25.75.Dw Particle and resonance production
Year of publication
Document Type
- Article (9)
- Preprint (3)
- Doctoral Thesis (2)
- Conference Proceeding (1)
- English (15)
Has Fulltext
- yes (15)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (15)
- Dileptonen (1)
- Dirac-Gleichung (1)
- Dirac-Operator (1)
- Dirac-Vakuum (1)
- HBT interferometry (1)
- HBT puzzle (1)
- Hades (1)
- Hadron potentials (1)
- Heavy ion collisions (1)
- Paarerzeugung (1)
Mid-rapidity transverse mass spectra and multiplicity densities of charged and neutral kaons are reported for Au + Au collisions at √sNN = 130 GeV at RHIC. The spectra are exponential in transverse mass, with an inverse slope of about 280 MeV in central collisions. The multiplicity densities for these particles scale with the negative hadron pseudo-rapidity density. The charged kaon to pion ratios are K+/π− = 0.161± 0.002(stat) ± 0.024(syst) and K−/π− = 0.146± 0.002(stat) ± 0.022(syst) for the most central collisions. The K+/π− ratio is lower than the same ratio observed at the SPS while the K−/π− is higher than the SPS result. The ratios are enhanced by about 50% relative to p + p and p¯ + p collision data at similar energies.
We report the results of the femtoscopic analysis of pairs of identical pions measured in p-Pb collisions at sNN−−−√=5.02 TeV. Femtoscopic radii are determined as a function of event multiplicity and pair momentum in three spatial dimensions. As in the pp collision system, the analysis is complicated by the presence of sizable background correlation structures in addition to the femtoscopic signal. The radii increase with event multiplicity and decrease with pair transverse momentum. When taken at comparable multiplicity, the radii measured in p-Pb collisions, at high multiplicity and low pair transverse momentum, are 10-20% higher than those observed in pp collisions but below those observed in A-A collisions. The results are compared to hydrodynamic predictions at large event multiplicity as well as discussed in the context of calculations based on gluon saturation.
The nuclear stopping, the elliptic flow, and the HBT interferometry are calculated by the UrQMD transport model, in which potentials for “pre-formed” particles (string fragments) from color fluxtube fragmentation as well as for confined particles are considered. This description provides stronger pressure at the early stage and describes these observables better than the default cascade mode (where the “pre-formed” particles from string fragmentation are treated to be free-streaming). It should be stressed that the inclusion of potential interactions pushes down the calculated HBT radius RO and pulls up the RS so that the HBT time-related puzzle disappears throughout the energies from AGS, SPS, to RHIC.
Based on the microscopic transport model UrQMD in which hadronic and string degrees of freedom are employed, the HBT parameters in the longitudinal co-moving system are investigated for charged pion and kaon, and Λ sources in heavy ion collisions (HICs) at SPS and RHIC energies. In the Cascade mode, RO and the RL at high SPS and RHIC energies do not follow the mT-scaling, however, after considering a soft equation of state with momentum dependence (SM-EoS) for formed baryons and a density-dependent Skyrme-like potential for “pre-formed” particles, the HBT radii of pions and kaons and even those of Λs with large transverse momenta follow the mT-scaling function R=3/mT fairly well.
We calculate the antibaryon-to-baryon ratios, p̄/p,Λ̄/Λ,Ξ/Ξ, and Ω/Ω for Au+Au collisions at RHIC (sNN=200 GeV). The effects of strong color fields associated with an enhanced strangeness and diquark production probability and with an effective decrease of formation times are investigated. Antibaryon-to-baryon ratios increase with the color field strength. The ratios also increase with the strangeness content |S|. The netbaryon number at midrapidity considerably increases with the color field strength while the netproton number remains roughly the same. This shows that the enhanced baryon transport involves a conversion into the hyperon sector (hyperonization) which can be observed in the (Λ−Λ̄)/(p−p̄) ratio.
Production of J/ψ mesons in heavy ion collisions is considered within the statistical coalescence model. The model is in agreement with the experimental data of the NA50 Collaboration for Pb+Pb collisions at 158 AGeV in a wide centrality range, including the so-called “anomalous” suppression domain. The model description of the J/ψ data requires, however, strong enhancement of the open charm production in central Pb+Pb collisions. This model prediction may be checked in the future SPS runs.
We consider J/ψ production in heavy ion collisions at RHIC energies in the statistical coalescence model with exact (canonical ensemble) charm conservation. Charm quark–antiquark pairs are assumed to be created in primary hard parton collisions, but open and hidden charm particles are formed at the hadronization stage according to the laws of statistical mechanics. The dependence of the J/ψ production on both the number of nucleon participants and the collision energy is studied. The model predicts J/ψ suppression for low energies, whereas at the highest RHIC energy the model reveals J/ψ enhancement.
The search for a modification of hadron properties inside nuclear matter at normal and/or high temperature and density is one of the more interesting issues of modern nuclear physics. Dilepton experiments, by providing interesting results, give insight into the properties of strong interaction and the nature of hadron mass generation. One of these research tools is the HADES spectrometer. HADES is a high acceptance dilepton spectrometer installed at the heavy-ion synchrotron (SIS) at GSI, Darmstadt. The main physics motivation of HADES is the measurement of e+e- pairs in the invariant-mass range up to 1 GeV/c2 in pion- and proton-induced reactions, as well as in heavy-ion collisions. The goal is to investigate the properties of the vector mesons rho, omega and of other hadrons reconstructed from e+e- decay pairs. Dileptons are penetrating probes allowing to study the in-medium properties of hadrons. However, the measurement of such dilepton pairs is difficult because of a very large background from other processes in which leptons are created. This thesis presents the analysis of the data provided by the first physic run done with the HADES spectrometer. For the first time e+e- pairs produced in C+C collisions at an incident energy of 2 GeV per nucleon have been collected with sufficient statistics. This experiment is of particular importance since it allows to address the puzzling pair excess measured by the former DLS experiment at 1.04 AGeV. The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter presents the physics case which is addressed in the work. In the second chapter the HADES spectrometer is introduced with the characteristic of specific detectors which are part of the spectrometer. Chapter three focusses on the issue of charged-particle identification. The fourth chapter discusses the reconstruction of the di-electron spectra in C+C collisions. In this part of the thesis a comparison with theoretical models is included as well. The conclusion and final remarks are given in chapter five.
An investigation of the transition to delta matter is performed based on a relativistic mean field formulation of the nonlinear sigma and omega model. We demonstrate that in addition to the Delta-meson coupling, the occurrence of the baryon resonance isomer also depends on the nucleon-meson coupling. Our results show that for the favored phenomenological value of m* and K, the Delta isomer exists at baryon density ~ 2–3 p0 if beta=1.31 is adopted. For universal coupling of the nucleon and Delta, the Delta density at baryon density ~ 2–3 p0 and temperature ~ 0.4–0.5 fm-1 is about normal nuclear matter density, which is in accord with a recent experimental finding.
In the classical Dirac equation with strong potentials, called overcritical, a bound state reaches the negative continuum. In QED the presence of a static overcritical external electric field leads to a charged vacuum and indicates spontaneous particle creation when the overcritical field is switched on. The goal of this work is to clarify whether this effect exists, i.e. if it can be uniquely defined and proved, in time-dependent physical processes. Starting from a fundamental level of the theory we check all mathematical and interpretational steps from the algebra of fields to the very effect. In the first, theoretical part of this thesis we introduce the mathematical formulation of the classical and quantized Dirac theory with their most important results. Using this language we define rigorously the notion of spontaneous particle creation in overcritical fields. First, we give a rigorous definition of resonances as poles of the resolvent or the Green's function and show how eigenvalues become resonances under Hamiltonian perturbations. In particular, we consider essential for overcritical potentials perturbation of eigenvalues at the edge of the continuous spectrum. Next, we gather various adiabatic theorems and discuss well-posedness of the scattering in the adiabatic limit. Then, we construct Fock space representations of the field algebra, study their equivalence and give a unitary implementer of all Bogoliubov transformations induced by unitary transformations of the one-particle Hilbert space as well as by the projector (or vacuum vector) changes as long as they lead to unitarily equivalent Fock representations. We implement in Fock space self-adjoint and unitary operators from the one-particle space, discussing the charge, energy, evolution and scattering operators. Then we introduce the notion of particles and several particle interpretations for time-dependent processes with a different Fock space at every instant of time. We study how the charge, energy and number of particles change in consequence of a change of representation or in implemented evolution or scattering processes, what is especially interesting in presence of overcritical potentials. Using this language we define rigorously the notion of spontaneous particle creation. Then we look for physical processes which show the effect of vacuum decay and spontaneous particle creation exclusively due to the overcriticality of the potential. We consider several processes with static as well as suddenly switched on (and off) static overcritical potentials and conclude that they are unsatisfactory for observation of the spontaneous particle creation. Next, we consider properties of general time-dependent scattering processes with continuous switch on (and off) of an overcritical potential and show that they also fail to produce stable signatures of the particle creation due to overcriticality. Further, we study and successfully define the spontaneous particle creation in adiabatic processes, where the spontaneous antiparticle is created as a result of a resonance (wave packet) decay in the negative continuum. Unfortunately, they lead to physically questionable pair production as the adiabatic limit is approached. Finally, we consider extension of these ideas to non-adiabatic processes involving overcritical potentials and argue that they are the best candidate for showing the spontaneous pair creation in physical processes. Demanding creation of the spontaneous antiparticle in the state corresponding to the overcritical resonance rather quick than slow processes should be considered, with a possibly long frozen overcritical period. In the second part of this thesis we concentrate on a class of spherically symmetric square well potentials with a time-dependent depth. First, we solve the Dirac equation and analyze the structure and behaviour of bound states and appearance of overcriticality. Then, by analytic continuation we find and discuss the behaviour of resonances in overcritical potentials. Next, we derive and solve numerically (introducing a non-uniform continuum discretization for a consistent treatment of narrow peaks) a system of differential equations (coupled channel equations) to calculate particle and antiparticle production spectra for various time-dependent processes including sudden, quick, slow switch on and off of a sub- and overcritical potentials. We discuss in detail how and under which conditions an overcritical resonance decays during the evolution giving rise to the spontaneous production of an antiparticle. We compare the antiparticle production spectrum with the shape of the resonance in the overcritical potential. We study processes, where the overcritical potentials are switched on at different speed and are possibly frozen in the overcritical phase. We prove, in agreement with conclusions of the theoretical part, that the peak (wave packet) in the negative continuum representing a dived bound state partially follows the moving resonance and partially decays at every stage of its evolution. This continuous decay is more intensive in slow processes, while in quick processes the wave packet more precisely follows the resonance. In the adiabatic limit, the whole decay occurs already at the edge of the continuum, resulting in production of antiparticles with vanishing momentum. In contrast, in quick switch on processes with delay in the overcritical phase, the spectrum of the created antiparticles agrees best with the shape of the resonance. Finally, we address the question how much information about the time-dependent potential can be reconstructed from the scattering data, represented by the particle production spectrum. We propose a simple approximation method (master equation) basing on an exponential, decoherent decay of time-dependent resonances for prediction of particle creation spectra and obtain a good agreement with the results of full numerical calculations. Additionally, we discuss various sources of errors introduced by the numerical discretization, find estimations for them and prove convergence of the numerical schemes.