Document Type
- Article (9)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (10)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (10)
- Antirheumatic agents (1)
- Artificial Intelligence (1)
- Biodiversity Data (1)
- Biomonitoring (1)
- Botanical Collections (1)
- Capecitabine (1)
- Child (1)
- Cognitive impairment (1)
- Comparative effectiveness research (1)
- Consensus (1)
Plants, fungi and algae are important components of global biodiversity and are fundamental to all ecosystems. They are the basis for human well-being, providing food, materials and medicines. Specimens of all three groups of organisms are accommodated in herbaria, where they are commonly referred to as botanical specimens.The large number of specimens in herbaria provides an ample, permanent and continuously improving knowledge base on these organisms and an indispensable source for the analysis of the distribution of species in space and time critical for current and future research relating to global biodiversity. In order to make full use of this resource, a research infrastructure has to be built that grants comprehensive and free access to the information in herbaria and botanical collections in general. This can be achieved through digitization of the botanical objects and associated data.The botanical research community can count on a long-standing tradition of collaboration among institutions and individuals. It agreed on data standards and standard services even before the advent of computerization and information networking, an example being the Index Herbariorum as a global registry of herbaria helping towards the unique identification of specimens cited in the literature.In the spirit of this collaborative history, 51 representatives from 30 institutions advocate to start the digitization of botanical collections with the overall wall-to-wall digitization of the flat objects stored in German herbaria. Germany has 70 herbaria holding almost 23 million specimens according to a national survey carried out in 2019. 87% of these specimens are not yet digitized. Experiences from other countries like France, the Netherlands, Finland, the US and Australia show that herbaria can be comprehensively and cost-efficiently digitized in a relatively short time due to established workflows and protocols for the high-throughput digitization of flat objects.Most of the herbaria are part of a university (34), fewer belong to municipal museums (10) or state museums (8), six herbaria belong to institutions also supported by federal funds such as Leibniz institutes, and four belong to non-governmental organizations. A common data infrastructure must therefore integrate different kinds of institutions.Making full use of the data gained by digitization requires the set-up of a digital infrastructure for storage, archiving, content indexing and networking as well as standardized access for the scientific use of digital objects. A standards-based portfolio of technical components has already been developed and successfully tested by the Biodiversity Informatics Community over the last two decades, comprising among others access protocols, collection databases, portals, tools for semantic enrichment and annotation, international networking, storage and archiving in accordance with international standards. This was achieved through the funding by national and international programs and initiatives, which also paved the road for the German contribution to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).Herbaria constitute a large part of the German botanical collections that also comprise living collections in botanical gardens and seed banks, DNA- and tissue samples, specimens preserved in fluids or on microscope slides and more. Once the herbaria are digitized, these resources can be integrated, adding to the value of the overall research infrastructure. The community has agreed on tasks that are shared between the herbaria, as the German GBIF model already successfully demonstrates.We have compiled nine scientific use cases of immediate societal relevance for an integrated infrastructure of botanical collections. They address accelerated biodiversity discovery and research, biomonitoring and conservation planning, biodiversity modelling, the generation of trait information, automated image recognition by artificial intelligence, automated pathogen detection, contextualization by interlinking objects, enabling provenance research, as well as education, outreach and citizen science.We propose to start this initiative now in order to valorize German botanical collections as a vital part of a worldwide biodiversity data pool.
Die Verbreitung westlicher Verhaltens- und Lebensmuster im Rahmen der Globalisierung führt zu einer dramatischen Zunahme des Typ 2 Diabetes. Eine schwerwiegende Komplikation der diabetischen Erkrankung ist die Wundheilungsstörung, deren molekulare Pathophysiologie noch weitgehend unverstanden ist. Voraussetzung für einen koordinierten Wundheilungsprozess ist die ausgewogene Interaktion wundheilungsrelevanter Faktoren, die eine Vielfalt an Signaltransduktionskaskaden induzieren und somit zu einem streng kontrollierten Heilungsprozess beitragen. Darüber hinaus scheint auch die Insulinsensitivität der Haut für den Heilungsverlauf eine essentielle Rolle zu spielen. Da die Proteinkinase B/Akt nicht nur ein zentrales Molekül der Insulin-Signaltransduktion ist, sondern als Knotenpunkt vieler Signalkaskaden im Mittelpunkt zellulärer Ereignisse steht, sollte in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Rolle und Funktion der Proteinkinase Akt in der kutanen Wundheilung untersucht werden. Sowohl in der Haut als auch im Wundgewebe konnte Akt1 als dominante Isoform identifiziert werden. Die Verletzung des Hautgewebes induzierte einen Anstieg der Akt1-Expression und -Phosphorylierung in der Epidermis akut heilender Wunden. Insbesondere die am Wundrand gelegenen Keratinozyten waren durch eine starke Expression der Akt1-Kinase gekennzeichnet. Die Phosphorylierung und somit Aktivierung der Akt1-Kinase stieg im Verlauf der Wundheilung stetig an und erreichte ihr Maximum in der Endphase des Heilungsprozesses. Begleitet wurde die Aktivierung dieser Kinase von einer Phosphorylierung des eIF4E-BP1 und einer starken VEGF-Sekretion. Dagegen konnte in diabetisch chronischem Wundgewebe weder eine Aktivierung der Akt1-Kinase noch eine Phosphorylierung des eIF4E-BP1 nachgewiesen werden, was mit einer deutlich verminderten VEGF-Sekretion einherging. Um nun zu untersuchen, ob im Prozess der Wundheilung die VEGF-Sekretion in einem funktionellen Zusammenhang zur Akt1-Aktivierung steht, wurde in vitro der Einfluss wundheilungsrelevanter Faktoren, wie EGF, einer Kombination proentzündlicher Zytokine oder Insulin auf die Aktivierung der Akt1-Kinase und VEGF-Biosynthese untersucht. Obwohl alle Faktoren sowohl eine Aktivierung der Akt1-Kinase als auch VEGF-Sekretion induzierten, wurde ausschließlich die Insulininduzierte VEGF-Biosynthese über den PI3-Kinase/Akt-Signalweg vermittelt. Die Regulation der Insulin-induzierten VEGF-Biosynthese erfolgte posttranskriptionell aus einem gleichbleibenden Pool an VEGF-mRNA über die Phosphorylierung des eIF4E-BP1. Durch die Überexpression einer konstitutiv aktiven Akt1-Mutante und die Verwendung des mTOR-Inhibitors Rapamycin konnte mTOR als Mediator der Akt1-vermittelten Phosphorylierung des eIF4E-BP1 und somit der VEGF-Biosynthese identifiziert werden. In vitro-Lokalisationsexperimente zeigten, dass eine vollständig phosphorylierte und somit aktive Akt1-Kinase nach Insulinstimulation im Zytoplasma lokalisiert ist - exakt dort, wo die Regulation der Translation stattfindet. Zusammenfassend weisen diese Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass Insulin im kutanen Heilungsverlauf die VEGF-Biosynthese posttranskriptionell über eine Akt1-vermittelte Phosphorylierung des eIF4E-BP1 induzieren kann. Eine ausbleibende Akt-Aktivierung in insulinresistenten Keratinozyten könnte somit zu einer verminderten VEGF Sekretion und folglich zu einer verzögerten Angiogenese in chronisch diabetischen Wunden beitragen.
Purpose: The PELICAN trial evaluates for the first time efficacy and safety of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) versus capecitabine as first-line treatment of metastatic breast cancer (MBC).
Methods: This randomized, phase III, open-label, multicenter trial enrolled first-line MBC patients who were ineligible for endocrine or trastuzumab therapy. Cumulative adjuvant anthracyclines of 360 mg/m2 doxorubicin or equivalent were allowed. Left ventricular ejection fraction of >50 % was required. Patients received PLD 50 mg/m2 every 28 days or capecitabine 1250 mg/m2 twice daily for 14 days every 21 days. The primary endpoint was time-to-disease progression (TTP).
Results: 210 patients were randomized (n = 105, PLD and n = 105, capecitabine). Adjuvant anthracyclines were given to 37 % (PLD) and 36 % (capecitabine) of patients. No significant difference was observed in TTP [HR = 1.21 (95 % confidence interval, 0.838–1.750)]. Median TTP was 6.0 months for both PLD and capecitabine. Comparing patients with or without prior anthracyclines, no significant difference in TTP was observed in the PLD arm (log-rank P = 0.64). For PLD versus capecitabine, respectively, overall survival (median, 23.3 months vs. 26.8 months) and time-to-treatment failure (median, 4.6 months vs. 3.7 months) were not statistically significantly different. Compared to PLD, patients on capecitabine experienced more serious adverse events (P = 0.015) and more cardiac events among patients who had prior anthracycline exposure (18 vs. 8 %; P = 0.31).
Conclusion: Both PLD and capecitabine are effective first-line agents for MBC.
The use of chemically synthesized short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) is currently the method of choice to manipulate gene expression in mammalian cell culture, yet improvements of siRNA design is expectably required for successful application in vivo. Several studies have aimed at improving siRNA performance through the introduction of chemical modifications but a direct comparison of these results is difficult. We have directly compared the effect of 21 types of chemical modifications on siRNA activity and toxicity in a total of 2160 siRNA duplexes. We demonstrate that siRNA activity is primarily enhanced by favouring the incorporation of the intended antisense strand during RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) loading by modulation of siRNA thermodynamic asymmetry and engineering of siRNA 3-overhangs. Collectively, our results provide unique insights into the tolerance for chemical modifications and provide a simple guide to successful chemical modification of siRNAs with improved activity, stability and low toxicity.
Background: Data on the economic impact of Lyme borreliosis (LB) on European health care systems is scarce. This project focused on the epidemiology and costs for laboratory testing in LB patients in Germany.
Materials and Methods: We performed a sentinel analysis of epidemiological and medicoeconomic data for 2007 and 2008. Data was provided by a German statutory health insurance (DAK) company covering approx. 6.04 million members. In addition, the quality of diagnostic testing for LB in Germany was studied.
Results: In 2007 and 2008, the incident diagnosis LB was coded on average for 15,742 out of 6.04 million insured members (0.26%). 20,986 EIAs and 12,558 immunoblots were ordered annually for these patients. For all insured members in the outpatient sector, a total of 174,820 EIAs and 52,280 immunoblots were reimbursed annually to health care providers (cost: 2,600,850€). For Germany, the overall expected cost is estimated at 51,215,105€. However, proficiency testing data questioned test quality and standardization of diagnostic assays used.
Conclusion: Findings from this study suggest ongoing issues related to care for LB and may help to improve future LB disease management.
In the past, the genetically diabetic-obese diabetes/diabetes (db/db) and obese/obese (ob/ob) mouse strains were used to investigate mechanisms of diabetes-impaired wound healing. Here we determined patterns of skin repair in genetically normal C57Bl/6J mice that were fed using a high fat diet (HFD) to induce a diabetes-obesity syndrome. Wound closure was markedly delayed in HFD-fed mice compared to mice which had received a standard chow diet (CD). Impaired wound tissue of HFD mice showed a marked prolongation of wound inflammation. Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was delayed and associated with the disturbed formation of wound margin epithelia and an impaired angiogenesis in the reduced granulation tissue. Normal wound contraction was retarded and disordered. Wound disorders in obese C57Bl/6J mice were paralleled by a prominent degradation of the inhibitor of NFκB (IκB-α) in the absence of an Akt activation. By contrast to impaired wound conditions in ob/ob mice, late wounds of HFD mice did not develop a chronic inflammatory state and were epithelialized after 11 days of repair. Thus, only genetically obese and diabetic ob/ob mice finally developed chronic wounds and therefore represent a better suited experimental model to investigate diabetes-induced wound healing disorders.
Background: The nonmotor symptom spectrum of Parkinson’s disease (PD) includes progressive cognitive decline mainly in late stages of the disease. The aim of this study was to map the patterns of altered structural connectivity of patients with PD with different cognitive profiles ranging from cognitively unimpaired to PD-associated dementia.
Methods: Diffusion tensor imaging and neuropsychological data from the observational multicentre LANDSCAPE study were analyzed. A total of 134 patients with PD with normal cognitive function (56 PD-N), mild cognitive impairment (67 PD-MCI), and dementia (11 PD-D) as well as 72 healthy controls were subjected to whole-brain-based fractional anisotropy mapping and covariance analysis with cognitive performance measures.
Results: Structural data indicated subtle changes in the corpus callosum and thalamic radiation in PD-N, whereas severe white matter impairment was observed in both PD-MCI and PD-D patients including anterior and inferior fronto-occipital, uncinate, insular cortices, superior longitudinal fasciculi, corona radiata, and the body of the corpus callosum. These regional alterations were demonstrated for PD-MCI and were more pronounced in PD-D. The pattern of involved regions was significantly correlated with the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease (CERAD) total score.
Conclusions: The findings in PD-N suggest impaired cross-hemispherical white matter connectivity that can apparently be compensated for. More pronounced involvement of the corpus callosum as demonstrated for PD-MCI together with affection of fronto-parieto-temporal structural connectivity seems to lead to gradual disruption of cognition-related cortico-cortical networks and to be associated with the onset of overt cognitive deficits. The increase of regional white matter damage appears to be associated with the development of PD-associated dementia.
No association between Parkinson disease and autoantibodies against NMDA-type glutamate receptors
Background: IgG-class autoantibodies to N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA)-type glutamate receptors define a novel entity of autoimmune encephalitis. Studies examining the prevalence of NMDA IgA/IgM antibodies in patients with Parkinson disease with/without dementia produced conflicting results. We measured NMDA antibodies in a large, well phenotyped sample of Parkinson patients without and with cognitive impairment (n = 296) and controls (n = 295) free of neuropsychiatric disease. Detailed phenotyping and large numbers allowed statistically meaningful correlation of antibody status with diagnostic subgroups as well as quantitative indicators of disease severity and cognitive impairment.
Methods: NMDA antibodies were analysed in the serum of patients and controls using well established validated assays. We used anti-NMDA antibody positivity as the main independent variable and correlated it with disease status and phenotypic characteristics.
Results: The frequency of NMDA IgA/IgM antibodies was lower in Parkinson patients (13%) than in controls (22%) and higher than in previous studies in both groups. NMDA IgA/IgM antibodies were neither significantly associated with diagnostic subclasses of Parkinson disease according to cognitive impairment, nor with quantitative indicators of disease severity and cognitive impairment. A positive NMDA antibody status was positively correlated with age in controls but not in Parkinson patients.
Conclusion: It is unlikely albeit not impossible that NMDA antibodies play a significant role in the pathogenesis or progression of Parkinson disease e.g. to Parkinson disease with dementia, while NMDA IgG antibodies define a separate disease of its own.
Background: Even in the presence of oxygen, malignant cells often highly depend on glycolysis for energy generation, a phenomenon known as the Warburg effect. One strategy targeting this metabolic phenotype is glucose restriction by administration of a high-fat, low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet. Under these conditions, ketone bodies are generated serving as an important energy source at least for non-transformed cells. Methods: To investigate whether a ketogenic diet might selectively impair energy metabolism in tumor cells, we characterized in vitro effects of the principle ketone body 3-hydroxybutyrate in rat hippocampal neurons and five glioma cell lines. In vivo, a non-calorie-restricted ketogenic diet was examined in an orthotopic xenograft glioma mouse model. Results: The ketone body metabolizing enzymes 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase 1 and 2 (BDH1 and 2), 3-oxoacid-CoA transferase 1 (OXCT1) and acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase 1 (ACAT1) were expressed at the mRNA and protein level in all glioma cell lines. However, no activation of the hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha (HIF-1alpha) pathway was observed in glioma cells, consistent with the absence of substantial 3-hydroxybutyrate metabolism and subsequent accumulation of succinate. Further, 3-hydroxybutyrate rescued hippocampal neurons from glucose withdrawal-induced cell death but did not protect glioma cell lines. In hypoxia, mRNA expression of OXCT1, ACAT1, BDH1 and 2 was downregulated. In vivo, the ketogenic diet led to a robust increase of blood 3-hydroxybutyrate, but did not alter blood glucose levels or improve survival. Conclusion: In summary, glioma cells are incapable of compensating for glucose restriction by metabolizing ketone bodies in vitro, suggesting a potential disadvantage of tumor cells compared to normal cells under a carbohydrate-restricted ketogenic diet. Further investigations are necessary to identify co-treatment modalities, e.g. glycolysis inhibitors or antiangiogenic agents that efficiently target non-oxidative pathways.
Background: Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) is the most common inflammatory myopathy in childhood and a major cause of morbidity among children with pediatric rheumatic diseases. The management of JDM is very heterogeneous. The JDM working group of the Society for Pediatric Rheumatology (GKJR) aims to define consensus- and practice-based strategies in order to harmonize diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of JDM.
Methods: The JDM working group was established in 2015 consisting of 23 pediatric rheumatologists, pediatric neurologists and dermatologists with expertise in the management of JDM. Current practice patterns of management in JDM had previously been identified via an online survey among pediatric rheumatologists and neurologists. Using a consensus process consisting of online surveys and a face-to-face consensus conference statements were defined regarding the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of JDM. During the conference consensus was achieved via nominal group technique. Voting took place using an electronic audience response system, and at least 80% consensus was required for individual statements.
Results: Overall 10 individual statements were developed, finally reaching a consensus of 92 to 100% regarding (1) establishing a diagnosis, (2) case definitions for the application of the strategies (moderate and severe JDM), (3) initial diagnostic testing, (4) monitoring and documentation, (5) treatment targets within the context of a treat-to-target strategy, (6) supportive therapies, (7) explicit definition of a treat-to-target strategy, (8) various glucocorticoid regimens, including intermittent intravenous methylprednisolone pulse and high-dose oral glucocorticoid therapies with tapering, (9) initial glucocorticoid-sparing therapy and (10) management of refractory disease.
Conclusion: Using a consensus process among JDM experts, statements regarding the management of JDM were defined. These statements and the strategies aid in the management of patients with moderate and severe JDM.