430 Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch
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The study focuses on the basic dimensions of the teaching of mother tongue (L1) in relation to new challenges and prospects in the European context. The introductory part of the paper highlights some stimuli and inspirations from Polish professional provenance in the second half of the 20th century. The core of the paper focuses on four basic dimensions in L1 teaching set against the background of a variety of relevant educational documents and decrees, current scientific knowledge, the author's research and authentic pedagogical practice. The dimensions are: 1. A reference framework for education in the EU focusing on the competences a person requires to function in the 21st century. 2. The training and life-long education of an L1 teachers, including the evaluation of the results of their work. 3. Educational programmes and standards for the teaching of L1, including the output measurement tools. 4. Comprehensive cognition, diagnostics and pupil's personality development which respects the pupil's learning abilities and utilises the influence of the educational system and the overall circumstances of the pupil's life.
In recent years, the scientific determination of teaching quality has become a central topic and productive field within empirical classroom research. With respect to L1 literature education, there is no framework within which attempts can be made to consistently interpret domain-specific criteria of teaching quality. Against this background, this paper follows two main questions: What does teaching quality in L1 literature classrooms mean? How can teaching quality be operationalised? This paper argues that the construct of cognitive activation offers a suitable approach to integrate existing specifications of teaching quality in L1 literature classrooms and to identify and define characteristics of a content-specific view. The key result presented in this paper is a highly inferential coding system that operationalises cognitive activation for L1 literature classes. The operationalisation regards tasks in process to be indicators for cognitive activation. The theoretical conceptualisation is based on empirical data from a pilot study for the research project KoALa (Cognitive Activation through Tasks in Literature Classes). In this pilot study, six literature lessons were videotaped, involving analysis of the same short story with six different teachers and classes (107 students, grade 8, German "Gymnasium").
The impact of syntactic and lexical trainings on capitalization of nouns in German in grade five
Many orthographies include syntactic markers not represented in phonology. In general, to correctly use these syntactic markers, learners have to analyze and understand the syntactic context of the word to be written. Capitalization of nouns, a syntactic marker in German, involves marking heads of noun phrases and is challenging for learners. The aim of this intervention study was to evaluate the effects of syntactic and lexical based trainings on capitalization of nouns. 114 Luxembourgish fifth-graders were assigned to two syntactic groups, a lexical group and a passive control group. The syntactic groups focused on two variants of training syntactic structures within the noun phrase. The lexical group focused on lexical characteristics of nouns and the control group received reading input. The posttest results show that the students in the intervention groups profited from the syntactic-based training. The follow-up test shows that the intervention was sustainable, as the improvement remains stable. The study indicates that a greater focus on syntactic structures can effectively enhance the use of syntactic markers of capitalizations. Although this approach is initially harder to acquire, it covers all cases of capitalization.
Formal linguistics generally assumes that form-meaning relations in spoken language are arbitrary and not iconic. Ideophones, such as the English splish-splash have been considered exceptions to this rule of arbitrariness. Recently, however, researchers have begun to examine iconicity in spoken language more closely. Following work which established the default not- at-issue status of iconic co-speech gestures, here we discuss the crosslinguistic evidence for the (not-)at-issueness of ideophones and the factors that may have an influence upon this. We also present what we believe to be the first experimental work on the at-issue status of ideophones, conducted with German speakers. Although German may not be a prototypical ideophonic language, we argue that German ideophones follow crosslinguistic patterns in terms of at-issueness and provide initial evidence for the not-at-issue status of sentence- medial adverbial ideophones in German. This evidence comes from sentence-context matching tasks, where the mismatch effect was significantly larger for sentences containing standard adverbials than those containing sentence-medial adverbial ideophones. We presume that speaker judgements concerning how well target sentences match discourse contexts should be more impaired by mismatches induced by material relevant to the Question Under Discussion (QUD), i.e. at-issue material, than those induced by material irrelevant to the QUD, i.e. not-at- issue material. We thus argue that speakers’ ratings indicate that sentence-medial adverbial ideophones in German are not at-issue. This paper suggests a starting point for investigating the pragmatic status of ideophones crosslinguistically and also allows for comparison to previous research on other iconic enrichments, in particular gestures. This then has implications for our understanding of the at-issue status of iconic enrichments and how these enrichments interact with each other.
The process of advertising is a technique used to draw attention to a product or a service. It is an indispensable method of the marketing strategy. To ensure that clients are thus interested in the product, the advertisement must be original, attractive and creative through the use of stylistic instruments, such as linguistic games or idiomatic expressions.
Phraseologisms are meaningful in everyday language use and reflect the culture and world view of a people. This work has the following objectives: On the one hand, Romanian somatisms are pointed out and their German equivalents are presented; on the other hand, the focus is on a comparison of Romanian and German phraseologisms under semantic and structural-lexical aspects. This present article is focused on analysing equivalences and false friends between Romanian and German phraseologisms with the lexeme head. The head is the most important part of the human body, as it houses the brain - the organ known for its cognitive functions. The phrasemes of the two languages are analysed according to the three types of equivalence: full equivalence, partial equivalence and semantic equivalence. Among the analysed equivalence types, false friends also appear as a transversal phenomenon. In the analysis section, which is based on idiomatic dictionaries and an internet corpus, these phenomena are analysed in German and Romanian native speakers and verified by examples on the internet.
Media linguistics, an interdisciplinary research field, extensively engages in the analysis of language in the media and its impact on society. An interesting application case in media linguistics concerns the analysis of headlines in online press. Headlines in the media play a crucial role in information dissemination and significantly influence public opinion formation. When it comes to political events or international developments, headlines serve as powerful tools to shape the perception of the news and thus steer readers’ attitudes in a desired direction. In this article, I refer to the Austrian, German and Romanian online press regarding Romania’s accession to the Schengen Area. It is noticeable that the coverage in German media often appears more distant, while Austrian media adopt a critical tone in their headlines. This particularity could be linked to Austria’s geo graphical proximity to Romania, raising interesting questions about media linguistics and the cultural imprint on media coverage. In addition, the analysis also employs a pragmalinguistic perspective, which explores how linguistic elements in headlines are used within specific communicative contexts to convey meaning and achieve pragmatic goals.
The article deals with the role of the German language in the transfer of loanwords from French into Slovene. The process of borrowing is illustrated with examples from German and Slovene. An overview of the history of German-French and German-Slovenian language contacts and the resulting borrowings is presented, with numerous examples showing German as a mediating language for French borrowings. Finally, the criteria for internationalisms are discussed, and many French loanwords in Slovenian can be classified as international words.
The lexem „Austage“ is a word that is attested in Transylvanian Saxon in the sense of the last days of winter and the first days of the be -ginning of spring, also as an older term for spring in general, which covers the period from about 21 March to 21 June. In the article, the dates for the above-described period „Austage“ are initially given as dates in legal documents from the 16th to and including the 18th century, followed by selected vernacular examples. Subsequently, based on certain peasant expressions as well as peasant rules and proverbs, the most important agricultural work is discussed, which is carried out by the farmer in those „Austage“ days awaited with longing and impatience. Furthermore, northern Transylvanian word formation constructions using with the lexem „Austage“ are analysed stating their meanings and their word formation process, whereby reference is made to corresponding specialist literature on word formation in contemporary German. The vernacular examples documented in the article are taken from the Transylvanian-Saxon Dictionary, the North Transylvanian Dictionary and Transylvanian-Saxon specialist and vernacular literature.
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