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Heterogeneous contribution of microdeletions in the development of common generalised and focal epilepsies

  • Background: Microdeletions are known to confer risk to epilepsy, particularly at genomic rearrangement ‘hotspot’ loci. However, microdeletion burden not overlapping these regions or within different epilepsy subtypes has not been ascertained. Objective: To decipher the role of microdeletions outside hotspots loci and risk assessment by epilepsy subtype. Methods: We assessed the burden, frequency and genomic content of rare, large microdeletions found in a previously published cohort of 1366 patients with genetic generalised epilepsy (GGE) in addition to two sets of additional unpublished genome-wide microdeletions found in 281 patients with rolandic epilepsy (RE) and 807 patients with adult focal epilepsy (AFE), totalling 2454 cases. Microdeletions were assessed in a combined and subtype-specific approaches against 6746 controls. Results: When hotspots are considered, we detected an enrichment of microdeletions in the combined epilepsy analysis (adjusted p=1.06×10−6,OR 1.89, 95% CI 1.51 to 2.35). Epilepsy subtype-specific analyses showed that hotspot microdeletions in the GGE subgroup contribute most of the overall signal (adjusted p=9.79×10−12, OR 7.45, 95% CI 4.20–13.5). Outside hotspots , microdeletions were enriched in the GGE cohort for neurodevelopmental genes (adjusted p=9.13×10−3,OR 2.85, 95% CI 1.62–4.94). No additional signal was observed for RE and AFE. Still, gene-content analysis identified known (NRXN1, RBFOX1 and PCDH7) and novel (LOC102723362) candidate genes across epilepsy subtypes that were not deleted in controls. Conclusions: Our results show a heterogeneous effect of recurrent and non-recurrent microdeletions as part of the genetic architecture of GGE and a minor contribution in the aetiology of RE and AFE.
Author:Eduardo Pérez-PalmaORCiD, Ingo HelbigORCiDGND, Karl Martin KleinORCiD, Verneri AnttilaORCiDGND, Heiko HornORCiD, Eva Maria Reinthaler, Padhraig GormleyORCiD, Andrea GannaORCiD, Andrea Byrnes, Katharina Pernhorst, Mohammad Reza ToliatORCiD, Elmo SaarentausORCiD, Daniel P. HowriganORCiD, Per Hoffman, Juan Francisco MiquelORCiD, Giancarlo V. De FerrariORCiD, Peter NürnbergORCiD, Holger LercheORCiDGND, Fritz ZimprichORCiDGND, Bern A. Neubauer, Albert John Becker, Felix RosenowORCiDGND, Emilio PeruccaGND, Federico ZaraORCiD, Yvonne G. Weber, Dennis LalGND
Pubmed Id:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28756411
Parent Title (English):Journal of medical genetics
Document Type:Article
Year of Completion:2017
Date of first Publication:2017/08/22
Publishing Institution:Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Release Date:2018/02/27
Tag:epilepsy; hotspot loci; microdeletions; neurodevelopmental
Page Number:10
First Page:598
Last Page:606
© Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.
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Institutes:Medizin / Medizin
Dewey Decimal Classification:6 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften / 61 Medizin und Gesundheit / 610 Medizin und Gesundheit
Licence (German):License LogoCreative Commons - Namensnennung-Nicht kommerziell - Keine Bearbeitung 4.0