Diversity of fungi in soils of different degrees of degradation in Panama and Germany

  • The main goal of this work is to contribute to the existing knowledge of soil micro-fungi in Panama and Germany. Studies about soil degradation and its influents in the soil fungi diversity have not been investigated as extensively in these countries. This is an extensive and challenging topic to examine since there is an immense phenotypic and genetic diversity in the soil fungal community and relating this community together with factors of soil degradation is an extensive task. For this reason, the present thesis studies the species identified in the study areas, in other words, the soil fungal diversity in relation to environmental factors in the Taunus Mountain range in Frankfurt, Germany, and in the Majagua valley in Chiriquí, Panama. Two complementary objectives were achieved, the first was the development of a theoretical irrigation model for degraded soils. The second was the development of a mobile application to facilitate laboratory work in the cultivation of soil micro-fungi. The design of the methodology was based on identifying the species and relating the diversity found to soil factors. Soil samples were taken in both countries: the Taunus Mountain range was sampled eight times from January to November 2012 and the Majagua valley was sampled on three occasions between February and July 2012. In both studies, the areas included three different vegetation types (forest, grassland, and bare soil). Samples were separated for two purposes: the assessment of fungal diversity by molecular and morphological methods and soil characterization. Soil samples used in the methodology of pyrosequencing were related to global climatic factors. Morphological identification was achieved with identification keys. Micro-fungi were cultivated in different media until obtaining pure cultures. Molecular identification was performed by getting the DNA sequences using the ITS1 and ITS4 primers and comparing the sequences with other reference sequences from GenBank. This was done considering the BLAST algorithm, which considered sequences that matched 98 % or more of maximum identity as reliable identifications. Soil characterization was carried out to measure the soil's Physico-chemical properties; those abiotic factors were compaction, temperature, pH, moisture, and soil composition. Species richness was calculated in each study area with the estimators Chao, Jackknife, and Bootstrap. Furthermore, the species accumulation curves were performed to observe the species discovery rate and estimate sample completeness. Estimate linear regression models correlated the influence between the soil factors (temperature, moisture, pH, soil compaction, and soil composition) and the species richness. In the same way, an analysis of ecological distance was undertaken based on the similarity in the species composition, compared across samples, and correlated with soil factors, using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDs). Study of abundance showed differences between the bare soil abundances and the forest abundances in Germany and Panama; the grasslands in both countries work as transitional areas in the fungi abundance. The key stone species in Germany were Penicillium daleae, and Pochonia bulbillosa, whereas in Panama were Purpureocillium lilacinum and Trichoderma harzianum. Based on Pareto analysis, a theoretical irrigation model was developed to counteract the degradation effects on the abundance of micro-fungi in the soil. Applications for mobile devices dealing with the cultivation of soil micro fungi were sought. Due to the small number of existing applications, a new App called Soil-Fungi-Cultures (SFC) was developed to facilitate data collection of cultivated soil micro fungi. App Inventor was the program used to design, program, test, and publish the application developed. The developed application was compared with other applications used in identifying bacteria cultures. The results showed that the new application needed more time to capture the records because it saves more information, the navigation flow was acceptable, the number of clicks was high, but it is due to the usefulness in data capture, and finally, the users rated it as a good application with an eight out of ten rating. Pyrosequencing resulted in 204 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) considering the two study areas (the Taunus Mountain range and the Majagua valley). The Pyrosequencing database was used to contribute to the most important study of fungal diversity globally based on OTUs, which surpasses any study of molecular and taxonomic diversity previously conducted. The principal result in this study was that the climatic factor is the best predictor of fungal richness and community composition on a global scale. However, the part of the research that focused on the local scale, that is to say, on the correlation patterns between the distribution of fungal species and abiotic factors, showed that the soil properties and degradation levels were not associated with fungal richness, diversity or soil composition in the study areas in Germany or Panama. The above confirms that there are exceptions to the way relationships between soil factors with fungal diversity are established at the local level. In the case of soil samples used for morphological identification, 71 fungal species were obtained, 47 from Germany, and 32 from Panama.
Author:Miguel Angel de Jesus Rosas MedinaORCiDGND
Place of publication:Frankfurt am Main
Referee:Meike PiepenbringORCiDGND, Imke SchmittGND
Advisor:Sven Klimpel, Jörg Soppa, Jörg Oehlmann
Document Type:Doctoral Thesis
Date of Publication (online):2024/08/24
Date of first Publication:2024/08/24
Publishing Institution:Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Granting Institution:Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität
Date of final exam:2024/06/11
Release Date:2024/09/05
Tag:fungi; soil
Page Number:225
Kumulative Dissertation - enthält die Verlagsversionen (Versions of Record) der folgenden Artikel:

Tedersoo, Leho; Bahram, Mohammad; Pölme, Sergei; Koljalg, Urmas; Yorou, Nourou S.; Wijesundera, Ravi; Ruiz, Luis Villarreal; Vasco-Palacios, Aida M.; Thu, Pham Quang; Suija, Ave; Smith, Matthew E.; Sharp, Cathy; Saluveer, Erki; Saitta, Alessandro; Rosas, Miguel; Riit, Taavi; Ratkowsky, David; Pritsch, Karin; Poldmaa, Kadri; Piepenbring, Meike; Phosri, Cherdchai; Peterson, Marko; Parts, Kaarin; Pärtel, Kadri; Otsing, Eveli; Nouhra, Eduardo; Njouonkou, Andre l:; Nilsson, R. Henrik; Morgado, Luis N.; Mayor, Jordan; May, Tom W.; Majuakim, Luiza; Lodge, D. Jean; Lee, Su See; Larsson, Karl-Henrik; Kohout, Petr; Hosaka, Kentaro; Hiiesalu, Indrek; Henkel, Terry W.; Harend, Helery; Guo, Liang-dong; Greslebin, Alina; Grelet, Gwen; Geml, Jozsef; Gates, Genevieve; Dunstan, William; Dunk, Chris; Drenkhan, Rein; Dearnaley, John; De Kesel; Andre; Dank, Tan; Chen, Xin; Buegger, Franz; Brearley, Francis Q.; Bonito, Gregory; Anslan, Sten; Abell, Sandra; Abarenkov, Kessy (2014): Global diversity and geography of soil fungi . Science 2014, Vol 346(6213), Seite 1078 ff, Artikel 1256688, ISSN 0036-8075. DOI:10.1126/science.1256688

Rosas-Medina; Miguel; Piepenbring, Meike (2017): New records of microfungi from degraded soil close to dry seasonal forest in Western Panama. Nova Hedwigia 2018, Vol. 106 (3-4), Seite 403-426. ISSN 0029-5035. DOI 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2017/0442

Rosas-Medina, Miguel; Macia-Vicente, Jose G.; Piepenbring, Meike (2019): Diversity of fungi in soils with different degrees of degradation in Germany and Panama. Mycobiology 2019,48(1), 20–28. eISSN2092-9323. DOI 10.1080/12298093.2019.1700658
Dewey Decimal Classification:5 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik / 57 Biowissenschaften; Biologie / 570 Biowissenschaften; Biologie
Sammlung Biologie / Biologische Hochschulschriften (Goethe-Universität)
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