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Feasibility studies for the measurement of time-like proton electromagnetic form factors from ¯p p → μ+μ− at PANDA at FAIR

Gianni Barucca, F. Davì, G. Lancioni, P. Mengucci, L. Montalto, P. P. Natali, N. Paone, D. Rinaldi, L. Scalise, W. Erni, B. Krusche, M. Steinacher, N. Walford, N. Cao, Z. Liu, C. Liu, B. Liu, X. Shen, S. Sun, J. Tao, X. A. Xiong, G. Zhao, J. Zhao, Malte Albrecht, W. Alkakhi, S. Bökelmann, S. Coen, Florian Feldbauer, M. Fink, J. Frech, V. Freudenreich, Miriam Fritsch, J. Grochowski, R. Hagdorn, Fritz-Herbert Heinsius, T. Held, Tobias Holtmann, Iman Keshk, H. Koch, Bertram Kopf, M. Kuhlmann, M. Kümmel, M. Küßner, J. Li, L. Linzen, Stephan Maldaner, J. Oppotsch, S. Pankonin, Marc Pelizäus, S. Pflüger, A. Pitka, J. Reher, G. Reicherz, Claudius Schnier, M. Steinke, T. Triffterer, C. Wenzel, Ulrich Wiedner, H. Denizli, N. Er, U. Keskin, A. T. Olgun, S. Yerlikaya, A. Yilmaz, R. Beck, C. Hammann, J. Hartmann, Bernhard Ketzer, J. Müllers, M. Rossbach, B. Salisbury, Christian Joachim Schmidt, U. Thoma, M. Urban, A. Bianconi, Mario Bragadireanu, D. Pantea, M. Domagala, G. Filo, E. Lisowski, F. Lisowski, M. Michałek, P. Poznański, J. Płażek, K. Korcyl, A. Kozela, P. Lebiedowicz, K. Pysz, W. Schäfer, A. Szczurek, M. Firlej, T. Fiutowski, M. Idzik, J. Moron, K. Swientek, P. Terlecki, G. Korcyl, R. Lalik, A. Malige, P. Moskal, K. Nowakowski, W. Przygoda, N. Rathod, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, J. Smyrski, I. Augustin, R. Böhm, I. Lehmann, L. Schmitt, V. Varentsov, Mohammad Al-Turany, A. Belias, H. Deppe, R. Dzhygadlo, H. Flemming, A. Gerhardt, Klaus Götzen, Andreas Heinz, P. Jiang, R. Karabowicz, S. Koch, U. Kurilla, D. Lehmann, J. Lühning, U. Lynen, H. Orth, Klaus Peters, T. Saito, G. Schepers, C. J. Schmidt, C. Schwarz, J. Schwiening, Alexander Täschner, M. Traxler, B. Voss, P. Wieczorek, V. Abazov, G. Alexeev, V. A. Arefiev, V. Astakhov, M. Yu. Barabanov, B. V. Batyunya, V. Kh. Dodokhov, A. Efremov, A. Fechtchenko, A. Galoyan, G. Golovanov, E. K. Koshurnikov, Y. Yu. Lobanov, A. G. Olshevskiy, A. A. Piskun, A. Samartsev, S. Shimanski, N. B. Skachkov, A. N. Skachkova, E. A. Strokovsky, V. Tokmenin, V. Uzhinsky, A. Verkheev, A. Vodopianov, N. I. Zhuravlev, D. Branford, D. Watts, M. Böhm, W. Eyrich, A. Lehmann, D. Miehling, M. Pfaffinger, N. Quin, L. Robison, K. Seth, T. Xiao, Diego Bettoni, A. Ali, A. Hamdi, Mathilde Himmelreich, M. Krebs, S. Nakhoul, Frank Nerling, A. Belousov, Ivan Kisel, Grigory Kozlov, M. Pugach, Maksym Zyzak, Nicola Bianchi, Paola Gianotti, V. Lucherini, G. Bracco, Y. Bettner, S. Bodenschatz, K. T. Brinkmann, L. Brück, S. Diehl, V. Dormenev, M. Düren, T. Erlen, K. Föhl, C. Hahn, A. Hayrapetyan, J. Hofmann, S. Kegel, M. Kesselkaul, I. Köseoglu, A. Kripko, Wolfgang Kühn, Jens Sören Lange, V. Metag, M. Moritz, M. Nanova, R. Novotny, P. Orsich, J. Pereira-de-Lira, M. Peter, M. Sachs, M. Schmidt, R. Schubert, H. Stenzel, M. Straube, M. Strickert, U. Thöring, T. Wasem, B. Wohlfahrt, H. G. Zaunick, E. Tomasi-Gustafsson, D. Glazier, D. Ireland, B. Seitz, P. N. Deepak, A. Kulkarni, R. Kappert, Myroslav O. Kavatsyuk, H. Loehner, Johannes Gerhardus Messchendorp, Viktor Rodin, P. Schakel, S. Vejdani, K. Dutta, K. Kalita, G. Huang, D. Liu, H. Peng, H. Qi, Y. Sun, X. Zhou, M. Kunze, K. Azizi, Z. Tavukoglu, A. Derichs, R. Dosdall, W. Esmail, A. Gillitzer, F. Goldenbaum, D. Grunwald, L. Jokhovets, J. Kannika, P. Kulessa, S. Orfanitski, G. Pérez Andrade, D. Prasuhn, E. Prencipe, J. Pütz, J. Ritman, E. Rosenthal, S. Schadmand, R. Schmitz, A. Scholl, T. Sefzick, V. Serdyuk, T. Stockmanns, D. Veretennikov, P. Wintz, P. Wüstner, H. Xu, Y. Zhou, X. Cao, Q. Hu, Z. Li, H. Li, Y. Liang, X. Ma, V. Rigato, L. Isaksson, P. Achenbach, O. Corell, Achim Denig, M. Distler, M. Hoek, W. Lauth, H. H. Leithoff, Z. Liu, H. Merkel, U. Müller, J. Pochodzalla, S. Schlimme, C. Sfienti, M. Thiel, M. Zambrana, Samer Ahmed, S. Bleser, M. Bölting, L. Capozza, A. Dbeyssi, A. Ehret, R. Klasen, Ralf Kliemt, F. Maas, C. Motzko, O. Noll, D. Rodríguez Piñeiro, F. Schupp, M. Steinen, S. Wolff, I. Zimmermann, A. Fedorov, D. Kazlou, M. Korzhik, O. Missevitch, P. Balanutsa, V. Chernetsky, A. Demekhin, A. Dolgolenko, P. Fedorets, A. Gerasimov, A. Golubev, V. Goryachev, Alexey V. Kantsyrev, D. Y. Kirin, N. Kristi, E. Ladygina, E. Luschevskaya, V. A. Matveev, V. Panjushkin, A. V. Stavinskiy, A. Balashoff, A. Boukharov, O. Malyshev, K. N. Basant, H. Kumawat, B. Roy, Alok Saxena, S. Yogesh, D. Bonaventura, P. Brand, C. Fritzsch, S. Grieser, C. Hargens, A. K. Hergemöller, B. Hetz, Nils Hüsken, J. Kellers, Alfons Khoukaz, C. Mannweiler, S. Vestrick, D. Bumrungkoh, Christoph Herold, K. Khosonthongkee, Chinorat Kobdaj, A. Limphirat, K. Manasatitpong, T. Nasawad, S. Pongampai, T. Simantathammakul, P. Srisawad, N. Wongprachanukul, Y. Yan, C. Yu, X. Zhang, W. Zhu, A. E. Blinov, S. Kononov, E. A. Kravchenko, E. Antokhin, A. Yu. Barnyakov, K. Beloborodov, V. E. Blinov, I. A. Kuyanov, S. Pivovarov, E. Pyata, Y. Tikhonov, G. Hunter, M. Lattery, H. Pace, Gianluigi Boca, D. Duda, M. Finger, M. Finger, A. Kveton, M. Pesek, M. Peskova, I. Prochazka, M. Slunecka, M. Volf, P. Gallus, V. Jary, O. Korchak, M. Marcisovsky, G. Neue, J. Novy, L. Tomasek, M. Tomasek, M. Virius, V. Vrba, V. Abramov, S. Bukreeva, S. Chernichenko, A. Derevschikov, V. Ferapontov, Y. Goncharenko, A. Levin, E. Maslova, Y. Melnik, Aleksei P. Meščanin, N. Minaev, V. Mochalov, V. Moiseev, D. Morozov, L. Nogach, S. Poslavskiy, A. Ryazantsev, S. Ryzhikov, P. Semenov, I. Shein, A. Uzunian, Andrey Vasiliev, A. Yakutin, U. Roy, B. Yabsley, S. Belostotski, G. Fedotov, G. Gavrilov, A. Izotov, S. Manaenkov, O. Miklukho, A. Zhdanov, A. Atac, T. Bäck, B. Cederwall, K. Makonyi, M. Preston, P. E. Tegner, D. Wölbing, K. Gandhi, A. K. Rai, S. Godre, V. Crede, S. Dobbs, P. Eugenio, D. Lersch, D. Calvo, P. De Remigis, A. Filippi, G. Mazza, Angelo Rivetti, R. Wheadon, M. P. Bussa, Stefano Spataro, F. Iazzi, A. Lavagno, A. Martin, A. Akram, H. Calen, Walter Ikegami Andersson, Tord Johansson, Andrzej Kupsc, P. Marciniewski, Michael Papenbrock, J. Regina, J. Rieger, K. Schönning, M. Wolke, V. Pothodi Chackara, A. Chlopik, G. Kesik, D. Melnychuk, J. Tarasiuk, M. Wojciechowski, S. Wronka, B. Zwieglinski, C. Amsler, Paul Bühler, J. Marton, W. Nalti, D. Steinschaden, Eberhard Widmann, S. Zimmermann, Johann Zmeskal

  • This paper reports on Monte Carlo simulation results for future measurements of the moduli of time-like proton electromagnetic form factors, |GE | and |GM|, using the ¯pp → μ+μ− reaction at PANDA (FAIR). The electromagnetic form factors are fundamental quantities parameterizing the electric and magnetic structure of hadrons. This work estimates the statistical and total accuracy with which the form factors can be measured at PANDA, using an analysis of simulated data within the PandaRoot software framework. The most crucial background channel is ¯pp → π+π−,due to the very similar behavior of muons and pions in the detector. The suppression factors are evaluated for this and all other relevant background channels at different values of antiproton beam momentum. The signal/background separation is based on a multivariate analysis, using the Boosted Decision Trees method. An expected background subtraction is included in this study, based on realistic angular distribuations of the background contribution. Systematic uncertainties are considered and the relative total uncertainties of the form factor measurements are presented.

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Author:Gianni BaruccaORCiDGND, F. Davì, G. Lancioni, P. Mengucci, L. Montalto, P. P. Natali, N. Paone, D. Rinaldi, L. Scalise, W. Erni, B. Krusche, M. Steinacher, N. Walford, N. Cao, Z. Liu, C. Liu, B. Liu, X. Shen, S. Sun, J. Tao, X. A. Xiong, G. Zhao, J. Zhao, Malte AlbrechtORCiDGND, W. Alkakhi, S. Bökelmann, S. Coen, Florian FeldbauerGND, M. Fink, J. Frech, V. Freudenreich, Miriam FritschORCiDGND, J. Grochowski, R. Hagdorn, Fritz-Herbert HeinsiusORCiDGND, T. Held, Tobias HoltmannGND, Iman KeshkGND, H. Koch, Bertram KopfGND, M. Kuhlmann, M. Kümmel, M. Küßner, J. Li, L. Linzen, Stephan MaldanerGND, J. Oppotsch, S. Pankonin, Marc PelizäusGND, S. Pflüger, A. Pitka, J. Reher, G. Reicherz, Claudius SchnierGND, M. Steinke, T. Triffterer, C. Wenzel, Ulrich WiednerORCiDGND, H. Denizli, N. Er, U. Keskin, A. T. Olgun, S. Yerlikaya, A. Yilmaz, R. Beck, C. Hammann, J. Hartmann, Bernhard KetzerGND, J. Müllers, M. Rossbach, B. Salisbury, Christian Joachim SchmidtORCiDGND, U. Thoma, M. Urban, A. Bianconi, Mario Bragadireanu, D. Pantea, M. Domagala, G. Filo, E. Lisowski, F. Lisowski, M. Michałek, P. Poznański, J. Płażek, K. Korcyl, A. Kozela, P. Lebiedowicz, K. Pysz, W. Schäfer, A. Szczurek, M. Firlej, T. Fiutowski, M. Idzik, J. Moron, K. Swientek, P. Terlecki, G. Korcyl, R. Lalik, A. Malige, P. Moskal, K. Nowakowski, W. Przygoda, N. Rathod, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, J. Smyrski, I. Augustin, R. Böhm, I. Lehmann, L. Schmitt, V. Varentsov, Mohammad Al-TuranyORCiDGND, A. Belias, H. Deppe, R. Dzhygadlo, H. Flemming, A. Gerhardt, Klaus GötzenORCiDGND, Andreas HeinzORCiDGND, P. Jiang, R. Karabowicz, S. Koch, U. Kurilla, D. Lehmann, J. Lühning, U. Lynen, H. Orth, Klaus PetersORCiDGND, T. Saito, G. Schepers, C. J. Schmidt, C. Schwarz, J. Schwiening, Alexander TäschnerORCiDGND, M. Traxler, B. Voss, P. Wieczorek, V. Abazov, G. Alexeev, V. A. Arefiev, V. Astakhov, M. Yu. Barabanov, B. V. Batyunya, V. Kh. Dodokhov, A. Efremov, A. Fechtchenko, A. Galoyan, G. Golovanov, E. K. Koshurnikov, Y. Yu. Lobanov, A. G. Olshevskiy, A. A. Piskun, A. Samartsev, S. Shimanski, N. B. Skachkov, A. N. Skachkova, E. A. Strokovsky, V. Tokmenin, V. Uzhinsky, A. Verkheev, A. Vodopianov, N. I. Zhuravlev, D. Branford, D. Watts, M. Böhm, W. Eyrich, A. Lehmann, D. Miehling, M. Pfaffinger, N. Quin, L. Robison, K. Seth, T. Xiao, Diego BettoniORCiD, A. Ali, A. Hamdi, Mathilde HimmelreichGND, M. Krebs, S. Nakhoul, Frank NerlingORCiD, A. Belousov, Ivan KiselORCiDGND, Grigory KozlovGND, M. Pugach, Maksym ZyzakGND, Nicola BianchiORCiD, Paola GianottiORCiD, V. Lucherini, G. Bracco, Y. Bettner, S. Bodenschatz, K. T. Brinkmann, L. Brück, S. Diehl, V. Dormenev, M. Düren, T. Erlen, K. Föhl, C. Hahn, A. Hayrapetyan, J. Hofmann, S. Kegel, M. Kesselkaul, I. Köseoglu, A. Kripko, Wolfgang KühnORCiD, Jens Sören LangeORCiDGND, V. Metag, M. Moritz, M. Nanova, R. Novotny, P. Orsich, J. Pereira-de-Lira, M. Peter, M. Sachs, M. Schmidt, R. Schubert, H. Stenzel, M. Straube, M. Strickert, U. Thöring, T. Wasem, B. Wohlfahrt, H. G. Zaunick, E. Tomasi-Gustafsson, D. Glazier, D. Ireland, B. Seitz, P. N. Deepak, A. Kulkarni, R. Kappert, Myroslav O. Kavatsyuk, H. Loehner, Johannes Gerhardus MesschendorpORCiDGND, Viktor Rodin, P. Schakel, S. Vejdani, K. Dutta, K. Kalita, G. Huang, D. Liu, H. Peng, H. Qi, Y. Sun, X. Zhou, M. Kunze, K. Azizi, Z. Tavukoglu, A. Derichs, R. Dosdall, W. Esmail, A. Gillitzer, F. Goldenbaum, D. Grunwald, L. Jokhovets, J. Kannika, P. Kulessa, S. Orfanitski, G. Pérez Andrade, D. Prasuhn, E. Prencipe, J. Pütz, J. Ritman, E. Rosenthal, S. Schadmand, R. Schmitz, A. Scholl, T. Sefzick, V. Serdyuk, T. Stockmanns, D. Veretennikov, P. Wintz, P. Wüstner, H. Xu, Y. Zhou, X. Cao, Q. Hu, Z. Li, H. Li, Y. Liang, X. Ma, V. Rigato, L. Isaksson, P. Achenbach, O. Corell, Achim Denig, M. Distler, M. Hoek, W. Lauth, H. H. Leithoff, Z. Liu, H. Merkel, U. Müller, J. Pochodzalla, S. Schlimme, C. Sfienti, M. Thiel, M. Zambrana, Samer AhmedGND, S. Bleser, M. Bölting, L. Capozza, A. Dbeyssi, A. Ehret, R. Klasen, Ralf KliemtORCiD, F. Maas, C. Motzko, O. Noll, D. Rodríguez Piñeiro, F. Schupp, M. Steinen, S. Wolff, I. Zimmermann, A. Fedorov, D. Kazlou, M. Korzhik, O. Missevitch, P. Balanutsa, V. Chernetsky, A. Demekhin, A. Dolgolenko, P. Fedorets, A. Gerasimov, A. Golubev, V. Goryachev, Alexey V. KantsyrevORCiDGND, D. Y. Kirin, N. Kristi, E. Ladygina, E. Luschevskaya, V. A. Matveev, V. Panjushkin, A. V. Stavinskiy, A. Balashoff, A. Boukharov, O. Malyshev, K. N. Basant, H. Kumawat, B. Roy, Alok SaxenaORCiD, S. Yogesh, D. Bonaventura, P. Brand, C. Fritzsch, S. Grieser, C. Hargens, A. K. Hergemöller, B. Hetz, Nils HüskenORCiDGND, J. Kellers, Alfons KhoukazORCiDGND, C. Mannweiler, S. Vestrick, D. Bumrungkoh, Christoph HeroldORCiDGND, K. Khosonthongkee, Chinorat KobdajORCiD, A. Limphirat, K. Manasatitpong, T. Nasawad, S. Pongampai, T. Simantathammakul, P. Srisawad, N. Wongprachanukul, Y. Yan, C. Yu, X. Zhang, W. Zhu, A. E. Blinov, S. Kononov, E. A. Kravchenko, E. Antokhin, A. Yu. Barnyakov, K. Beloborodov, V. E. Blinov, I. A. Kuyanov, S. Pivovarov, E. Pyata, Y. Tikhonov, G. Hunter, M. Lattery, H. Pace, Gianluigi BocaORCiD, D. Duda, M. Finger, M. Finger, A. Kveton, M. Pesek, M. Peskova, I. Prochazka, M. Slunecka, M. Volf, P. Gallus, V. Jary, O. Korchak, M. Marcisovsky, G. Neue, J. Novy, L. Tomasek, M. Tomasek, M. Virius, V. Vrba, V. Abramov, S. Bukreeva, S. Chernichenko, A. Derevschikov, V. Ferapontov, Y. Goncharenko, A. Levin, E. Maslova, Y. Melnik, Aleksei P. MeščaninGND, N. Minaev, V. Mochalov, V. Moiseev, D. Morozov, L. Nogach, S. Poslavskiy, A. Ryazantsev, S. Ryzhikov, P. Semenov, I. Shein, A. Uzunian, Andrey Vasiliev, A. Yakutin, U. Roy, B. Yabsley, S. Belostotski, G. Fedotov, G. Gavrilov, A. Izotov, S. Manaenkov, O. Miklukho, A. Zhdanov, A. Atac, T. Bäck, B. Cederwall, K. Makonyi, M. Preston, P. E. Tegner, D. Wölbing, K. Gandhi, A. K. Rai, S. Godre, V. Crede, S. Dobbs, P. Eugenio, D. Lersch, D. Calvo, P. De Remigis, A. Filippi, G. Mazza, Angelo RivettiORCiD, R. Wheadon, M. P. Bussa, Stefano SpataroORCiD, F. Iazzi, A. Lavagno, A. Martin, A. Akram, H. Calen, Walter Ikegami AnderssonORCiD, Tord JohanssonORCiD, Andrzej KupscORCiD, P. Marciniewski, Michael PapenbrockORCiDGND, J. Regina, J. Rieger, K. Schönning, M. Wolke, V. Pothodi Chackara, A. Chlopik, G. Kesik, D. Melnychuk, J. Tarasiuk, M. Wojciechowski, S. Wronka, B. Zwieglinski, C. Amsler, Paul BühlerORCiD, J. Marton, W. Nalti, D. Steinschaden, Eberhard WidmannORCiD, S. Zimmermann, Johann ZmeskalORCiD
Parent Title (English):The European physical journal. A
Place of publication:Berlin ; Heidelberg
Document Type:Article
Date of Publication (online):2021/01/15
Date of first Publication:2021/01/15
Publishing Institution:Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Release Date:2024/03/21
Issue:1, art. 30
Article Number:30
Page Number:22
First Page:1
Last Page:22
We acknowledge financial support from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), British funding agency, Great Britain; the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) and the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India; the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Germany; the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung 21-0563-2.8/122/1 and 21-0563-2.8/131/1, Mainz, Germany; the Center for Advanced Radiation Technology (KVI-CART), Groningen, Netherlands; the CNRS/IN2P3 and the Université Paris-Sud, France; the Czech Ministry (MEYS) Grants LM2015049, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16 and 013/0001677, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Germany; the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), Germany; the Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany; the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 824093; the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung GmbH (GSI), Darmstadt, Germany; the Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren (HGF), Germany; the INTAS, European Commission funding; the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Italy; the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (MEC) under Grant FPA2006-12120-C03-02; the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) Grant No. 2593/7, PR UE/2012/2, and the National Science Centre (NCN) DEC-2013/09/N/ST2/02180, Poland; the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, National Research Center Kurchatov Institute, Russia; the Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung (SNF), Swiss; the Stefan Meyer Institut für Subatomare Physik and the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Austria; the Swedish Research Council and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Sweden; the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) under Grant No. 119F094.
Data Availability Statement

This manuscript has no associated data or the data will not be deposited. [Authors’ comment: All Data are available to members of the PANDA collaboration. The PANDA collaboration is open to researchers at scientific research institutions in the field of hadron physics and particle physics. The ability to analyse the data requires the PandaRoot simulation and analysis software package].
Dewey Decimal Classification:5 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik / 53 Physik / 530 Physik
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