damaris NüblingGND
Parent Title (English):Syllable and word languages / [Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg] ; ed. by Javier Caro Reina and Renata Szczepaniak, Linguae & litterae ; 40
Publisher:de Gruyter
Place of publication:Berlin
Document Type:Part of a Book
Date of Publication (online):2018/09/04
Year of first Publication:2014
Publishing Institution:Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Release Date:2018/09/05
GND Keyword:Vorname; Namengebung; Sprachwandel; Silbe; Phonologie
Page Number:33
First Page:222
Last Page:247
Dewey Decimal Classification:4 Sprache / 41 Linguistik / 410 Linguistik
8 Literatur / 83 Deutsche und verwandte Literaturen / 830 Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur
Sammlungen:Germanistik / GiNDok
BDSL-Klassifikation:02.00.00 Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft (in Auswahl) / BDSL-Klassifikation: 02.00.00 Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft > 02.10.00 Sprache im 20. Jahrhundert. Gegenwartssprache
02.00.00 Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft (in Auswahl) / BDSL-Klassifikation: 02.00.00 Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft > 02.09.00 Deutsche Sprachgeschichte / BDSL-Klassifikation: 02.00.00 Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft > 02.09.00 Deutsche Sprachgeschichte > 02.09.02 Wortgeschichte. Etymologie
Licence (German):License LogoDeutsches Urheberrecht