Document Type
- Article (4)
- Working Paper (4)
- Conference Proceeding (3)
Has Fulltext
- yes (11)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (11)
- Biodiversity (2)
- Annotation (1)
- BIOfid (1)
- Deictic and iconic gestures (1)
- Gestural writing (1)
- Image schemata (1)
- Inter-annotator agreement (1)
- Kinect (1)
- Kinetic hypertext authoring (1)
- Museum information system (1)
In der folgenden Anleitung werden diverse Methoden für den Zugriff auf das Ressourcen-Management, entwickelt von der AG Texttechnologie, erläutert. Das Ressourcen-Management ist für alle Anwendungen identisch. Erklärt wird das Auslesen des Ressourcen-Managements der Projects „PHI Picturing Atlas“. Alle Anweisungen erfolgen per RESTful-Aufrufen. Die API-Dokumentation findet sich unter
This paper provides a theoretical assessment of gestures in the context of authoring image-related hypertexts by example of the museum information system WikiNect. To this end, a first implementation of gestural writing based on image schemata is provided (Lakoff in Women, fire, and dangerous things: what categories reveal about the mind. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1987). Gestural writing is defined as a sort of coding in which propositions are only expressed by means of gestures. In this respect, it is shown that image schemata allow for bridging between natural language predicates and gestural manifestations. Further, it is demonstrated that gestural writing primarily focuses on the perceptual level of image descriptions (Hollink et al. in Int J Hum Comput Stud 61(5):601–626, 2004). By exploring the metaphorical potential of image schemata, it is finally illustrated how to extend the expressiveness of gestural writing in order to reach the conceptual level of image descriptions. In this context, the paper paves the way for implementing museum information systems like WikiNect as systems of kinetic hypertext authoring based on full-fledged gestural writing.
The ongoing digitalization of educational resources and the use of the internet lead to a steady increase of potentially available learning media. However, many of the media which are used for educational purposes have not been designed specifically for teaching and learning. Usually, linguistic criteria of readability and comprehensibility as well as content-related criteria are used independently to assess and compare the quality of educational media. This also holds true for educational media used in economics. This article aims to improve the analysis of textual learning media used in economic education by drawing on threshold concepts. Threshold concepts are key terms in knowledge acquisition within a domain. From a linguistic perspective, however, threshold concepts are instances of specialized vocabularies, exhibiting particular linguistic features. In three kinds of (German) resources, namely in textbooks, in newspapers, and on Wikipedia, we investigate the distributive profiles of 63 threshold concepts identified in economics education (which have been collected from threshold concept research). We looked at the threshold concepts' frequency distribution, their compound distribution, and their network structure within the three kinds of resources. The two main findings of our analysis show that firstly, the three kinds of resources can indeed be distinguished in terms of their threshold concepts' profiles. Secondly, Wikipedia definitely shows stronger associative connections between economic threshold concepts than the other sources. We discuss the findings in relation to adequate media use for teaching and learning—not only in economic education.
BIOfid is a specialized information service currently being developed to mobilize biodiversity data dormant in printed historical and modern literature and to offer a platform for open access journals on the science of biodiversity. Our team of librarians, computer scientists and biologists produce high-quality text digitizations, develop new text-mining tools and generate detailed ontologies enabling semantic text analysis and semantic search by means of user-specific queries. In a pilot project we focus on German publications on the distribution and ecology of vascular plants, birds, moths and butterflies extending back to the Linnaeus period about 250 years ago. The three organism groups have been selected according to current demands of the relevant research community in Germany. The text corpus defined for this purpose comprises over 400 volumes with more than 100,000 pages to be digitized and will be complemented by journals from other digitization projects, copyright-free and project-related literature. With TextImager (Natural Language Processing & Text Visualization) and TextAnnotator (Discourse Semantic Annotation) we have already extended and launched tools that focus on the text-analytical section of our project. Furthermore, taxonomic and anatomical ontologies elaborated by us for the taxa prioritized by the project’s target group - German institutions and scientists active in biodiversity research - are constantly improved and expanded to maximize scientific data output. Our poster describes the general workflow of our project ranging from literature acquisition via software development, to data availability on the BIOfid web portal (, and the implementation into existing platforms which serve to promote global accessibility of biodiversity data.
With the ongoing loss of global biodiversity, long-term recordings of species distribution patterns are increasingly becoming important to investigate the causes and consequences for their change. Therefore, the digitization of scientific literature, both modern and historical, has been attracting growing attention in recent years. To meet this growing demand the Specialised Information Service for Biodiversity Research (BIOfid) was launched in 2017 with the aim of increasing the availability and accessibility of biodiversity information. Closely tied to the research community the interdisciplinary BIOfid team is digitizing data sources of biodiversity related research and provides a modern and professional infrastructure for hosting and sharing them. As a pilot project, German publications on the distribution and ecology of vascular plants, birds, moths and butterflies covering the past 250 years are prioritized. Large parts of the text corpus defined in accordance with the needs of the relevant German research community have already been transferred to a machine-readable format and will be publicly accessible soon. Software tools for text mining, semantic annotation and analysis with respect to the current trends in machine learning are developed to maximize bioscientific data output through user-specific queries that can be created via the BIOfid web portal ( To boost knowledge discovery, specific ontologies focusing on morphological traits and taxonomy are being prepared and will continuously be extended to keep up with an ever-expanding volume of literature sources.
In an ideal world, extraction of machine-readable data and knowledge from natural-language biodiversity literature would be done automatically, but not so currently. The BIOfid project has developed some tools that can help with important parts of this highly demanding task, while certain parts of the workflow cannot be automated yet. BIOfid focuses on the 20th century legacy literature, a large part of which is only available in printed form. In this workshop, we will present the current state of the art in mobilisation of data from our corpus, as well as some challenges ahead of us. Together with the participants, we will exercise or explain the following tasks (some of which can be performed by the participants themselves, while other tasks currently require execution by our specialists with special equipment): Preparation of text files as an input; pre-processing with TextImager/TextAnnotator; semiautomated annotation and linking of named entities; generation of output in various formats; evaluation of the output. The workshop will also provide an outlook for further developments regarding extraction of statements from natural-language literature, with the long-term aim to produce machine-readable data from literature that can extend biodiversity databases and knowledge graphs.
Dieses Dokument beschreibt eine Applikation namens Stolperwege, die als prototypische Kommunikationstechnologie für eine mobile Public History of the Holocaust dienen soll, und zwar ausgehend vom Beispiel des Kunstprojekts namens Stolpersteine von Gunter Demnig. Auf diese Weise soll eine zentrale Herausforderung bezogen auf die Vermittlung der Geschichte des Holocaust aufgegriffen werden, welche in der Anknüpfung an die neuesten Entwicklungen von Kommunikationsmedien besteht. Die Stolperwege-App richtet sich an Schülerinnen und Schüler, Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner, Historikerinnen und Historiker und allgemein an Besucherinnen und Besucher einer Stadt, die vor Ort den Spuren des Holocaust nachspüren wollen, um sich an der Schreibung einer Public History of the Holocaust aktiv zu beteiligen.
The annotation of texts and other material in the field of digital humanities and Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a common task of research projects. At the same time, the annotation of corpora is certainly the most time- and cost-intensive component in research projects and often requires a high level of expertise according to the research interest. However, for the annotation of texts, a wide range of tools is available, both for automatic and manual annotation. Since the automatic pre-processing methods are not error-free and there is an increasing demand for the generation of training data, also with regard to machine learning, suitable annotation tools are required. This paper defines criteria of flexibility and efficiency of complex annotations for the assessment of existing annotation tools. To extend this list of tools, the paper describes TextAnnotator, a browser-based, multi-annotation system, which has been developed to perform platform-independent multimodal annotations and annotate complex textual structures. The paper illustrates the current state of development of TextAnnotator and demonstrates its ability to evaluate annotation quality (inter-annotator agreement) at runtime. In addition, it will be shown how annotations of different users can be performed simultaneously and collaboratively on the same document from different platforms using UIMA as the basis for annotation.